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Here we go.......again.


Ok then, we now have to go to ANY available evidence, to get to the story behind this poo fight.

This is the paragraph from the Crime Commission's report on elite athletes.

Elite Athletes​

Widespread use of peptides has been identified, or is suspected by the ACC, in a number
of professional sporting codes in Australia. Although the use of peptides appears to be
more widespread in some major codes, individuals from a number of other sports are also
suspected of using peptides.
Multiple players (in one code) from a number of clubs are suspected of currently using or
having previously used peptides, which could constitute an anti-doping rule violation.​

Some players have also been identified as sourcing peptides for personal use. An instance
of team-based doping, orchestrated by some club officials and coaching staff, has also been
Apart from the peptide’s anabolic effects, it has been found that injured elite athletes,
particularly players from one sporting code, have been using peptides to assist in
rehabilitating soft tissue injuries.
While the level of suspected use of peptides varies between sporting codes, officials
from one club have been identified as administering, via injections and intravenous drips,
a variety of substances, possibly including peptides. Moreover, the substances were
administered at levels which were possibly in breach of WADA anti-doping rules. This
activity was orchestrated by some club officials and the club’s high performance unit.
While intelligence confirms the use of peptides in major sporting codes, it further suggests​
that individuals in a range of other codes may also be using peptides.

I see the word POSSIBLY and SUSPECTED used repeatedly. Those are pretty stupid words to print in an official report of this magnitude.

ASADA want to remove some of the 'possiblys' and 'suspected's' from this report. It makes them look like a bit of a joke, the ACC.


Ronnie Dobbs

Hard to argue with a lot of points in here.

I'm not sure on the theories surrounding the NRL taking over, but I can see your point of view. Definitely.

Anyway, its the most critical time in Cronullas history.

And thats saying something.


Is this the end of the Sharks?

The crisis engulfing Cronulla has deepened after coach Shane Flanagan was stood down and four senior staff members were sacked in a dramatic day at the Sharks.
Cronulla are facing the prospect of collapsing altogether with some players considering taking legal action against the embattled club if they are rubbed out for inadvertently taking performance-enhancing supplements.
Football manager Darren Mooney, head trainer Mark Noakes, physiotherapist Konrad Schultz and club doctor David Givney have been sacked. Former Northern Eagles coach Peter Sharp will guide the team into Sunday's home stoush with the Gold Coast.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/rugby-league/...-the-sharks-20130308-2fr5p.html#ixzz2MzQXUOmp

Vin Fizz

I'm a distance geographically from the scene but I now know some things I didn't know yesterday. I'm being deliberately vague but I need to. We are not alone (far from it in fact) and everyone at the top management of the game is deadest interested in getting the team, the club and fans through this. Help being mustered as I write. There appear to be major issues of concern regarding club Dr's (non club specific but nothing good is the word I heard.) At the time in question those at the coal face regardless of club are/were expected to know what the f**k is occurring. Whilst it is dark times for us it seems like there are bigger fish to fry.

Im shattered like the rest of us but It has been described to me as the best course to take rather than a desperate knee jerk reaction that it appears to be.
The key for me is the players now. I am desperately hoping that they all buy into the new sharks as i'm calling them particularly the new signings. If that happens ill sleep far more soundly tonight. I suspect we will flog GC tomorrow.


Vin, it's good to hear. Aside from my odd post deriding that nob Weidler, I've not commented on anything.

I have to believe that NRL were deeply involved in this and agreed or encouraged the club to head down this path.

The rest is conjecture and innuendo. Really, most of the 70 pages of posts on this thread is utter shite. Nothing different to the low life merkins ( not you Danny, you're a fgn tool) writing garbage about a sport they nothing of on a topic they have no understanding. Everyone notice the sneaky headline editorial changes the papers are making to suck in page views from desperate fans with no change to the story?

For fgs sake, ABC24 had rolling live coverage before and after the press conference for about 90 mins. Whilst on the one hand I'm grateful to see Rugby League get some exposure on the ABC, I was convinced that none of the 5 or journo's they crossed to or spoke with had the faintest idea of what was happening. The chick at the club wouldn't have known a player if she ran into them.

I'll wait until things play out and hope that choices and decisions we've made now, whilst they may seem ill advised, prove to be right ones as more info becomes available.

Until then, my Sharks supporting family and friends will be, as always, hoping that this year is better then the last!

Some peeps could do with a peace pipe.

I expect we jack hammer the titans tomorrow night.


Ignoring the Sharks for a moment, and remembering that everyone involved has denied any wrongdoing, the NRL is surely considering drastic action - if having Danks on board for 4 weeks can 'taint' all players at the Sharks at the time, how many first grade players, scattered around the NRL now, are under a cloud from his 4 years at Manly alone and whilst Manly have more money than us, could they afford to pay the wages etc for 4 years worth of players/ex players if they were suspended - how many clubs would the NRL be prepared to see go under?

If WADA/ASADA insist on their ability to backdate the banning of substances, then their system lacks procedural fairness and workability, however the NRL can sidestep this by simply withdrawing from their regime, contract a lab to conduct testing for the NRL and if they are smart, stop blacklisting certain substances - simply whitelist substances (ie clear certain substances for use and ban all others), whilst allowing applications to add substances to the whitelist.


We need to speed up "the process" regardless of all the dirt.

Get all of it out and set to move on. Sick of being the lead story as front page of every news bulletin and paper.

Whatever needs to be done to finalize the issues and the punishments get it done.

Over it completely.


Dont be angry at a new thread millers... there was 20 yesterday all irrelevant

so with due respect - go f**k yourself

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