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How much longer will the Raiders endure with David Furner


The bloke has been a joke since Rd 1 2009, I knew it was a bad move taking the cheap fkn option with this d#ck, why we didn't advertise the coaching job after Henry left is beyond me - ah that's right we are the family farm, and it has come back to bite us right on the ass.


Yep Furner has to go.....

Bring Stuart in ASAP and watch the attitude and defence improve overnight.


You could always tell Furner had no idea. He was just copying whatever Henry said, he didn't have any ideas or insight of his own.

I suppose it's not his fault he was given the job on a platter by his brother.

The Joker

What exactly would it take for Furner to be removed? What's stopping his brother from ignoring the obvious in favour for continued nepotism so long as finanically the club is in a decent position.

Walt Flanigan

What exactly would it take for Furner to be removed? What's stopping his brother from ignoring the obvious in favour for continued nepotism so long as finanically the club is in a decent position.

It's not up to Donny. Would have to be a board decision.
I'm depressed.

Furner should have stepped aside last year. He can't get the best out of these guys. We need to get Ricky or Daniel Anderson before the end of this season.

How f**kin dumb is TLL's defence? FFS. A guy who's played for Australia coming up with garbage like that. It was f**kin sickening. Croker's defence is just straight up weak at the moment. The halves are a rabble as well, we need a change there. Joel Thompson has to be one of the dumbest players I've ever seen. He has the talent...but f**k he's thick.

1. Dugan
2. Ferguson
3. Croker
4. Lee
5. Robinson
6. Wighton
7. McCrone
8. Shillington
9. McKilwrick
10. Tilse
11. Papali'i
12. Thompson
13. Fensom

14. Berrigan
15. Harrison
16. TLL
17. Mataora

This is the team i'd run with next week. Lee should play left centre with Croker on the right. If Croker fails in defence on the right, drop him.
I'd like to try Wighton at 5/8. Williams deserves to be dropped. I'd be tempted to drop McCrone too.

Unforunately we can't sack all of em and start over.


You could always tell Furner had no idea. He was just copying whatever Henry said, he didn't have any ideas or insight of his own.

I suppose it's not his fault he was given the job on a platter by his brother.

What exactly would it take for Furner to be removed? What's stopping his brother from ignoring the obvious in favour for continued nepotism so long as finanically the club is in a decent position.

Don had nothing to do with his appointment, and he has no say in whether he stays or goes.


I'm depressed.

Furner should have stepped aside last year. He can't get the best out of these guys. We need to get Ricky or Daniel Anderson before the end of this season.

1. Dugan
2. Ferguson
3. Croker
4. Lee
5. Robinson
6. Wighton
7. McCrone
8. Shillington
9. McKilwrick
10. Tilse
11. Papali'i
12. Thompson
13. Fensom

14. Berrigan
15. Harrison
16. TLL
17. Mataora

This is the team i'd run with next week. Lee should play left centre with Croker on the right. If Croker fails in defence on the right, drop him.

agree with everything quoted.

when we have mcillwrick, Massey and mick picker sitting in the nsw cup, and wighton biding his time in the outside backs, and Dugan, who I'm certain is a five-eighth constantly getting injured at full back, I can't understand why we persist with waddell and Williams, who needs a spell back in nsw cup, and has done for a month (it was obvious after 2 games that he was going badly).

mccrone is a good player. his halves partner is letting him down.
Massey is injured I believe , McIlwrick struggled playing 15min of FG and Picker isnt FG material.

Our forwards did nothing the other night , never laid a platform for the halves.

Williams did some nice things , he is young and still developing , too early to dump him. Ideally he would still be in NSW cup but Campo's injury once again has thrust him into FG.

Our structure and attitude is faulty , that needs fixing 1st.

But its obvious DF cant do that so its time for change

Green Evil

The calls for Furner to be sacked last year i thought were a little premature as the team was struggling without Campo. But considering the review they had which was supposed to provide some support to start moving the team in the right direction. I personally think our defence has gotten worse and a lot of the players are playing at a lower standard than last season. I thought we were looking good at the start of the season but i think having players like Campo and White along with the other experienced players like Shillington, Berrigan and co allowed the defence to get by. But with the injuries we have had has shown how frail the defence is. Attitude and structure of defence comes down to the coach.

I could not imagine a Stuart, Bellamy, Macguire or Hasler coached side putting out a defensive performance like that regardless of the personnel available. When you look at say a Hasler coached team the structure is different. Hasl;er usually goes with 1 strike backrower, (Pritchard at the dogs, Williams at Manly) and a defensive worker in the middle and on the other edge (Stagg and Haletau at Dogs and Watmough and Stewart at Manly). He also does the same with his centres Matai (Manly and Jono Wright (Dogs) are more defensive centre whereas Lyon and Morris are more attacking. And what do you know when you look at those teams Lyon defends beside Stewart and Matai beside Williams to allow a good defensive player to run the defense on that edge.

Maybe if Furner selected his team with a defensive structure in mind we may be able to keep teams below 30 points per match and then it would be alittle easier to win games. I think our best available team is something like:
  1. Dugan
  2. Ferguson
  3. Wighton
  4. Croker
  5. Lee
  6. McCrone
  7. Williams
  8. Shillington
  9. Berrigan
  10. Learoyd Lahrs
  11. Papalli
  12. Kennedy
  13. Fensom
This would allow Kennedy to run the left sided defense and Wighton to run the right. Both are very good young defenders and at least our structure would be working towards something.

I remember when Kennedy debuted Shillo was quoted as saying he was a great defensive player that ran good lines. Sounds like a player we need in the team at the moment!

Mr. Snrub

The calls for Furner to be sacked last year i thought were a little premature as the team was struggling without Campo. But considering the review they had which was supposed to provide some support to start moving the team in the right direction. I personally think our defence has gotten worse and a lot of the players are playing at a lower standard than last season. I thought we were looking good at the start of the season but i think having players like Campo and White along with the other experienced players like Shillington, Berrigan and co allowed the defence to get by. But with the injuries we have had has shown how frail the defence is. Attitude and structure of defence comes down to the coach.

I could not imagine a Stuart, Bellamy, Macguire or Hasler coached side putting out a defensive performance like that regardless of the personnel available. When you look at say a Hasler coached team the structure is different. Hasl;er usually goes with 1 strike backrower, (Pritchard at the dogs, Williams at Manly) and a defensive worker in the middle and on the other edge (Stagg and Haletau at Dogs and Watmough and Stewart at Manly). He also does the same with his centres Matai (Manly and Jono Wright (Dogs) are more defensive centre whereas Lyon and Morris are more attacking. And what do you know when you look at those teams Lyon defends beside Stewart and Matai beside Williams to allow a good defensive player to run the defense on that edge.

Maybe if Furner selected his team with a defensive structure in mind we may be able to keep teams below 30 points per match and then it would be alittle easier to win games. I think our best available team is something like:
  1. Dugan
  2. Ferguson
  3. Wighton
  4. Croker
  5. Lee
  6. McCrone
  7. Williams
  8. Shillington
  9. Berrigan
  10. Learoyd Lahrs
  11. Papalli
  12. Kennedy
  13. Fensom
This would allow Kennedy to run the left sided defense and Wighton to run the right. Both are very good young defenders and at least our structure would be working towards something.

I remember when Kennedy debuted Shillo was quoted as saying he was a great defensive player that ran good lines. Sounds like a player we need in the team at the moment!

I don't see any place for Williams in the team at this stage. I think he's pretty ordinary in the halves, he's a liability in defence and doesn't really show anything of value as a half. Later down the line, he's a good prospect, but I just don't think he's worthy of first grade at the moment.

I'd keep Croker in the side, due to his point scoring ability, I think he's great in attack, but really needs to get a proper lesson in defence. If he could improve that aspect of his game, he could be a great player. You can see he's down in confidence just by the way he's kicking/not kicking goals.

I think we need to test Dugan as a five-eighth and have Robinson at the back. The way Dugan plays is a lot like a five-eighth anyway and Robinson seems right at home at fullback.

In terms of forwards, I think we should bring up Shannon Boyd, he seems like a bit of a gun in the forwards and always makes top metres in the NYC. I think J. Thompson needs to go back in the forwards and maybe even drop out of the team. One of the dumbest players going around if you ask me. Also drop Waddell, the most useless dummy half in the game and get rid of Joe Picker, I don't think I've seen him do anything useful since 2010 when he palmed Soward in the face.

Here's my team:

1. Reece Robinson
2. Jack Wighton
3. Jarrod Croker
4. Blake Furgerson
5. Edrick Lee
6. Josh Dugan
7. Josh McCrone
8. David Shillington
9. Glen Buttriss
10. Tom Learoyd Lahs
11. Josh Papalli
12. Bronson Harrison
13. Shaun Fensom

14. Shaun Berrigan
15. Joel Thompson
16. Shannon Boyd
17. Dane Tilse


First Grade
Enough is enough. I defended the team, blamed injuries. I defended furner, blamed the injuries.

Today was it for me,

How can a coach complain about lack of possesion as the reason we lost.. We lost because we had nothing in attack and our defensive structure is simply balls. Take some responsibility.. Out team sucked, possesion was uneven because we simply completed half our sets and missed far to many tackles. Oh we also gave some dumb penalties.

We were shit.. We played like shit, our coach did not have a gameplan.


Furner is a terrible coach, end of story. The result of his four year reign of error is that we have a team built completely around one player - Terry Campese. He is a single point of failure for the entire Raiders season.

The worst part of all is that Furner has had one and a half seasons to get used to him not being around and yet he still has no idea whatsoever.

Recruitment has been an absolute failure. The youth policy has simply resulted in inexperienced players under an inexperienced coach with no clue. It would not surprise me in the least to see some player contracts come to premature ends in the next few months.

I cannot for the life of me remember a darker time at the Raiders and I have been with the club since 1985.

Furner, it is long past time to go.


You guys wont be any good until you at the very least hold on to the ball and complete your sets. Fergos two early drops hurt big time.

Vin Fizz

Living in Jerra life time Sharks supporter and current member and feel your pain. Stick might solve your defensive issues thats for sure. His plan with the Rorters, Mighties and also the Blues to some extent is defence based. Nothing you dont already know. So how will he manage your attack if you get him though? Genuine question, what's changed in the past few weeks apart from the Dugan experiment last night? You've been scoring points right?
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You guys wont be any good until you at the very least hold on to the ball and complete your sets. Fergos two early drops hurt big time.

Love people coming in who have no idea.... Before that game we had the best handling in the league... So how is that suddenly a reason our season sucks? For that game duh but this entire thing is talking about more than a single game problem...

Oh and FYI we went from the team in the league with the best handling to the worst handling in any game this year...