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Has Matthew Johns been treated unfairly?

Has Matthew Johns been treated unfairly?

  • Yes. It has gone way too far.

    Votes: 172 74.1%
  • No. He deserves everything he gets.

    Votes: 60 25.9%

  • Total voters


Unfairly..um maybe he should not have done it in the first place.

No Johns= more credibility for Ch9. Great decision!

I agree but who else has been sacked for this sort of act ?

It's a f**king media frenzy - more it drags on the more I feel sorry for John's


First Grade
If the incident was recent I would agree with a lot of the decisions made thus far, but it was legal and 7 year ago, and whilst adultery isn't not my cup of tea, nor is the idea of what happened with the Sharks, I think he's been a shade harshly treated.

Mr Saab

Didnt like him from the moment i heard him open his mouth....esp after the 1997 GF.
He wont be missed.

El Diablo

Post Whore

Shame on the ABC and Nine for their wrecking of Matthew Johns

13 May 2009 | 14:00 - By Jesse Fink

One man has been made a scapegoat for the wrongs of rugby league, writes The Finktank.

Matthew Johns should not have been stood down by Channel Nine. He should not have been publicly humiliated by the ABC. He should not be called to account by self-appointed guardians of the greater good like Tracy Grimshaw and Rebecca Wilson.

He should not have had his name dragged through the proverbial mud by what, for me, was one of the flimsiest stories ever to appear on Four Corners.

I don't need to recrudesce the contents of Monday night's "The Code of Silence", a story by Sarah Ferguson. The tabloids, airwaves and worldwide web are abuzz with the fallout. Everyone's having a field day while the life of a popular and good man, Johns, is on the ropes. His reputation is destroyed. His family is in newfound grief.

His career in the media and in coaching, so we were informed Wednesday afternoon, is down the toilet.

He is a human being in crisis – and for what?

The woman at the centre of the story regarding Johns has never claimed he did not gain her consent. Nor has she made a claim against Brett Firman, the other man she went with to Room 21 of the Racecourse Hotel in Christchurch in 2002. Yet they were the only two players Four Corners saw fit to name and publicly shame in its pernicious story.

Why not name the other players who entered the room?

If anyone was crossing a legal line, it was them, because we do not know what consent they were given to participate in the sexual acts that took place. For the record, it is clearly stated in the program: "Four Corners doesn't say that what took place... was sexual assault."

Johns's only failing was a moral one – and how many of us have made those?

He stayed in the room and did not leave until it was over. It presumably did not even occur to him that the woman was in distress.

From my viewing of the story and from reading the transcript, at no stage was "Clare" asked by Four Corners if she said "no" or "stop" or attempted to leave or asked Johns or Firman to stop other players entering the room.

Yet Johns, a man who made a simple, significant but private moral mistake seven years ago, is being made a very public scapegoat for the illicit/debased sex culture of a whole sport and our own society.

Obviously "Clare" has been greatly affected by what happened that night in Christchurch. That is upsetting to see and no one enjoys seeing anyone in such distress. But she is not alone. Her story is not unusual.

Group sex is often regretted by those that participate in it. Clinical depression can sometimes be the result. Mental anguish and trauma is common, as are relationship break-ups.

Many make a decision at the time that they subsequently regret. Yet typically they take personal responsibility for their actions.

Why did Four Corners not ask "Clare" if she took any responsibility for hers? And while Four Corners showed admirable sympathy for her clear distress, why then compound the distress of others?

Much was made of a comment made by a young man in a filmed sequence of a group of under-20 players at a lecture on consent. What he said was ill considered, naïve and worrying. But why choose to put his name and face on the screen so he can be humiliated for the rest of life for something he said he didn’t really think through properly? The boy is not even 20.

In my view it was malicious. Just as it was malicious to dredge up the sorry tale of Dane Tilse, another naïve young man, who never went to court for his alleged indiscretion in Bathurst in 2005 but who paid a hefty personal and professional price and is trying, so we heard from the program, to get on with his life and football in Canberra and has "never had a problem since".

(The woman involved, identified in the story as "Caroline", appears, from what was revealed in her interview with Ferguson, to have a legitimate complaint against Tilse but she had her own reasons, stated in the program, for not pursuing it with police. Who are we to definitively judge what happened? That is the business of the courts, not current affairs shows.)

And why give so much airtime, again unchallenged, to Sarah Durazza, the woman at the centre of the Anthony Watmough affair, who can come up with such a preposterous assertion that "males talking over females, and you know, doing that in public it's violence against women".

I'm sure there are a lot of females out there who would disagree with Durazza and who have no problem handling themselves with boorish yobs in pubs.

But the main target in this shoddy story all along was Matthew Johns.

Ferguson, Four Corners, the ABC, the NRL and his own employer Nine have done a fine "job" on him. If anyone needs to take a good long hard look at themselves this afternoon, it's them, not him.

They all have blood on their hands.


Staff member
I feel physically ill at some of the things said in this thread.
Agreed, it's made me change my views on some of the members here I'm quite fond of.

Disgusting pigs.
She agreed to sex to two people yes? Johns and Firman. Okay.

How then did ten other people end up in that room turkey slapping her, groping her and jerking off to the whole show?

Either Johns or Firman has dragged a fourth party in on this threesome.

If you can't see that there is something hugely intimidating and disturbing for a 19 year old teenager to be confronted with 12 grown men when she consented to two then there is something wrong with you. Yeah she made a mistake and a bad error in judgement but that mistake 'appears' to have been not to have had the guts to say 'no' when the dalliance turned into a porn movie without a camera. The balance of guilt lies on whoever invited the ten others and those ten for taking advantage of her situation without any regard for her.
Thankyou, thank f**k there are some men among the prehistoric apes.

People really need to stop talking about rape and sexual assualt...there was exactly none of that here.

Look, if and when you get your c**k out in a situation that is immoral or explotative to participants you are putting yourself at risk.

If you f**k someones wife, or you f**k around on your wife, then yes its a personal matter and certainly not illegal but you are putting yourself at the risk of that persons discretion. If she wants to ring up your wife or she tells her husband and he comes around looking to beat the piss out of you, then you really have noone to blame but yourself.

If you end up in a situation that exploits someone else, like group sex, or videod situations, or whatever, that exploit drunken or otherwise vulnerable people, then once again you are protected by their discretion going forward, and in addition you are culpable for that persons suffering afterwards.

This woman is perfectly within her rights to feel abused by these players, and perfectly within her rights to tell anyone she likes about it, news media included.

I think Johns has been treated perfectly fairly for what he did: he didnt break the law and shouldnt go to jail, but what he and the other guys did was take advantage of a drunk and stupid girl and emotionally damaged her for life. Shes certainly not the victim of a crime, but shes still definitely a victim.

If he loses his career and marriage for that, then so be it, those are the potential consequences for doing what he did.

Its just a pity he is dragging the code down with him.
Again thank god logic prevails once again.
Unfairly..um maybe he should not have done it in the first place.

No Johns= more credibility for Ch9. Great decision!
I don't agree much with your posts, but at least you have the brain capacity to understand this.

For most in this thread, once again blaming everything and everyone else except the individual that is actually the only one to blame here.
F**king disgusting, makes me less interested to visit this forum knowing the opinion of some of you 'people'.

Mr Saab

too many males on here who portray the women as the dirty ones.....so many males on here who live in a time warp

Ray Mosters

Sorry, thats bullsh*t. You cant blame the media for accurately portraying what he did, and showing the consequences.

Seems to me that Johns wrecked his own reputation, career and marriage when he and some mates gang-f**ked a drunk and niave 19 year old girl, emotionally scarring her for life.

Whats happeneing always had the potential to happen after he CHOSE to get his c**k out that night. You cant blame the ABC or 9, or the girl.
Sorry, thats bullsh*t. You cant blame the media for accurately portraying what he did, and showing the consequences.

Seems to me that Johns wrecked his own reputation, career and marriage when he and some mates gang-f**ked a drunk and niave 19 year old girl, emotionally scarring her for life.

Whats happeneing always had the potential to happen after he CHOSE to get his c**k out that night. You cant blame the media or the girl.

Spot on!

If Johns wants to look for someone to blame for his troubles I suggest he look closely at:

1. himself

2. Brett Stewart ... seeing as his troubles are undoubtedly what opened the door for 4 Corners to do the story

somewhere way down the list - the media, for going overboard with the reporting. The woman's story was plenty enough to paint the players in an extremely tawdry, sordid light.


To all of you wondering why Matt Johns has been stood down despite not doing anything illegal, going up to your boss and telling him to Get @#$%ed isnt illegal but it will probably get you sacked. Having sex with the bosses daughter is also not against the law but it too will get you sacked.
Please review your flawed logic.

And to those of you who seemed pissed off that the AFL has not been mentioned for possible similar incidents, do you think a similar case in AFL will be make Rugby League look better? Are you serious. Get over yourselves!


Staff member
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Joker's Wild

Why is Shane Warne contracted with channel 9 after numerous sexual escapades even one inluding blow up dolls??

Correct me if Im wrong but I dont remember Warnie being involved in anything as vulgar as this nor do I recall any of the other parties being as obviously mentaly scared as the young lady involved.

They are not even in the same league mate. The only injustice here is that Matt is copping the blame all on his own, his "team mates" should be up there burning with him.
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I think after reading a few peoples opinions, there is about 5 different conversations going on in these threads.

1. Johns haters bagging him personally disgusted quiet rightly in his actions.

2. Sexual defenders pleading about the rights of the woman and rightly trying to explain the injustices

3. League lovers defending the sport and rightly making the comparison between the double standards of the media

4. Open observers making there own judgments and rightly expecting to hear all the details involved in the incident.

5. F**king lunatics trying to stir trouble and bait anyone foolish enough to try and make sense out of there dribble.


First Grade
Why Johns?

We know he wasnt the rapist, she even said him and Firman (lol) were consensual.

Johns was targetted because he has the highest profile. The story wouldnt have had anywhere near as much hitting power if they had fingered Treister, Nutley, Rieck, Mellor, Franze, and Sullivan (for example) as the culprits.

FYI here is the team that played in the trial game in Christchurch.

Team: David Peachey (c), Colin Best, Chris McKenna, Paul Mellor, Matthew Reick, Matthew Johns, Preston Campbell, Danny Nutley, Dean Treister, Andrew Pierce, Paul Gallen, Karl Lovell, Nick Graham

Reserves: Brett Kimmorley, Sam Isemonger, Dean Bosnich, Nick Paterson, David Tangata-Toa, Pat Gibson, Michael Sullivan, Paul Franze.


To me the issue isn't really whether it's "fair" or not.

Channel 9, the league etc had no choice, as Johns' position as a public face in a game trying to appeal to a broad market became untenable the minute the details of his involvement the Christchurch incindent came out on Monday night.

It's a business decision, not a moral one. And it was the right business decision for the league and its partners to make, as Johns himself has seemed to accept.

Ice Ice Brady

As if the Media would report it if an incident like this occured in the AFL, it would'nt see the light of day. :roll:

I don't think that is true.

The AFL obviously does have a better PR department, but some of the bigger names have had their name dragged through the mud due to similar incidents.

Wayne Carey has an amazing career ruined by his inability keep his penis in his pants and Ben Cousins has become the butt of many jokes in Australian culture.


Staff member
I think after reading a few peoples opinions, there is about 5 different conversations going on in these threads.

1. Johns haters bagging him personally disgusted quiet rightly in his actions.

2. Sexual defenders pleading about the rights of the woman and rightly trying to explain the injustices

3. League lovers defending the sport and rightly making the comparison between the double standards of the media

4. Open observers making there own judgments and rightly expecting to hear all the details involved in the incident.

5. F**king lunatics trying to stir trouble and bait anyone foolish enough to try and make sense out of there dribble.
Well said :clap:


First Grade
To all of you wondering why Matt Johns has been stood down despite not doing anything illegal, going up to your boss and telling him to Get @#$%ed isnt illegal but it will probably get you sacked. Having sex with the bosses daughter is also not against the law but it too will get you sacked.
Please review your flawed logic.

Except these incidents occurred long before he was employed with either Channel 9 or the Storm.