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How many weeks for GI???

kurt faulk


that dirty, filthy merkin is lucky he only got 4 weeks.

go buy a lottery ticket you woman beating merkin.



He did fall his legs were bending down despite his upper body being upright. It doesn't take much to change the point of impact, especially when twisting. The point is, Inglis did not line up a high shot, it happened because of other circumstances

He didn't leave the ground, his foot is firmly planted on the ground when he hits. Young is also being pulled down and to the left by Farrell while he turns into the tackle changing the point of impact. Nowhere near the Teo tackle which was head on

You sir are one seriously deluded individual.


Also good to see Maguire blaming Price for the grading. He seems to be as much of a farktard as the rest of that club.

Here's a hint dick-head. Steve Price didn't knock Dean young unconscious.



One is a shoulder to the head of an upright player where the forearm comes through onto the head as well, the other is a straight forearm to the head of a player lower down as his knees are bent. In the first case, the defender also jumps up off the ground to make contact.

Prior was rightfully sent off for his mistimed, malicious and terrible tackle.

The same should have happened to Inglis.

As far as the suspension goes, you weigh the two up against each other .. and there were parts of Prior's tackle that were worse than Inglis', but also parts of Inglis' tackle that were worse than Prior's (such as jumping into the air to hit dangerously and with intent after he had at least 3 seconds to decide how he would tackle the player coming towards him).

As such, I would say a roughly equivalent suspension is the right outcome .. however, I think Prior should have copped 10+ like Travis Burns, which is why I think Inglis also should have copped 10+. Given Prior only got 5, Inglis was never going to get more than that as it is an equivalent tackle on balance.


How is GIs tackle almost twice as bad as the next most severely punished shoulder charge when every other shoulder charge gone wrong got between 1 and 3 weeks? Explain the inconsistency.

Compare GI and every other shoulder charge incident.

Compare Burns' chicken wing suspension with how Cam Smith was treated.

The judiciary makes it up as they go along.

And anyone who compares GI with Prior is high. GI's was a shoulder charge gone wrong. Priors was a wild deliberate swing of the elbow, not even close to the same thing.
How is GIs tackle almost twice as bad as the next most severely punished shoulder charge when every other shoulder charge gone wrong got between 1 and 3 weeks? Explain the inconsistency.

Compare GI and every other shoulder charge incident.

Compare Burns' chicken wing suspension with how Cam Smith was treated.

The judiciary makes it up as they go along.

And anyone who compares GI with Prior is high. GI's was a shoulder charge gone wrong. Priors was a wild deliberate swing of the elbow, not even close to the same thing.

You tell em BM. Get mad, get angry. Scream it's not fair and your not gonna take it anymore.

Go US postal on their arses


First Grade
How is GIs tackle almost twice as bad as the next most severely punished shoulder charge when every other shoulder charge gone wrong got between 1 and 3 weeks? Explain the inconsistency.

Compare GI and every other shoulder charge incident.

Compare Burns' chicken wing suspension with how Cam Smith was treated.

The judiciary makes it up as they go along.

And anyone who compares GI with Prior is high. GI's was a shoulder charge gone wrong. Priors was a wild deliberate swing of the elbow, not even close to the same thing.

Because planes don't fly in the rain, because he was stopping him from self harm, because he forgot he played for Hunter sports high when he was 16 making him eligible for NSW not QLD, because doesnt everyone get a free boat, because he is prod of all that.

In all seriousness if you could actually view the footage of the tackle without your bunniesderp glasses on from a neutral standpoint, you would see what everyone else sees and that is Inglis left the ground Young was upright he contacted with the mans head and knocked him unconcious 5 weeks is more than deserved


And anyone who compares GI with Prior is high. GI's was a shoulder charge gone wrong. Priors was a wild deliberate swing of the elbow, not even close to the same thing.
Not that I disagree with this - earlier posts on here comparied the two .. so I answered their comparison.

As to why Inglis' shoulder charge is worse than others this season ..

1) He had a loooong time to think about how he would tackle Young, who was running at the speed of a snail .. after considering a simple ball and all tackle, he decided to shoulder charge dangerously.
2) After deciding to go with the dangerous option, he then left the ground and made contact with the head. He then followed through with his forearm.
3) He clearly hit harder than other ones this season ... Young lay motionless on the ground for 10 minutes and they were scared he'd broken his neck .. he then had to be taken off in a neckbrace and on the medicab, and later said to a trainer "Tell Brownie to put me back on".

It all would have been avoided if he simply wrapped Young up in the tackle simply .. or let Farrell tackle him, which he was already in the process of doing.


Dragons fans can be f**king geniused. The Inglis and Prior hits are NOT comparable. Prior's was far worse and didn't get the suspension it deserved.

That's not to say Inglis' hit wasn't bad but it was not as bad as Prior's.


First Grade
How is GIs tackle almost twice as bad as the next most severely punished shoulder charge when every other shoulder charge gone wrong got between 1 and 3 weeks? Explain the inconsistency.

Compare GI and every other shoulder charge incident.

Compare Burns' chicken wing suspension with how Cam Smith was treated.

The judiciary makes it up as they go along.

And anyone who compares GI with Prior is high. GI's was a shoulder charge gone wrong. Priors was a wild deliberate swing of the elbow, not even close to the same thing.

Meltdown :lol:



Not that I disagree with this - earlier posts on here comparied the two .. so I answered their comparison.

As to why Inglis' shoulder charge is worse than others this season ..

1) He had a loooong time to think about how he would tackle Young, who was running at the speed of a snail .. after considering a simple ball and all tackle, he decided to shoulder charge dangerously.
2) After deciding to go with the dangerous option, he then left the ground and made contact with the head. He then followed through with his forearm.
3) He clearly hit harder than other ones this season ... Young lay motionless on the ground for 10 minutes and they were scared he'd broken his neck .. he then had to be taken off in a neckbrace and on the medicab, and later said to a trainer "Tell Brownie to put me back on".

It all would have been avoided if he simply wrapped Young up in the tackle simply .. or let Farrell tackle him, which he was already in the process of doing.
I'll agree with parts of that. Look I'm not saying he should have got off. All I'd have liked to have seen is him get done within the range everyone else did. That is 1 to 3 weeks. How is his tackle worth a 40% longer suspension than Teo?

If he got 3 weeks, or 2, or 1, I wouldn't be complaining. That would have been fair. But to say his is almost twice as bad as the worst shoulder charge of the year is preposterous and that is what the judiciary is saying.


Souffs fans everywhere are very afraid and for good reason. If Inglis misses anymore than two weeks he'll make George Rose look good by comparison.

That smirk on his fat head as he walked away was disgusting. Hope he chokes on his next Big Mac.



Where is he jumping? He has a foot raised and one foot firmly planted when impact is made, jumping usually involves leaving the ground with both feet, not planting one in brace of impact. The only time he leaves the ground is when he goes off balance from the impact. First impact is also forearm to chest/ball followed by bicep to face. Shoulder never makes impact, nor elbow. The situation is worsened by Young twisting his head to see where GI is and being hammered. had GI been there a split second earlier, his shoulder would have landed on Youngs shoulder \chest and wouldve been called the hit of the year.Farrell dragging him down didn't help

This is a suspend able offense. GI f**ked up. But it's a clear difference between the likes of the Teo tackle where there were no extenuating circumstances altering the positioning of the players.


Inglis left his feet to make the tackle. No other shoulder charge gone wrong did that this year.

Inglis ran 30+m at top speed with every intention of laying young out, no other offender did that.

Inglis's shoulder contact was so high, the point of his shoulder actually ended up ABOVE Young's head, with most of the contact being side of the bicep.

Those 3 factors make Inglis's intent and recklessness far worse than any of the shoulder charges that have seen suspensions this year. It was the closest thing to Hoppa's disgraceful flying attempt on Galloway as we have seen.


Where is he jumping? He has a foot raised and one foot firmly planted when impact is made, jumping usually involves leaving the ground with both feet, not planting one in brace of impact. The only time he leaves the ground is when he goes off balance from the impact. First impact is also forearm to chest/ball followed by bicep to face. Shoulder never makes impact, nor elbow. The situation is worsened by Young twisting his head to see where GI is and being hammered. had GI been there a split second earlier, his shoulder would have landed on Youngs shoulder \chest and wouldve been called the hit of the year.Farrell dragging him down didn't help

This is a suspend able offense. GI f**ked up. But it's a clear difference between the likes of the Teo tackle where there were no extenuating circumstances altering the positioning of the players.

One frame further and inglis is airborne

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