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Here we go.......again.

2012....Sharks Year

First Grade
The witch hunt continues......Just curious how Elkin is continuing to ply his trade at parra when he was obviously pushing the boundaries at the Sharks. Nothing new in the article....next!


The more I dont hear anything the more I believe that this has been played out to its maximum.

We shoot ourselves in the foot, every f**king time.


Did anyone see whats her face Jacqueline Magnay (is it ???) on the Insiders this morning on ABC News24 with compare Barry Cassidie.

At one point she barked on about (well they both did and some of the other panel ) it was about an article she did on Manly and Dank some five years ago. She was questioning Dank at the time about his player treatments, Dessie got a mention along the Manly management.

The show displayed the newspaper article from the time.

Anyhow ... my point.... this stuff has been out there for five years at least. Essendon has blown up now with players admitting to being injected at least 40times during the season.

Why did they start with us. Is it just the Sharks Thang.


Why did they start with us. Is it just the Sharks Thang.
What a load of pharking bullshyte. The entire "investigation" & I use the term losley, like their eveidence, is to cause as many healdlines as possible. The Sharks are just collateral damage in the Labore war on re-election.

I am an admitted drug cheat.
I played semi-professional sport under the influence of Cortisione Steroids & canibis from the time I was 6.
My first Cortisone injection was U7's during theTommy Bishop Sheild 1972.
My first positive drugs test to cocaine, Pot & Speed, or any combination of the aforementioned , never happened.
ive been on the juice for years



THE drawn-out ASADA investigation threatens to drag on even further for the Cronulla Sharks.
As their weary players attempt to put the drugs scandal behind them when they tonight meet South Sydney at ANZ Stadium, it is understood the anti-doping authority will not start interviewing the 14 Sharks players implicated in the investigation until next week - not this week as previously hoped.
The federal government last week threw an additional 10 investigators at the ASADA doping inquiry, but warned the NRL it must ensure clubs such as Cronulla fully co-operate if they want the matter quickly resolved.
The Sharks harnessed the emotion of the club's troubled start to the season last week for a 12-10 win against the Gold Coast.
But in the Rabbitohs, they face genuine premiership contenders.

"As the week goes on, we are getting better, that's encouraging" interim Sharks coach Peter Sharp said.
"It's been a very difficult time. This has been our first full week together (since Shane Flanagan was stood down) and a chance for it all to sink in. There was a bit of emotion last week, a bit of toughness and some mental grit. We have a tough football side. The players have been really good. They are seasoned pros. There is a cloud hanging over them but, as I said, they are tough. And they are a good football side. Ability always stands you in good stead."
Sharp is certain his side will be prepared - physically and mentally.
"The crowd helped last week - it was an emotional night," he said.
Sharks prop Ben Ross insists the doping crisis has galvanised the club.
"We were a tight-knit group before but when mates need mates ... we have all come together," Ross said.
"We are a really tight-knit group at the moment. Everybody has been really upbeat, we were pretty excited to get away with the win last week.
"We have all freshened up and we are really excited about the task at hand against Souths."
Sharks hooker Issac De Gois is in doubt with a hamstring injury. He will be assessed this morning.
If ruled out, Sharp is expected to shift halfback Jeff Robson to dummy half and elevate Jason Bukuya.
The Rabbitohs will be without suspended forward Sam Burgess. Halfback Adam Reynolds was a stand-out against the Roosters, as was fullback Greg Inglis.
Meanwhile, a left-field candidate has emerged for next month's Sharks board elections with Brisbane lawyer Chris Raleigh expected to nominate today.
"If a hotel concierge can become the chairman of the club, I'm confident I have more than adequate qualifications to be able to contribute positively as a board member," Raleigh said in a swipe at former chairman Damian Irvine.
"I love the Shire, you don't have to live there to know it is God's country.
"If the current head of the NRL, David Smith, had little previous knowledge of the game of rugby league before being appointed to his position then the fact I am not an ex-player shouldn't work against me.
"Cronulla Sharks have a national fan base and I will represent and promote that further. I love the Sharks and they are my team. I just want the boys to play footy without having any other worries."


Turning Judas on teammates only way to mitigate bans

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/rugby-league/...tigate-bans-20130317-2g9bx.html#ixzz2Nq4YlUpL

NRL and AFL players guilty of doping infractions have almost no chance of escaping without sanction, and will be required to inform on a teammate or a member of a club's football department to receive a reduced penalty.
In an exclusive interview with Fairfax Media, Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority chief executive Aurora Andruska also exploded some of the myths around the drugs crisis involving NRL and AFL clubs. There are three defences against a doping charge: "A doctor stuck a needle in me while I was having an operation", "I was assured the product I was taking was not on the banned list" and the "substantial assistance" option.
"The only time a zero sanction has been given was when the athlete has been unconscious during surgery by a doctor," Andruska said. "That is a very high bar.
"To get a zero sanction on the second defence, the bar is also very high. In my period at ASADA, I am yet to see that defence sustained."
This defence would require the athlete proving he had asked multiple questions of doctors, trainers and the ASADA hotline before taking the substance. Media reports cite it as a potential get out of jail card but, given the regular injections taken by the NRL and AFL players who have relied on the word of a sports scientist, it seems an impossible defence.
Andruska said the "substantial assistance" option, which can reduce a penalty by 75 per cent, cutting a two-year ban to six months, must result in a doping violation against someone else. "It's not a case of the athlete saying, 'Yes, I did the wrong thing'," Andruska said. "He has to give information on others that means other charges coming to light."
Asked if this meant, say, a winger volunteering, "I took a peptide and so did my centre teammate," Andruska gave a firm "Yes".
Up to 150 players have been reported as involved but it's probably closer to 40 NRL players, together with football staff members, embroiled in the investigation. Andruska implied ASADA's recommendations to the NRL Doping Panel on sanctions could vary.
"There are a vast range of individuals caught up in this. There are young, indigenous players with literacy problems, " she said in reference to the confronting scientific language of the ASADA banned list.
"There are also the old campaigners who have had [doping] education, education, education. This is not a case of one size fits all."
Andruska also dismissed media reports that the drugs allegedly taken by Sharks players were not on the banned list. "The substances were prohibited in 2011," she said in reference to the period sports scientist Stephen Dank allegedly injected players with peptides.
There appears to be confusion between a drug for which there is no known test and its inclusion on the banned list. Growth hormone- releasing peptides were banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency in 2004 but one, GHRP-6, was not detectable by tests in 2011 when it was allegedly used by Sharks players.
Even now, Andruska said, "It can only be detectable within an hour of use. It can be applied in cream form as well. We froze urine samples but without a test available, it was up to our intelligence to gather the information."
One-third of sanctions now come from investigation, rather than testing. "Testing will pick up the dopey doper who takes cannabis or steroids but some of the things people were using had not been tested for human use," Andruska said, a reference to the equine substance mentioned in the Australian Crime Commission report. "Not even tested on humans!
"By working with the ACC, we got ahead of the curve", she said in reference to the lag between the chemists and the testers.
Andruska revealed ASADA began gathering information 18 months ago, and shared it with the ACC a year ago.
"The ACC became interested in crime's links with sport, and we shared information, which was a very fruitful exercise," she said.
Intelligence comes from a variety of sources, including tips by former coaches and teammates.
"The disgruntled girlfriend rings in, or we overhear a conversation that this particular peptide is OK, even Google searches were a very revealing link to motorcycle gangs," Andruska said. "We had solid, robust information. It would have taken us years without the powers of the ACC. They get information out of people quickly.
"We can only use this information as a pointer but these pointers matched up with our own sourced information. I think we really helped them."
ASADA still require the co-operation of the NRL and AFL to conclude the investigation.
Contrary to reports claiming ASADA will rely on a bill before parliament to trap more NRL and AFL players, the existing players' contracts and the codes' agreement with ASADA make co-operation mandatory. "We have been able to secure evidence from the clubs, and we are working with the NRL extremely well," Andruska said.
Furthermore, the additional investigators required should not imply more digging is needed. Asked whether, in ASADA's terms, investigator equalled interviewer, Andruska said, "Yes."
"We have been given additional resources, plus we have an additional 10 investigators on standby the minute we need them."
ASADA's investigation could be resolved more quickly than first feared. "There is nothing in the way of resources slowing down the investigation," Andruska said. "It is proceeding as timely as possible. I have everything I need."

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/rugby-league/...tigate-bans-20130317-2g9bx.html#ixzz2Nq4RNljj


Even now, Andruska said, "It can only be detectable within an hour of use. It can be applied in cream form as well. We froze urine samples but without a test available, it was up to our intelligence to gather the information.

They have nothing, I've said it all along. Lets get these cuties out of our game.


They have nothing, I've said it all along. Lets get these cuties out of our game.

Looking that way. Biggest impact on our club could be the drain mentally on all involved including us fans. We may be able to compete on the field for a few games but eventually it will take a toll. Maybe in games where we go behind early.
I've read a lot and spoken to an acquaintance or two.

I think they have very little actual evidence but are solely relying on players / people to provide some further intell which will be deemed as evidence.

We will come out of this better than some other clubs. Manly will fair far worse than us and I think there may be an individual or two who will have some real problems. I also don't believe that only the six nominated clubs will be looked at and this may present some problems for these other clubs.

Phone taps are notorious for producing intell relating to other matters.

Regardless of what the Government and ASADA are saying, this is a long long way from being over.


I've read a lot and spoken to an acquaintance or two.

I think they have very little actual evidence but are solely relying on players / people to provide some further intell which will be deemed as evidence.

We will come out of this better than some other clubs. Manly will fair far worse than us and I think there may be an individual or two who will have some real problems. I also don't believe that only the six nominated clubs will be looked at and this may present some problems for these other clubs.

Phone taps are notorious for producing intell relating to other matters.

Regardless of what the Government and ASADA are saying, this is a long long way from being over.

Many good points. Trouble is , with their press conference being so damned confident, ASADA will have to find some fall guys. Until they move on , that looks like us. The best move ASADA made was going for us first. At the start , Essendon looked more guilty than anyone but used us to hide behind. Trouble is , everyone's sources tell a different story. I have a few sources and they contradict each other. Some have us in big trouble, another has us virtually in the clear. I think your point about the 6 nominated clubs is valid. That much player movement since 2011.


When investigators finally interview our players, let assume some questioning is as follows: -

Question 1 : Were you injected with CJ-1295 in 2011?
Player: Not to my knowledge .

Question 2: We have been told by Trent Elkin that all players in these two games were injected with CJ-1295 24 hours prior to the games?
Player: - I dont know what we were injected with but when we asked questions, Trent Elkin advised us that we were doing nothing illegal and that that the injections were safe supplements.

Based on this quote from the head of ASADA, that wont help the players - "This defence would require the athlete proving he had asked multiple questions of doctors, trainers and the ASADA hotline before taking the substance"

What if every player in the squad answered the second question differently and all of them said - I was never injected with anything at the club by Trent Elkin, nor did I receive injections 24 hours prior to the two games you mention I did receive injections of a pain killing nature while at the club but these were only ever administered by Doctor Givney.

Lets assume that ASADA say that there is proof that Trent Elkin bought the peptide in question on behalf of the club, does ASADA say that all 25 players are liars. Does Trent Elkins word mean more than the players because he is saying what ASADA need to hear?

I know that is very hypothetical and possibly clutching at straws......


When investigators finally interview our players, let assume some questioning is as follows: -

Question 1 : Were you injected with CJ-1295 in 2011?
Player: Not to my knowledge .

Question 2: We have been told by Trent Elkin that all players in these two games were injected with CJ-1295 24 hours prior to the games?
Player: - I dont know what we were injected with but when we asked questions, Trent Elkin advised us that we were doing nothing illegal and that that the injections were safe supplements.


I would suggest that a decent lawyer would answer Question 2 with "let me get this straight, my client has not, to the best of his knowledge, been injected with anything illegal, he actually asked your witness if the products were legal and was told they were. Now, your witness, who is utterly reliant on telling you what you want to hear to continue with his career, is, without any evidence to back him up, telling you that he was party to injecting players with illegal substances and you have not charged him with being an accessory to assault?"


On one hand these men come into a football system, given a lot of money / have to learn to handle media/ now if a doctor says i am going to give you this--- They have to question him, and ask question they may not even know themselves.

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