I have to say this is a pretty harsh punnishment given the case isn't harming anyone, or even the animal itself.
Sure it's sick and very much a case of "What the f**k were you thinking", but that's about it.
Deserved a whopping big fine and thats about it. He'd cop more than enough grief on field to punnish him further for the rest of his career.
Given players have raped, had gang bangs, dealt drugs, assaulted women sh*t on floors, in casino's etc etc the list is f**king massive, and to see nearly all those cases receive a slap on the wrist, I can't see how what Monas dopey act did is even on par with that stuff, let alone worse.
I can't believe Canberra would force Monas into a situation where he has to resign or be sacked, given he came back to help out his former club.