I've had a bit of a reflection here (after enjoying the humour) and I think there's a problem Quigs.
Now I don't know if there has ever been a truly above board election anywhere but I am dubious of these so called postal votes. Especially as there was no mention of the option to postal vote on the very first post in the very first thread.
Now, despite me being the objectionable prick that I can be and deliberately not voting for such luminaries as DaSooperDoooper, Spurtin_Dragqueen, The Dyke on the Bike and muzzer because they seemed to eager too gain a place in this hallowed wanker team I'm thinking the maths doesn't add up.
I really don't see how those wankers missed out in lieu of the elected wankers and would respectfully suggest a recount.
You're a fair man Quigs.
Come on.
Get it above board!
With respect Cap'n the vote was all above board.
Checked and double checked prior to posting.
I will post the official tally soon.
But I mean to say what team of Wankers would feel comfortable with
a bloke like this in their team
Anfony Da Soup has no place what soever in The Merged Illawarra Stain George Wanker Troll Team of the Decade.
If that imbecile made the run on team then anything that the Frog's got up to in this years Sookarh World Cup would pale into insignificance.
Farkkk the next thing you'll be wanting the Biker Ballboy getting a jersey.
But the decision does not rest with just one man, me.
Declared Idiot #88