Gold Coast to Brisbane - 1hr 13 minutes.
Sydney to Brisbane - 1hr 30 minutes.
Still a massive 17 minute saving :lol:
It's like Sam Burgess joining the Dogs because he is homesick for Yorkshire!!!!!!!
Loudstrat said:Reminds me of Fourex's effort in Broncomums's epic finals thread last year, when we discovered that the Gold Coast was in NSW, and Fourex and Big Pete got upset because the NQ fans were bagging Brisbane as well!
I don't want to generalise, but the reality is that a lot of QLDers do live quite basic lifestyles. They have simple priorities and as such, quite a lot do not have education as a priority. This can lead to things such as not traveling much and not having a great perspective on the world at large
As such, change can appear as a scary concept for these people. They don't know how to deal with it so they revert back to what is familiar. This is why I think you see the highe proportion of sooky la las when you head north of the border. They just don't know or have an appetite for embracing change (obviously, as a generalisation)
If you say so, liar.
In situations where a player heads home for family reasons it is often because his wife with young kids wants to be closer to family.
Of course as Queenslanders the player's parents and his wife's parents are often the same.![]()
Titties in pubs - bikinis all year round - the rest of us access internet porn you 6 fingered muppet!
My godfathers son was shot at the GC about 5 years ago was a drive by shooting caused by road rage the shooter was never found....... Random violence happens everywhere.
I doubt the OP of this thread is an adult, I pick him for being around 15 or 16 after reading a few of his/her posts.It's quite funny that most of them are grown men now, and yet still resort to the same tactics. Actually, it would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.
Good points i read that in QLD they have the most people who have not even completed school certificate level schooling- They to me are not the smartest people in the world and football it seems is what they excel at and all should know that you dont have to have much of an IQ to play it
Obviously you can't defend yourself so you've resorted to childish barbs.
Typical strat.
What am I defending myself against again you sook? My pants being on fire?If you say so, liar.
Yes I admit it. Sydney has pubs...............](*,)so you admit it loudturd.......Sydney pubs
yes tonearm .....PUBS
Im sure somewhere in Sydney there are establishments where 40 year old virgins like yourself can get a light beer served by a barmaid with exposed tits - giving you a months worth of masturbating material. Obviously the Toonie doesnt have such a "service", but its a bit sad to generalise and say ALL Sydney pubs are the same. Maybe is that no barmaid can get paid enough to bare their breasts with a drooling inbred dunny cleaner leering over the bar. But if you like pubs that dont attract female clientele, but instead attract pissed men with a boner, I would suggest Sydney can cater for you as well - at Oxford Street. Sydney is big enough to cater for all. Brisbane is only big enough to cater for homesick morons.don't have this light hearted rubbing of shoulders with HAWT babes serving drinks and selling raffle tickets while you have a couple of after work beers with your mates?
How sad ......Sydney is.
I agree. Australia is a great place with great people wherever you go pretty much. I wish these idiots from Brisbane would realise that. I still shake my head at the attitude that says Gold Coast aint Queensland by some of them!Come on Some11, they need some way to vent their frustation and jealousy.
It's like those dumb bullies at school, who find strenght in numbers to try and pick on the kids that constantly outsmart, outwit and beat them...
It's quite funny that most of them are grown men now, and yet still resort to the same tactics. Actually, it would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.