That's fascinating.
It reminds me of a series on National Geographic currently running called "Brain Games". They explore the human brain and mind, and examine things such as our perceptions of ourselves and others, how we determine beauty, how we remember, etc.
One part was about humanity's innate desire to want to be different from everyone else - they demonstrated how similar we all are by gathering test subjects and writing up a psychic report about their lives and interviewing them individually , and asking them to rate the reports for accuracy out of 100. All subjects rated the reports at at least a 90% mark, despite the obvious use of vague language and generic phrasing. The people all thought the reports described them to a fault.
The kicker was they were all gathered together at the end and asked to read out their favourite passages of their report, and it turns out that the reports were all identical. The host explained then how, even though we are all told we are unique and special, we are all very, very similar, and it explains why psychics and mediums are so abundant. It also explains why criminal profilers and police are so good at their work.
It was very, very insightful.
It ties in with the religious debate in the sense that they all believe to be the one true, accurate, unique faith, but perhaps the truth lies somewhere in between...