It's best that you turn around and slowly walk away from this argument.
So you are saying that the non-indigenous players are being discriminated against because they can not play for the indigenous side?
Now what I really find worrying about your point of view, and I am not saying that this relates to you in anyway but what usually accompanies the arguments you are pushing is the belief in reverse racism, the belief that is discriminatory for policies and practices be put in place to lift up a group of people who have clear disadvantages to the rest of the community. That it is "unfair" that different people or groups in society get treated differently to overcome systemic disadvantage. People need get past the notion that fairness is everyone getting treated the same way, its not, fairness is everyone getting what they need to succeed.
And I will say once again that I do not think this is your view, but its a claim I've seen others make using your arguments.