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Joey risks his future


Post Whore
Roosters fans would have to deal with the fact that Adrian Morley is a Englishman first and a rooster 2nd. The way it should be, the way it isnt with Andrew Johns...


Post Whore
Misty Bee said:

So how do you feel about Tonie Carroll representing?

the same way i would about johns if he goes through with this
disgusted. Caroll shouldnt be wearing the Green and Gold, forgetting that IMO his form doesn't warent it. He aligned himself with the Kiwis and thats how it should of stayed
People forget to realise that Johns coming into the squad after the first game isn't good for the team. It isn't easy for all of these players (as good as they are) to come together and play as a team. If Johns misses the lead up training, or even the first game, it isn't good to chop and change, making unforced changes. Australia has plenty of halfbacks better than those the English and Kiwis have on offer.

Johns is choosing a 6 week, opportunity at winning a premiership he doesn't deserve, seeing the other players have done the hard work to make the finals. That is his decision.

I can see it now on Thursday night, Matty Johns saying that Australia "MUST" have Joey in the trinations side. Don't worry, they'll push their own agenda.

Johns Magic

JoeysChiropractor said:
People forget to realise that Johns coming into the squad after the first game isn't good for the team. It isn't easy for all of these players (as good as they are) to come together and play as a team. If Johns misses the lead up training, or even the first game, it isn't good to chop and change, making unforced changes.

Exactly what was said before Origin 2

Misty Bee

First Grade
People also forget that Joey may not be selected, either.

Before the first Origin there was a thread about who the NSW halfback should be. Basically it was a war between supporters of Gower, Orford, Kimmorley and Sherwin. I threw in Joey's name and was laughed out of town.

A month later and they were suggesting that he was the new King of origin. Now, all of a sudden, Gower, Orford, Kimmorley and Sherwin (throw in Thurston and Barrett) have no chance, regardless of what happens in the finals.

Finals footy is the biggest influence in touring sides. GF performers usually jag rep jumpers - Craig Wing and Craig Fitzgibbon got their long test careers underway that way.

There is no guarantee that anyone will be picked, except maybe Lockyer.

That's why I thnk calling Joey a money grubber with no passion for his country is utter rubbish at this stage.


Post Whore
ohh dont be so naive Misty, it doesn't suite you
if johns is fit he will be half back. Be it earned or not. That has and always will be the case.

Misty Bee

First Grade
There'sanother scenario - what if Jason Smith had a gangbuster last 2 months in the NRL - and makes the side? He was playing in Pommyland last year - thus avoiding his "obligations" to Australia and Queensland.

How about Tallis and Fittler, who both put their club ahead of their country by retiring from rep footy?

Jason Stevens?

Are they all money grabbing arsewipes who don't deserve citizenship?


Post Whore
Misty Bee said:
Not if Bennet doesn't select him.

Misty, you seriously cant be that stupid.
forget "if bennet doesn't select him", Johns if fit WILL BE PICKED, the selectors WILL pick him and Bennett WILL accept that selection. Its a fore gone concludsion. Kimmorley is too far out of form. Gower is in no better possy then Johns and they will not blood a new rookie half when Johns is fit.

its that simple, just like Lockyer, Minichello etc etc

he knows it, i know it, you know it, the selectors know it and Bennett knows it. Yet he will put a Warrington Wolves game ahead of representing his country.
Johsn = Money grubber with no passion to play for his country


Post Whore
Misty Bee said:
There'sanother scenario - what if Jason Smith had a gangbuster last 2 months in the NRL - and makes the side? He was playing in Pommyland last year - thus avoiding his "obligations" to Australia and Queensland.

How about Tallis and Fittler, who both put their club ahead of their country by retiring from rep footy?

Jason Stevens?

Are they all money grabbing arsewipes who don't deserve citizenship?

Your an idiot
an absolute idiot

That Jason Smith one makes no sence, he was playing in the ESL thus ruling him out by policy for rep games. Darren Smith was the exception made by Chris Anderson... guess who is without a job atm? Ando. Jason Smith is back in the NRL now which makes him eligable regardless of last year. Besides the fact he too has retired from rep footy.

Retireing from rep footy as they dont feel their bodies can hold up to that level as well as club footy is ENTIRELY different to fore going a international for a club game (and not even his fulltime club, its like a bit of fun, a touch footy comp for him) and then expecting to be able to walk back into the team you snubbed the next game.

FFS Misty, your talking a whole lot of sh*t now mate

Misty Bee

First Grade
Name call all you like, but explain the policy about players playing in the ESL being ruled out of Australian rep selection to Allan Langer and Darren Smith.

But, if it's enforced, Johns, who by then will be an ESL player, won't be picked.



Post Whore
Langer gave up a club game for his state, johns is doing the opposite, and with a higher honour no doubt. Completely different issues
Darren Smith was a debarcle that cost ando his job... perhaps bennett doesnt want to go down the same path?

Whatim saying if that occurs it will be johns doing and his choice, a choice to put a warrington jersey before his country and there for hasnt shown the pride and passion for the green and gold hence forth isnt fit to respresent this country in future matches

of course i dont make these decisions as if i did Brad Thorn and Tony Caroll would be Kiwis but thats my opinion

Misty Bee

First Grade
And of course you are ignoring the fact that it's a grand final. And ignoring Johns' efforts for his country in the past.


Post Whore
If Warrington dont win or even make the GF, will Johns be overly upset? No of course not, he goes on to represent his country. Even if they do win it wont and shouldnt rank near his Knights GF win, SOO wins or captaining Australia. He is a newie boy and that is firmly his priority, he is there for money. He is or should be an Australian player first and a Warrington Wolves player last.

Given the above, if Warrington win the GF will it mean more to him then playing for and possibly captaining his country? If the answer here is yes then simple he doesnt deserve to don the green and gold

Misty Bee said:
And of course you are ignoring the fact that it's a grand final. And ignoring Johns' efforts for his country in the past.

of course your ignoring the facts that in no previous history has a player been given an international exemption for a club game. Why should we make exceptions? We already changed the laws of the Dally M medal so that johns can afford his standard brain explosion.

Johns knows what he is risking by signing with Warrington.

In all of this i feel for the Warrington halfback who has tried his guts out all year, who has probably had a large part to do with Warrington being in the finals, and now he is being cast aside so johns can add another plastic accolade to his collection... classic ego stroking stuff.

lyon is a saint

Dont worry yourselves Warrington wont make the grand final...... there in 4th place and might even end up in 5th before Johns comes over.