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Lassie thread - Dog acts of 08


Tonearm Terrorwrist said:
the same thing was said by souffs fans after anasta. you can just swiftly f**k off now

What, that you are a knobhead ? I can swiftly f**k off can I ? or what an elbow in the back when I am not looking, fugging latte hero.

MU the main difference is that in cricket a bouncer is used not to hurt someone it is mainly used to put doubt in a batsmans mind. If he is not using his feet well, give him a few short ones to place extra doubt in his mind. The more doubt there is, the slower, and later his feet will be where they need to be to play an effective shot. It is all about timing. Another point to consider is batsmen wear helmets.

I can understand the roosters fans wanting to defend the actions of a rooster, I can even understand the need to put the boot in to a rooster, even more so when it is wing. But saying it was anything other than a legal, but cowards tackle shows your inability to be impartial.


Timmah said:
Dude, we're not asking you to rag on Brown, but for you to deny it being a cheap shot is pathetic.

Roosters fans are just defending there players and trying to palm it off as it was nothing.
What else your expect from them. Low act from their players and low act from their fans to. It's why they one of the most hated clubs in league.

Cheap shot. Brown is a coward. It looked planned. Wouldn't surprise me if they where coached to do it.
Wing said himself that they use to teach it at Roosters training when he was there.

Roosters will do anything for a win and would win at any cost.
Brown got his own and Anasta has to be next to get smashed after his laughing and cheering after the tackle.
Hope Karma comes back to get him because there is not much honour in cheering and jumping around congratulating people after someone is seriously hurt.
What a dog.

FFS Roosters fans stop trying to turn this thread into a Souths bashing thread and trying to change the subject. Dog acts of 2008
Yet idiots are talking about stuff that happened in 2007.


He saw Wings back, lined him up and nailed him when it really wasnt necessary. It was a cheap shot that might technically be legal but was uncalled for just the same.


_Johnsy said:
MU the main difference is that in cricket a bouncer is used not to hurt someone it is mainly used to put doubt in a batsmans mind. If he is not using his feet well, give him a few short ones to place extra doubt in his mind. The more doubt there is, the slower, and later his feet will be where they need to be to play an effective shot. It is all about timing. Another point to consider is batsmen wear helmets.

I can understand the roosters fans wanting to defend the actions of a rooster, I can even understand the need to put the boot in to a rooster, even more so when it is wing. But saying it was anything other than a legal, but cowards tackle shows your inability to be impartial.

Manu Vatuvei said:
Led with the forearm imo....not directly with the point of the elbow, but without looking at the rulebook, it seems to me that affecting a tackle by striking with the forearm is illegal.

Definite forearm...looked intentional.


Dog Act. Nothing to do with legality.

The second problem with the whole situation is that no Souths forward made sure that Brown was carried off at the same time. The retaliation would've been illegal - but legitimate.

If you don't know what a cheap shot is then watch another game.
FFS Roosters fans stop trying to turn this thread into a Souths bashing thread and trying to change the subject. Dog acts of 2008
Yet idiots are talking about stuff that happened in 2007.[/QUOTE]

Yes lets leave it as it was intended, a roosters bashing thread.;-)
07 gets mentioned because a lot merkins on here cheered the cheap shots on Anasta and now we're expected to believe their moral outrage?


Tonearm Terrorwrist said:
suck sh*t to wing i hope the f**kwit is out for a long time
what a f**king scumbag you are.... that guy did 1000 times more for your club than Willie Mason, Braith Anasta or Riley Brown yet you treat him like that... the guy played 185 games for the roosters.... show some respect you f**kwit...


skeepe said:
Dog act #2: Kurt Gidley's elbow to the face of William Zillman.

As much as I'd like to sink the book into any knights player...there was nothing in that IMO.


Staff member
Waa Waa Skeepe. I agree it was unnecessary but a dog act is a little extreme. Gidley is our fairest player, I doubt there was intent.


Did everyone see Lincoln Withers get his ribs busted by a blokes knee coming in as third man to an almost completed tackle.

f**king dog act of the highest order. I hope they write 42 articles about it and call the knight bloke the "unaustralian" that he is.

That prick gidley also slide into a defenseless man who was not looking with all elbows and knees. f**king site the prick.

I also noticed in the parra vs dogs game that hindmarsh came in 3rd man a few times. The Maitua bastard was also guilty of coming in 3rd man a few times. One of them resulting in a big shiner to Reddy.

Bunch of weak dogs the lot of them. I dont know how the telegraph is going to be able to report it all. Having 5 different players being called out for cheap shots on the front and back pages is going to get a bit messy.

Anyone would think these types of things were a part of football for the amount of times it has happened this weekend :sarcasm:


First Grade
BPS said:
It was a dog act but don't point the finger at Riley Brown alone. Canasten and Tupou were both holding Wing up and Tupou motioned Brown with his eyes to come in.

The other camera angle hows it perfectly, and you can see Tupou remove his forearm just in time as Brown comes in. Canasten started applauding before he took one step to get back the ten.

It WAS a dog act and a very bad look for League which was made so much worse by Goulds only words being "It's within the rules, it's totally legal"

So many Mums and dads won't let their children play a game when maiming a player on purpose is tolerated and endorsed by the Coach, the commentators (except for ray Warren who has called it UN-Australian) and the governing body.
If League really wants to take on a National status this type of play HAS to be removed from the game, whether it's "legal" or not!

There is NO doubt it was intentional. There is no doubt that it was a disgrace and if Wing or any other player ends up in a wheel chair because of a tackle like this everyone will be ready to hang the guy who did it.

Stop flying the club colours for a minute and think of the welfare of the game and it's players. We HAVE to make the game appear tough but clean, tough but fair, and tackles like that one on Wing does more damage to the game nationally at the grass roots level than 10 million dollars of AFL advertising!

Living proof that drugs do not work..


First Grade
Mr Saab said:
Ruben Wiki did somthing similar in 2003 vs the Roosters at the SFS. Nothing came of that whatsoever. The Rooster was absolutely smashed.

Chad Robinson and was badly concussed as a result.. Nothing was said afterwards and no one complained.. Just that Souths and their supporters have got a chip on their shoulder the size of Ayers Rock.


First Grade
lotti said:
it's not just Souths supporters that want Brown to be punished for what he did to Wing.

The irony is that it will be Asotasi spending a week or two on the sidelines for his headslam on Brown in the second half. Brown has no case to answer..