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Here we go.......again.


First Grade
MA, spot on. Sharks being set up as scapegoats on this. As I've said previously we may well be going down for this. But I'll be there at games until the last f**king one. All I ask is that if the club goes down it goes down kicking and screaming because this is bullshit.


It wont send the club down Eion.

We wil be fine, but some individual players may be gone regardless of ban length.

Dig in i say.


First Grade
Yeah probably a bit over the top aus haha. Guess it takes wristslitter to know a wristslitter!


Cos you could do better in 41c.

Now... you came here to debate...

Tell me why the unnamed players should accept a 6 month ban? Put yourself in their shoes and answer like they would not in a way a rival fan would.
I think that 6 months is cheap at half the price. Cronulla is just first cab off the rank. Cop it sweet. If general if they go in numbers then they won't be tarnished. It is the super high profile players (you know who I am referring to) that will have their careers ruined.

While you are at it, explain to me why there has been no official naming of players, not even to the club?
This is called a conflict of interest. By way of example, if your most important player was to be busted it may be seriously detrimental to your club and they may move to cover up their actions. The clubs may also be involved.

Why have the NRL and players association distanced themselves from the issue?
They represent the interests of all players. This includes wrong doers.

Why did all of this happen the same week JG stayed in a shoddy hotel in Rooty HIll and on the eve of the nrl kickoff?
There is no possible explanation for anyone going to rooty hill.

WHy are Manly not being targetted when Dank spent 4 years there?
Manly didn't need to cheat to be successful. Cronulla didn't have the cattle.

Genuine league fans of all clubs can see this is a dead set farce, except you.
Emotional garbage.



The link above essentially says that the type of supplement in question is treated ambiguously by WADA.*

While it was not specifically "banned" at the time it MAY be treated as such under a "catch all" clause. Some substances with similar properties (even containing thymosin!) may be injected directly to your heart's (or knee's) content but are AOK according to WADA. Go figure.*

Determination of illegality is also "subject to the form used" - was it oral, intramuscular or intravenous?

This stinks and the legal fraternity will love it.

And now an exercise for us aggrieved Sharks supporters:-

Compare the treatment of the Sharks to the Essendon experience.*

Two footy clubs, identical allegations, same potential villain but the practice seems to have been pervasive, long lasting and accepted at Essendon whereas it was a short lived phenomenon at Cronulla, who stopped it pretty quickly.

Did ASADA meet with the Shark's players and officials to brief them on their rights and tell them about the "get out" clause??*(which allows athletes to escape punishment under "exceptional circumstances" if it can be proved they were given illegal substances against their consent).

ASADA did this with Essendon on February 20th, days*before they started any interviews. Yes. ASADA. Before*any player interviews. Lots of time to lawyer up, close ranks and get the story straight.

Did Essendon call them and ASADA was absolutely delighted to come and help out the club they were about to investigate, or did ASADA independently think it was a great idea to pop in to Windy Hill one day for a quiet chat with the boys? Not sure which scenario is less palatable, but you just know the imposing presence of Demetriou is hovering somewhere in the background.

And definitely no 48 hour ultimatum to the players to fess up. No way, no chance and no hope in hell of THAT working with a Melbourne AFL club. ASADA people would have been quietly informed they would never work again anywhere in the world in this lifetime and the next if they tried that stunt.

Essendon expects any ASADA investigation to run for a minimum of three months (how do they know that?) and have commissioned an "independent" inquiry all by their good selves. Bully for them. Bully for their connections and bully for the AFL's political clout and influence.

I seem to remember the AFL's hastily convened drugs conference being held a week or so just before the big announcement. Curious timing, that.

We have been shafted.

This stinks.

Great link MA, and you have to e-mail that post to all and sundry in the media because it's an absolute bell ringer. (Even Hadley who seems to be on the players side in this one)

Lets get the vibe man in The Castle onto it!



According to this story, sharks have offered automatic one year contract expansions as part of an incentive package to voluntarily stand down for 6 months!!!
Full pay while suspended.
Automatic remuneration of rep payments or bonuses.
And..... A waiving of all rights to sue the club and its board....

Fmd this story cannot be right can it?? 14 players.
This story is so far out of left field. It must have started somewhere but. It's too way out there to be completely made up.
Puts a whole new spin on the story for me.. Still don't know what's real but this piece seems more balanced & informative with reference to facts.

I note specifically this paragraph:
In the absence of conclusive evidence such as positive tests, the players and their agents are unlikely to agree unless the best possible deal is tabled.

No conclusive evidence. No positive tests.
Case dismissed.
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So let me get this straight. The clubs and players not allowed to talk to anyone right and the clubs (sharks) are not talking to the media right??? So how is it these stories about players being recommended to take six months ban and now this one. If the club ain't talking then all these stories are just bullshit made up from a whisper here and a grin there.


WTF?? Thats just not right, I can't get my head around it.

These merkins desperate for an admission of guilt??

Stand your ground boys.


If that story is true about the so called 'deals offered' then we're f**ked =(


IM seeing it the other way now. If they had something solid there is no need for a deal. The deal should be requested from the player not from asada.

So you kill someone, the cops dont deal with you to admit it if they have you on camera doing it. They throw the chair at you.

Its the guilty who try and do a deal.

Special K

The club would be shitting itself about legal action. It could be the bullet that kills us if a bunch of the guys lawyer up against us.


I think that 6 months is cheap at half the price. Cronulla is just first cab off the rank. Cop it sweet. If general if they go in numbers then they won't be tarnished. It is the super high profile players (you know who I am referring to) that will have their careers ruined.

This is called a conflict of interest. By way of example, if your most important player was to be busted it may be seriously detrimental to your club and they may move to cover up their actions. The clubs may also be involved.

They represent the interests of all players. This includes wrong doers.

There is no possible explanation for anyone going to rooty hill.

Manly didn't need to cheat to be successful. Cronulla didn't have the cattle.

Emotional garbage.

Not one of my questions was actually answered.

If you want to debate CT how about doing your bit.


First Grade
The club would be shitting itself about legal action. It could be the bullet that kills us if a bunch of the guys lawyer up against us.

This is more what I was referring to.. Obviously the club knows something or they wouldn't be even thinking about these types of deals.

Special K

This is more what I was referring to.. Obviously the club knows something or they wouldn't be even thinking about these types of deals.
Maybe or maybe not hence the fear of being sued.

Could be either or flanno may think he can still make the finals and bring the guys back in R26 :lol:


This is more what I was referring to.. Obviously the club knows something or they wouldn't be even thinking about these types of deals.

no-one from the club has talked to the media, so how do they come up with a story offering deals with full pay?

the papers are trying to drag this story out as long as they can. i just hope the club and the players dont fall for the bullying tactics being shown right now.

if ASADA had some hard and convicting evidence, they wouldnt be coming out and asking people to come forward AGAIN. they asked for players to come forward when it first came out, no-one did, so they are clutching at straws.

Vin Fizz

With all the bullsheet flying around in the media etc. not one mention of stripping points (happy to be corrected). So CT why are you the only one that seems to be flogging this horse?

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