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Mark Gasnier threads


Question. Why did Josh Morris's car break down on his way to Belmore.??

Answer... Because he ran out of Gaz.


Declared Idiot #88


Staff member
that's your problem dude - not his.

if his league career was cut short tomorrow, he may well be in the same boat as you.

You're making the distinction that Gas can't do anything but play footy. I'm sure, after a little training as is normal at any work place, he could just as easily cut out a living like you or me in a suitable white collar work place, become a labourer, work in retail etc.

My point is these guys have lost a basing with reality to the point where they think they deserve the money they're getting, rather than seeing it as the blessing to a dream they held when they were growing up and have since forgotten about.


I heard/saw on the news that a dragon fan rang into talk back radio and implored all saints fans to turn their back on Gaz for 5 minutes.

Whoever you are, you are a tosser of the highest order. Piss weak action if done.


I heard/saw on the news that a dragon fan rang into talk back radio and implored all saints fans to turn their back on Gaz for 5 minutes.

Whoever you are, you are a tosser of the highest order. Piss weak action if done.

Where is the firing squad, would like to see if he wanna turn his back then :D

God-King Dean

:lol: Whoever thought that up must be genius.

And miss out on 5 minutes of the game ? Totally worth it. We'll show him !


First Grade
stupid idea but im gonna feel really conflicted cheering him on from now on.

meanwhile im trying to write my gaz blog and its proving rather difficult to articulate what im feelin. EMOTIOOOONS.


Shouldnt Turn Our Backs To Him..hes Not Willie Mason And We Arnt The Dogs.

But The Question Is How Does Everyone Feel About Him Even Though He Is Still Playing?

Would We Be Happy To Still See Him Play Or Is It A Who Cares Mentality?


I hope he gives this season his all and really wants to finish with the dragons on a high note then i was still cheer him on. If he just fades away waiting for next yr ill be pissed and it would show the type of person he is. I guess we have to wait and see.


I donno i have some mixed feelings. In a way i see that he in passionate about the red v and he did want to stay but money talks especially when your not getting paid a 3rd of your contract but ye i donno still dissapointed but ill still cheer him on as long as he puts in his all for the rest of the season and wants to finish with the dragons on a high note.


I'll leave my opinion until after this week vs the Storm.

He shouldnt owe the game anything and he has every right to set himself up for life but after thinking about it....

Centenary year for rugby league, the Gasnier name, the up coming World Cup......

His timing is really a kick in the guts for the game in an important year.

This Year?

It was only a matter of time before he left. The timing sucks considering it's getting to the most important part of the season. I really hope he concentrates on finishing with a bang and gets some of his classic form back. You can't knock a bloke who is doing it for more money.....I just hope he remembers where he came from and how well he's been treated by the club.

St. Brett

The thing with Gasnier is who is going to give a sh*t about what he does in this French Union game anyway?
How does that help his legacy when we look back at his career?
What is that comp about anyway? Does 10% of the world even care about a French code of football?
What are the crowds like?
Does anyone actually watch it over there?
Is there a vested interest over there to begin with?

Look at Gower Power.
I haven't seen him play a game overseas, I don't care about him playing in France.
I wouldn't even know if Gower has won a game of that other bullsh*t code.
I wouldn't know what color his jersey is either.
I don't care if he helps that code overseas.
And neither does most Australians.

They're turning their back on Australia.
(I'm one to speak, eh? I wanna go to Loleta CA and live myself. But sssshhh don't tell anyone.)
I bet when these players leave and settle in over there they secretly check back home to see if they're missed.
It's all childish.
They're spoilt and want to know that people are still talking about 'em.
They think they'll be missed and that they're punishing us somehow.
Like as in, 'I told you so!' 'I warned you!'
But what they're really saying is, 'hope they miss me.'

Always remember this Brett Gaddes overseas tip.
It's only until you're away from Australia and home do you realise how much you love this place.
That singer was right about still calling Australia home.
We are the greatest country on Earth.

Let these sell-outs go I say.

With most Dragons players they blame the fans for being over-critical of them on the field.
They pout and it's petulant to see.
They can't accept criticism but welcome accolades.
Oh, I live in a fish bowl existence in SYD get me out of here everybody knows me.
This is why MLB are so good in the comp.
Their sole focus is the ball and not life style.

I see Gasnier wanted to be the star quarter back again last Sunday against the Raiders.
Mr. every where, give me the ball, my name's Gasnier, make my star shine.
Give me the ball.
That's why you lost.

Some people think they're bigger than the game itself.

I hope Gaz is a star over in France I won't care what he achieves there.
I don't even want to know who he plays for or if he sets up a try.
And I'm sure it'll better his credentials when we look back at his career.
Yer right.
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I don't want to see Gaz leave but Lets wait 2 c if Gaz can tackle the storm backline. I hope inglis doesn't play like origin 2 on gaz or we could be in lots of trouble.
I would prefer Gaz leaving than Cooper


You'd expect him to be professional and play to the best of his abilities now that his future has been sorted.