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Manly Game Thread.


Far out when frizell hits the ball with pace he can be damaging...

There was a run towards the end of the first half where he just sprinted to the line and left players lying left, right and centre...

It's a shame to me to know that we are capable of some good footy like we showed in the second half....we just seem to realise it after we let the other get ahead by 20 points!


Chin up kids - Manly are one of the best teams in the comp and we matched them try for try despite being down 18-0 (I certainly hope Soward get some kicking practice in this week, it cost us the game). Anywho, here's my take on a few things

Soward: This guy is frustrating - didn't do any of the long kicking last night, ran the ball once, looks uninterested - then comes up with a sweet cut-out ball for Green's first try. Someone needs to show him his SOO game 2 where he set mini up and tell him to take a few steps forward from the scrum, there's line breaks begging to be made!

Rein: His form has definitely dropped, doesn't look to be playing for a contract, last year his service from dummy half was top class, not so much at the moment. Maybe having King back will help him. I don't think he's an 80 minute player.

Weyman: The more time he spends on the field, the better, the guy is a machine and lifts everyone around him; there was one point when he made every tackle in a set of 6 to pin Manly down their end. The smile on his face when he walked back after scoring his try was also pretty epic.

de Belin: Someone teach this kid to catch! Still needs development, but his defense is tops - hit's like a machine!

Green/Vidot: Was impressed by both of them, they tried hard and can hold their heads high. Although Vidot needs to hit the line a bit harder on his kick returns.

Harrison: Needs to be placed wider - at the moment he seems to have no real job in the team, so give him on - i.e same as Friz but on the opposite side.

All up, considering our roster vs their roster, I thought we did ok to score the same number of tries. But we can't just give up an 18 point lead and expect to win. Time to turn to next week.


The first 30 minutes was one of the worst performances I've seen in years. Consistently trying to run wide, terrible completion rate, pissweak defence. To get a try at the end of all that was a task in itself.

It was only when they started hitting it up the middle that we saw some progress. It's amazing what a simple game it can be sometimes, stick close to the ruck and hammer them. Manly were clearly vulnerable there. Why it took half an hour to do the obvious is beyond me. It's not like we had a star backline on the field. Cooper out, Morris gone, Nightingale at fullback. No real wingers and at least one stand-in centre. But they kept on with wide movements for most of the first half - I can't believe that was part of the game plan.

With 20 minutes to go there was only 4 points in it. I thought we were going to win from there, given all the possession and momentum. But it was all just part of the frustration. I suppose realistically you can't give the opposition an 18 point head start and expect to win. And it was a head start, there was nothing special from Manly in those early tries, our defence was simply crap.

Special mention to Matt Prior, the reluctant cente. He monstered Lyon a couple of times. Shades of Bluey Wilson when he was chucked into that position.

Also, don't know if it has been mentioned here yet, but I heard this morning that Manly hadn't previously beaten us at Kogarah since 1997. Just thought I'd add that to the tale of woe.

Anyway, onto next week...

Yep agree with this.

A horrible start. There was no urgency and when there was it was a bit panicked. I think Creagh and Prior over running and letting in Wolfman is an example of that.

I do get concerned about the reasons why we still make average starts or play to a game plan which isn't fitting. Is it players not listening to Price or refusing to play to his game plan?

At the same time that I get a little over the Price bagging I am now starting to hate the "let's see how Price goes next year with a decent roster" calls. It is not like he cannot make some good out of this year. Fixing our poor starts would be ideal.


Assistant Moderator
Another thing that is becoming increasingly obvious that we too often stand too shallow in attack, particularly late in the sets. In the second half we started standing deeper and were able finish off more movements and complete the sets. Add to that passing the ball onto the chest and not above the head (thank you Fien) and have the receiver running onto the ball - it makes a world of difference.

I know I'm not a coach's arse, but these are pretty simple things. Basics that should be nailed down in training.
Nothing new to see last night. We already know we are off the pace and can't compete with the top 4 sides. But we showed enough in the 2nd half to make me think we are still in that group of teams who will be sniffing around 8th spot.

Godz Illa

Rein: His form has definitely dropped, doesn't look to be playing for a contract, last year his service from dummy half was top class, not so much at the moment. Maybe having King back will help him. I don't think he's an 80 minute player.
He's definitely not an 80 minute player, but the thing is, he's also making bad decisions and throwing bad passes early in the piece - before he gets tired. He was a hindrance out there last night
de Belin: Someone teach this kid to catch!
Ball was behind him and too high. Hard to catch such an awful pass (from Rein)


Chin up kids - Manly are one of the best teams in the comp and we matched them try for try despite being down 18-0 (I certainly hope Soward get some kicking practice in this week, it cost us the game). Anywho, here's my take on a few things

Soward: This guy is frustrating - didn't do any of the long kicking last night, ran the ball once, looks uninterested - then comes up with a sweet cut-out ball for Green's first try. Someone needs to show him his SOO game 2 where he set mini up and tell him to take a few steps forward from the scrum, there's line breaks begging to be made!

Rein: His form has definitely dropped, doesn't look to be playing for a contract, last year his service from dummy half was top class, not so much at the moment. Maybe having King back will help him. I don't think he's an 80 minute player.

Weyman: The more time he spends on the field, the better, the guy is a machine and lifts everyone around him; there was one point when he made every tackle in a set of 6 to pin Manly down their end. The smile on his face when he walked back after scoring his try was also pretty epic.

de Belin: Someone teach this kid to catch! Still needs development, but his defense is tops - hit's like a machine!

Green/Vidot: Was impressed by both of them, they tried hard and can hold their heads high. Although Vidot needs to hit the line a bit harder on his kick returns.

Harrison: Needs to be placed wider - at the moment he seems to have no real job in the team, so give him on - i.e same as Friz but on the opposite side.

All up, considering our roster vs their roster, I thought we did ok to score the same number of tries. But we can't just give up an 18 point lead and expect to win. Time to turn to next week.

I actually think Weyman's time on the field should be controlled, I don't think having him push out 50-60 mins a game will help.

He was damaging like an impact player last night, but when arts to tire he struggles,He should be coming on for the last 20 mins of each half IMO. He just has that short explosiveness about him that should be used smartly..

That last 10 mins in the first half turned because he came on and smashed everything that was in front of him because Mnaly were getting tired.

Leave the long minutes to guys like merrin, hunt, prior etc...

I think weyman would be better if he was our "moi moi" if you get what I mean.


I actually think Weyman's time on the field should be controlled, I don't think having him push out 50-60 mins a game will help.

He was damaging like an impact player last night, but when arts to tire he struggles,He should be coming on for the last 20 mins of each half IMO. He just has that short explosiveness about him that should be used smartly..

That last 10 mins in the first half turned because he came on and smashed everything that was in front of him because Mnaly were getting tired.

Leave the long minutes to guys like merrin, hunt, prior etc...

I think weyman would be better if he was our "moi moi" if you get what I mean.

But is he better off coming on late in the half as an impact player, or starting off the half and getting stuck in for the heavy stuff. Or a combo of both - starting the game, coming off after 20, then using him sparingly and making sure he is in there for the final 15 minutes of the game?
Propblem is that for all the good work of the Merrin, Hunt, Prior types, Weyman is our only real hard-nosed prop who smashes everyone, so its a question of whether he is better utilised in the initial clashes or as an impact player.

Mr Red

First Grade
, these are pretty simple things. Basics that should be nailed down in training.

yep. and there lies the problem.
i know the Price bashing is getting repetitive, however you raise a good point here.. and in 18 months it seems we are still struggling getting the basics in order....

Mr Red

First Grade
But is he better off coming on late in the half as an impact player, or starting off the half and getting stuck in for the heavy stuff. Or a combo of both - starting the game, coming off after 20, then using him sparingly and making sure he is in there for the final 15 minutes of the game?
Propblem is that for all the good work of the Merrin, Hunt, Prior types, Weyman is our only real hard-nosed prop who smashes everyone, so its a question of whether he is better utilised in the initial clashes or as an impact player.

Weyman although still not 100% fit proved yet again he is still our best prop, daylight second, with Stockwell the next in line..
any talk that Weyman should not be offered a new contract is crazy..


But is he better off coming on late in the half as an impact player, or starting off the half and getting stuck in for the heavy stuff. Or a combo of both - starting the game, coming off after 20, then using him sparingly and making sure he is in there for the final 15 minutes of the game?
Propblem is that for all the good work of the Merrin, Hunt, Prior types, Weyman is our only real hard-nosed prop who smashes everyone, so its a question of whether he is better utilised in the initial clashes or as an impact player.

Given that he is 28, has a dodgy groin and knee.

I would leave the hard stuff to Merrin and co, Let weyman have his fun when the other team is getting tired.


One thing I noticed last night is the lack of confidence and anxiety that was so often seen in the Brown days - we often got off to a slow start and didn't quite pull it back. Under Bennett we came out confident and focused and played our game plan and the points came and often we were up 12-18 points and then ground out the rest of the win. I think we have the players but the coach is not managing the players anxiety. Maybe that was why bennett was so successful as he could give the players belief that they could win


First Grade
Another thing that is becoming increasingly obvious that we too often stand too shallow in attack, particularly late in the sets. In the second half we started standing deeper and were able finish off more movements and complete the sets.

This is what was said at half time, that Price was pleading with his players to play with shape (i.e. the gameplan), but seemingly they keep ignoring him, or they are going into some sort of autopilot mode on the field.

We certainly had a lot more space than we did against the Roosters, I think thats more the defence though, plus we exhausted them with defence.


I don't usually agree with Willow, but your summary on the game is spot on.

Worst first 30 minutes ever.

And to those who said Prior was ordinary, watch the game again, besides Horse, Prior was our best out there. He was up against Lyon and Glen Stewart plus he had to make Jamie's tackles - as Lyon was making him look like a school kid.

We are just an inept footy side.


First Grade
Weyman although still not 100% fit proved yet again he is still our best prop, daylight second, with Stockwell the next in line..
any talk that Weyman should not be offered a new contract is crazy..
I love the guy,but did you notice the last tackle in the 1st half he got up limping and flexing his injured knee,i feared he wouldn't come out for the 2nd.
His knee is a big problem and i fear it may cut his career short,but what a game the big guy had last night.


I love the guy,but did you notice the last tackle in the 1st half he got up limping and flexing his injured knee,i feared he wouldn't come out for the 2nd.
His knee is a big problem and i fear it may cut his career short,but what a game the big guy had last night.

Nek Minnit...TRY TIME!


First Grade
Was at the game, Vidot was good and was always trying, Creagh another average game, with most of the vans in my bay, all agreeing he is not playing well. Really disappointed with Soward, missed goals from sideline are one thing, but one jus off centre was unacceptable. Bronson Harrison, Prior and De Belin all below par. I,m also sick of forward passes from Fien and Rein from dummy half, they do it all the time and kills any momentum. Agree Frizell is a decent player.
Are you sure you were at the game,Vidot is awful.Won't tackle or put his massive body on the line,that shoulder charge was embarrassing,misses tacles and that chip kick almost bought down snow and was not needed.
His hitups were also half hearted.The sooner we get a fullback and Nighty gets back there ,the better.


I love the guy,but did you notice the last tackle in the 1st half he got up limping and flexing his injured knee,i feared he wouldn't come out for the 2nd.
His knee is a big problem and i fear it may cut his career short,but what a game the big guy had last night.

I say sign him for 2 with an option for a 3rd....

Mr Red

First Grade
I love the guy,but did you notice the last tackle in the 1st half he got up limping and flexing his injured knee,i feared he wouldn't come out for the 2nd.
His knee is a big problem and i fear it may cut his career short,but what a game the big guy had last night.

yep, but as i said he is still not 100% fit, i suspect coming back a tad too early from injury in an effort to help the team. plus i think those types of injuries you still experience a fair bit of pain at times as part of the ongoing healing process..