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M Witt to be Released


If there was a reason for it, or a comparison to be made - ie Witt or Orford for example - then you could look at it, and understand why it might happen, and make a judgement on it for yourself.

Buit if they just let Witt go, or if he wants to just go, regardless of having a suitable halfback replacement, then we need to look at why? As a club you just don't let go of your three best halfback options all at once unless you've got something up your sleeve? Surely?

PJ is a risk, but one that would be great if it comes off! Same for Tim Smith, Marcus Perenara and anyone else that has been mentioned. But when there is no new option to compare, I'd rather keep Witt in the squad than simply give up his space...


I know Witt isnt going to win us a premiership but Bartman is right being in the squad is better than not being there at all. Parra management have a lot to consider and thinka bout befiore they do this. Iam still waiting for an official release.

Stagger eel

Staff member
I know Witt isnt going to win us a premiership but Bartman is right being in the squad is better than not being there at all. Parra management have a lot to consider and thinka bout befiore they do this. Iam still waiting for an official release.

the release will only come if he finds a club else where then both clubs need to agree on a payout figure, so being late in the season and only 6 weeks before off-season training officially starts there is every possability they may not come to an agreement as most NRL clubs have filled their books and I dare say we won't be giving Witt away for free!

Unless a secret deal is all but done which could be the case, there is as much chance as him staying then going.


I understand now. Not many clubs must have much room under the cap, however there are a few clubs which would be intrested in Witt.

Stagger eel

Staff member
Manly have a fair bit of room under the cap as they seem to have devoloped a trend in signing players and losing them before they wear their jersey!

Eels Dude

Jake the snake said:
Last year??

"last year", is that a term you are unfamiliar with?

Lose Witt and we've got nothing. If PJ's injury takes a bit longer to heal than everybody thinks then we don't have a halfback, it's as simple as that. There'll be no Adam Dykes and backup. There'll be no Chris Thorman. We'll have no-one!

Adam Spadam

Lose Witt and we've got nothing. If PJ's injury takes a bit longer to heal than everybody thinks then we don't have a halfback, it's as simple as that. There'll be no Adam Dykes and backup. There'll be no Chris Thorman. We'll have no-one!

I'd hardly say that Marsh, Smith, Green and Perenara count as no-one! there will be plenty of depth in the halves next year, and assuming Marsh comes back and gets through the trial games then theres no reason he shouldnt be the starting halfback...he has the game.

I for one will not be worried at all if Witt leaves, hes done nothing to warrant first grade selection in my opinion.

Eels Dude

Adam Spadam said:
I'd hardly say that Marsh, Smith, Green and Perenara count as no-one! there will be plenty of depth in the halves next year,

I would, because three of those 4 players you've mentioned haven't even played first grade before! And the other hasn't played football in 2 years because of a serious injury. Depth my arse, wishful thinking on your behalf I call it.


MAnly have even more room to move under the cap now that Moule has been released before even playing a game with the club.

They have signed Terry Hill as the "blue chip" centre.

They went into this years player market with $850,000 to spend and came away with

- Ben Kennedy
- Brent Kite (for 350k+ a year)
- Terry Hill

Sorry, bout changing the subject quickly then but I still get a laugh whenever I look at MAnly.

As for the halves situation.

I would prefer if Witt did stay around as insurance but given the chance I (like Jake) beleive that Tim Smith and others will prove to be a better prospect.

Players can still be released up to June 30 and still be able to sign for a new club and play during that season.

That will mean Parra could have 10-12 rounds aswell as trials to assess PJ's injury and the form of Smith, Perenara and Green in the top grade.

Now, while that is an option that also will only work if Parra are the ones wanting to release Witt because if Witt wants to stay then he may not push so hard for a release after the season as started.

If however, it is Witt wanting the leave then Parra should release him now that way there might be a chance of snaring another player.

We all saw last year what happens when a playuer decides he wants out after the season has started it leaves a big hole and the player pinned to come in has alrwady left 4 months eariler.

Stagger eel

Staff member
even though I'm not a massive Witt fan, I would like him stay for that very reason Flatch pointed out however I'm sure Zapp/Smith know what theyre doing and are holding their cards close to their chest.
eelavation said:
even though I'm not a massive Witt fan, I would like him stay for that very reason Flatch pointed out however I'm sure Zapp/Smith know what theyre doing and are holding their cards close to their chest.

You'd have to think so Eela.....it certainly wouldn't make for a good business decision to not have a contigency.

Marsh is a risk...no two ways about it BUT if he has medical clearance we have to run with it.

The Juniors MUST have time to develop or they will either be in the nuthouse or the on scrapheap for not living up to expectation and burning out.
Hurriflatch said:
MAnly have even more room to move under the cap now that Moule has been released before even playing a game with the club.

They have signed Terry Hill as the "blue chip" centre.

They went into this years player market with $850,000 to spend and came away with

- Ben Kennedy
- Brent Kite (for 350k+ a year)
- Terry Hill

Have I read this correctly?

Is he back?


well I don't think that it is 100% official but it is sounding like what was being said by and about PJ Marsh & the Eels about a month or so before his signing became official.


Belly in Brisvegas said:
Hurriflatch said:
MAnly have even more room to move under the cap now that Moule has been released before even playing a game with the club.

They have signed Terry Hill as the "blue chip" centre.

They went into this years player market with $850,000 to spend and came away with

- Ben Kennedy
- Brent Kite (for 350k+ a year)
- Terry Hill

Have I read this correctly?

Is he back?

Brent Kite is on 250k a year plus a hell of a lot of money that was a sign on bonus that came out of this years cap.

Terry Hill - match payments at best. Don't think he has signed yet? Manly still have a bit of cash to spend. Maybe some news a couple of weeks after the GF ;-)


ParraMatt said:
eelavation said:
just enjoy your night! he's not the be all end all of half-backs.

he is for me, Have you ever had a favourite player eelavation, If you have, Then go to your birthday, And hear a press notice suggestion that that favourite player of yours is leaving your favourite club.

The 2001 GF was on my birthday, and yours as well ParraMatt......surely that was much much worse. :(


Is it possible that Witt is being released to sign up Luke Dorn?

So far as I am aware he is off contract with the Roosters and hasn't been signed up yet. I would imagine they would want to clear out some of the premier league players to make room for the Flegg players moving up to another level.

Other than that I don't see how simply releasing a player with first grade experience upgrades the team without getting anything in return.

Mighty Tiger

Smith will be jumping for joy as soon as this is set in stone because that then will pave way for his love child Ben Kusto to try and crack it into the top grade again!

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