1. Titans are not competing with other Titan brands in the world. What an joke. Do you wake up and think “I’m going to start supporting a team called the Bears today” and then google image every “Bears logo” and then opt to support Moscow Bears basketball team
In the Russian comp because you like their logo the best? Actually, you probably do. Nevermind.
Ironically that is pretty much how I picked the NS Bears as my favorite team when I was a kid, in fact that is how a lot of people pick their favorite teams.
Go out and ask a bunch of people what their favorite team is and why, for every one that says they follow their team because their family follows it, it's the local team, or whatever, you'll get a handful that say they follow their team because they liked the tiger or green is their favorite colour.
And despite your protest we do live in a global market and everybody is competing with each other. That's why big American and European competitions are eating up market share across the world and why our economy is taking a nose dive because China is struggling.
2. You asked “Why would it be a disaster for them to change their colours? Just because you say so!?”
- yes, I’m not sure if you are able to distinguish statements that are opinion from fact, but clearly since we are talking about a hypothetical, my statement is an opinion that the Titans need brand stability. For a town that has encountered Giants/Seagulls/Chargers/Titans, each with completely different colours/logos/jerseys, in my opinion stability on the core branding elements is key.
So it's not just because you says so and you do have a rational for your opinion, you believe that 'stability on the core branding elements is key', yet we know that isn't true (to the standard that you are holding at least) because we can bring up millions of examples of brands that have changed their 'core branding elements' constantly without any major negative effects. In fact that is how most brands evolve.
3. I don’t give a frig if the helmet as an accurate depiction of ancient mythology. My point is that your argument it should be changed because of historical inaccuracies is ludicrous given every Titans club in the world uses the same imagery. But I guess you’re smarter than them
That is a total misrepresentation of the argument...
Nobody is arguing that the Titans brand should be changed because it's historically inaccurate, they are arguing that the Titans brand is unimaginative crap that needs an update, and that one unintrusive way that you could achieve that and create something unique and interesting would be to make the logo design a more accurate depiction of a titan.
4. using the panthers and Warriors as examples? Seriously. Two clubs who are by FAR the most criticized on this forum for lack of a consistent brand, two clubs who’s constant colour changes have been the source of a decade of unanimous derision? Wow.
The most criticized on this forum that is an echo chamber made up mainly of people that know precisely dick about marketing or branding, that spend all of their time repeating their own opinions back to each other...
5. no problem with a logo update. Current one is tacky. but changing to some bearded shirtless Greek god Zeus character is not what I would do.
Why not?
You personally may not like it, but it'd be relatively unique imagery that makes sense within the context of their brand, that also literally meets your standard of not changing a core branding element, and if well executed could be pretty cool.
It's probably not what I'd do either, but that doesn't mean that it couldn't work.
Besides the Storms' lighting bolt throwing god, that is
extremely reminiscent of Zeus, seems pretty popular to me. If mythological god imagery wasn't successful then their brand would be a failure, and I don't think that any sensible person would argue that the Storms brand is a failure.
Anyway, you two can continue this all you want. The Titans won’t change to teal. And they won’t change to Zeus. Because the ideas suck. Sorry about that. Happy Easter!
I agree that the Titans probably won't change their brand in any meaningful way, but people probably won't stop drinking, smoking, and eating to much junk food, and you probably won't stop fighting straw men either, but that doesn't change the fact that those things probably should change!