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Lockyer > Johns: no contest


Staff member
Aye, reminded me a lot of Johns' pass to Fittler back in 2000.

Didn't have people with chips on their shoulder at the time making threads to argue with themselves about how great the player was though did we? :D

Anyway, does anybody else see the irony of Dazzat wanking on about Johns worshippers? I don't think anybody else cares enough about this topic in 2010 to start threads about it :lol:


Andrew Johns made the Team Of The Century. Lockyer didn't. Enough said.

Lockyer is a legend of the game and will be an Immortal one day, but Johns was easily the better player overall. Johns just completely and utterly dominated games and had it on a string on a regular basis. Quite simply the best player I have ever seen.

I will say though that Lockyers rep career achievements is better than Joey's, even though ironically I believe Johns' best ever game was Origin II in 2005. However, in terms of their careers overall and Joey as a pure footballer he had it all over Lockyer.

Both great players.

Big Pete

Ah I forget, Locky was only five eight from 03? or was it 04? Either way, in 04, 05 and 06 even, he was chief playmaker.

And back then, Prince, Cronk and Thurston were nobodies.

04, Prince was his half and Flannery was his replacement.

Point, but Lockyer has had plenty of competition since 2005 yet he's made the halves spot his own.

With that said, I believe Johns playing at hooker said more about the selectors than it did about Johns.

1 Eyed TEZZA

04, Prince was his half and Flannery was his replacement.

Point, but Lockyer has had plenty of competition since 2005 yet he's made the halves spot his own.

With that said, I believe Johns playing at hooker said more about the selectors than it did about Johns.

Who has challenged Lockyer for the five eight jersey since he started wearing it for Queensland?

Big Pete

Cronk and Prince obviously, with Thurston being able to shift into five eigth.

Ask ANTiLag, he'd tell you they'd do a much better job than Locky.

Johns Magic

The defining of Lockyer: Five years ago just about everyone said he should step-down from the Queensland team. The Queensland selectors themselves have said he was one loss from being dropped.

And here we are today.

Aren't you the one trying to tell everyone what an awesome Origin career Lockyer has had? Sounds like some of that accumulated influence was actually negative...

You do know what "sustained" excellence over 15 years means don't you Dazzat? You tried to use it in a sentence before, but clearly you don't since you're now trying to tell us how poor he was going at one point. So were you lying about how good Lockyer has been over his Origin career, or are you just not very smart? I know you were probably just trying to use a big word to impress people, but really...

Do you need that link to dictionary.com again Daz?

Funnily enough, it's also 5 years exactly that Johns retired from Origin. Strange to think that the last time they played against each other in Origin, Johns was absolutely dominating and Lockyer looked so bad that everyone including the selectors were calling for him to be dropped(according to you, unless that's another lie). But it's nice that Lockyer has been able to do well since Johns retired. He's a good bloke, he deserves it.

I thought he should have called it quits at the start of this year.

Wow, you're a bad judge of a footy player.

Humble pie is delicious.

Yeah it sounds like you're enjoying it.

Johns worshipers should try it.

Haha. You don't get it do you.

Only you care about Johns vs Lockyer. No one bar you has thought about it for years.

You're obsessed. And the sad part is that you try and act like it's everyone else who has the chip on their shoulder.

Seriously, you must have been sitting there rubbing your hands with glee while watching the TV screen on Wednesday night. Everyone else was enjoying the game, and you were struggling to contain your excitement over starting a Lockyer > Johns thread on LU when you got home.

Just for the record Daz, that guy out there Lockyer dominated on Wednesday night wasn't Andrew Johns, it was Trent Barrett. Congratulations, it was clearly pretty exciting for you.

Big Pete

Only you care about Johns vs Lockyer. No one bar you has thought about it for years.

Please, I've seen RABK bring up Johns in a 'Why are the Broncos performing so badly in 2010' thread.

1 Eyed TEZZA

Cronk and Prince obviously, with Thurston being able to shift into five eigth.

Ask ANTiLag, he'd tell you they'd do a much better job than Locky.

Well thats obviously never going to happen seeing as he is captain. It was extremly difficult to have Kurt Gidley moved, for a guy like Lockyer who does perform in the field well enough, there is no way anyone could have him ousted.

I guess my point is that Lockyer has had to carry the Maroons. Johns only ever had to carry NSW in 2 games. In other series' when Johns was around, we had Daley, Fittler and for a time Kimmorley(who was in outstanding form years back) to take the load off. Not for one minute suggesting that they are better players then Johns, but they were easily good enough to get NSW over the line, and it wasnt necessary for Johns to carry the entire burden.

The greater the challenge, the greater the champion. Lockyer had to carry Qld and that is a remarkable achievment, Lewis like. Johns never had to face that test at Origin level. But he sure did at club level and how. Im sure he was the main man of the 95 World Cup too.

Using the same analogy, Lockyer has never really had to carry a struggling Broncos side except for 07, but he was injured for a fair bit of that too. I suspect he may be facing that challenge soon enough.

None of that influences my opinion on who is the better player, just something I think crosses peoples minds when trying to decide who the better player is. Hell, if Hayne some how managed to perform in Origin and snag NSW a series win, people would be kissing his feet. Doesnt take away his defence issues though.

Big Pete

He faced it in 2009 and is currently facing it now.

Also, I thought he certainly helped the Broncos out in 2001 and 2003.


If Johns was our only go to guy (like he virtually was in 05) then he had more resonsibility on his shoulders then like Lockyer did.

And we all know the little pills helped him through that stressful period.

The equations simple:
(Premierships won x State of Origins won x Internationals played)Wins as captain - drug enhanced games and racial slurs = Lockyer owns Johns


Ok cool.

Doesn't make him the better player, but if it settles the chip on your shoulder then I'm glad.

Have you and RABK actually read what Dazzat has been trying to ask?

:lol: f**k me dead you JoEy ball-riding idiots make yourselves look like fools....every single time this stupid debate gets raised.

P.S. I highly doubt, as he is a QLDer, that Dazzat has a chip on his shoulder....he has seen the player HE believes is the greatest, win 2 Origin series in a row, for the second time.

I mean, you JoEy fans, think how great you felt when you saw Joey lead NSW to consecutive Origin series wins....oh wait.


Johns will always be greater because everytime they lined up opposite each other, whether in Origin or when it was Knights Vs Broncos, the result was always overwhelmingly in Johns favour.

In fact Lockyer always played crap when Johns was on the other side.

Johns Magic

Have you and RABK actually read what Dazzat has been trying to ask?

Are you serious? I made a huge post addressing it and agreeing with it. Even the post you quoted addressed it you f**king moron :lol:

:lol: f**k me dead you JoEy ball-riding idiots make yourselves look like fools....every single time this stupid debate gets raised.

You not being able to keep up only makes you look like an idiot. I'm embarrassed for you right now, thinking you actually had a worthwhile point to contribute to the conversation.

P.S. I highly doubt, as he is a QLDer, that Dazzat has a chip on his shoulder....he has seen the player HE believes is the greatest, win 2 Origin series in a row, for the second time.

And the first thing he did to celebrate was start another Lockyer vs Joey thread, when no one else cared :lol:

I mean, you JoEy fans, think how great you felt when you saw Joey lead NSW to consecutive Origin series wins....oh wait.

I addressed and agreed with that already. The topic has since progressed. Progressive thinking is a big step for you I'm sure, but keep at it, and maybe one day you'll be able to keep up and possibly even contribute.

Unfortunately this is another one of those posts where you thought you had something to add...but you didn't quite make it.

Seriously BDH, you've made a fool of yourself here enough already. Dazzat was doing better without you bringing him down.


First Grade
JWs ...or JayDubs ... we used to use the term affectionately for people in a religion. The term has now been HIJACKED by another religion!!

Joey Worshipers!!!

Just as zealous as the other JWs, these people are besotted by the image of a footballing god, crafted carefully by the NSW spin doctors and Gus Gould.

JWs chant one phrase over and over ... Game 2, 2005 ... Game 2, 2005 ... Game 2, 2005 ... Game 2, 2005 ... Game 2, 2005 ... Game 2, 2005 ... Game 2, 2005 ... Game 2, 2005 ... Game 2, 2005 ... Game 2, 2005 ... Game 2, 2005 ... Game 2, 2005 ... Game 2, 2005 ... Game 2, 2005 ... Game 2, 2005

It's believed that even if Darren Lockyer led the Queensland team to five series wins, they still would not admit Lockyer has been a greater influence at State of Origin level than their precious Joey.


Johns will always be greater because everytime they lined up opposite each other, whether in Origin or when it was Knights Vs Broncos, the result was always overwhelmingly in Johns favour.

In fact Lockyer always played crap when Johns was on the other side.

2006 Semi Final
Brisbane 50 - Newcastle 6

Both and Lockyer and Johns playing against each other in a semi final.


First Grade


Well 5 straight series wins for Thurston in the halves means he has achieved far more sucess guiding teams to wins bar Lewis now. Joey only played halfback in two - YES TWO - series wins. Wow - stellar origin career Joey.
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