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Massive News: SMH: Runaway Lyon says he's keen to rejoin Parramatta

fish eel

Hollywood Jesus said:
and that's a very nice point, actually.

Perhaps it would have a correlation to this discussion if those people with a dislike fro Brian Smith had been moralising about how the club had sold out its values by signing smithy....


Post Whore
well personally, i'm not moralising - the club can have different morals to me .... but I don't have to like lyon because he is a good footballer playing at our club (but don't worry, I wouldn't start a dozen new threads every week about why I have issues with him) .... all i'm simply saying is you can still support the club even tho u don't particularly like a small bit of it (just as ppl do with smithy now)


Hollywood Jesus said:
1) lol, he went nowhere with the Club's blessing. They let him play for teams he didn't actually wanna play for because we weren't gonna let him just have his way. Honestly, do you think his real choice of teams were Wee Waa and St. Helen's? We all know he would have run to Manly if he could have on a moments notice. Manly cap, anyone? Yep, sure sign of a guy who wasn't being a prick if I've ever seen one

2) Absolutely correct. If it takes time to get the apology/explanation/whatever then that's fine with me. But, as I just said to PDJ, please don't hack on me when I've done nothing different to everyone else that has contributed to this 19 page thread.

HJ, I wasn't hacking on you. Read back my post and show me where it's hacking on anyone? If everyone takes a chill pill this can be a good discussion.

We don't know that he would have run straight to Manly if he could. The place he first went to after Round 1 to try and get his head on was... Wee Waa. A whole heap of the Manly stuff was just media speculation, and fan conjecture in looking for someone to blame for something that wasn't handled well by any party.

His later attendance at a Manly game and putting on the cap for the cameras could well have been just an opportunity to silently get back at the one person in the club he most wanted to, over whatever went down. Given the reaction and speculation it fuelled, I'd say attending the Manly game was a mission accomplished? And yes it was acting like a prick, but we don't know the situation it was in response too, which might change the way any of us look at how he behaved.

Later in the year, when he did realise he wanted to play NRL again, but not with Parra (or read: not when a particular person was still at Parra), the club did stop him taking an easy option (possibly Manly), which I think was a great move! The club at the time held him to his publicly stated reason for why he couldn't play at Parra, the big city thing. Jamie may not ever give another explanation for what went down, even when a person who might have been involved is no longer at Parra, he may just be the type of guy who doesn't want to muckrake? Who doesn't want to open up old wounds and draw others into an issue?

All speculation of course, but if he is the type of guy that shies away from public muckraking and involving others in a messy dispute, then as misguided or maybe even weak as it was at the time, perhaps that explains why he did what he did in the way he did it? Instead of giving Becky Wilson and colleagues amunition through media releases or detailed interviews about private incidents that might have went down, which may have torn down the fabric of the team that year worse than his unplanned absence did...

You're entitled to your opinions and values HJ, and I can respect that you have them and put it out there. From the outside I also believe the Lyon situation alone marred the team's chances in 2004 and basically took up a whole year in repairing the spirit of the side. But my view as a fan is that the only thing that matters with Jamie is if he can mend his bridges with the other Parra players, remaining staff and club officials who he might end up playing with and for in 2007, and that they're comfortable to play alongside each other. If Cayless, Hindmarsh, Burt, Wagon, and whoever's left from those days can do that under a new coach, then it tells me that as a fan, with or without a detailed explanation, I too can get behind the bloke and support Lyon as an Eel if it happens.


strider said:
well personally, i'm not moralising - the club can have different morals to me .... but I don't have to like lyon because he is a good footballer playing at our club (but don't worry, I wouldn't start a dozen new threads every week about why I have issues with him) .... all i'm simply saying is you can still support the club even tho u don't particularly like a small bit of it (just as ppl do with smithy now)
Good point. Like with Dykes when he was with the club too.


Post Whore
while i don't profess to knowing details, i think there is enough to lead pretty firmly to the fact that jamie wanted to go to manly ... and I am confident to come to the conclusion that club was very much involved in it all from very early on ... and if jamie would prefer to make me think otherwise then he can feel free to explain it

infact, I think the fact that jamie (or anyone involved with him) has NEVER tried to explain in public why he was not at fault and justified in what he did, really points to the fact that he behaved poorly.... basically he's got nothing to make himself look good so just lay low ..... hell even his parents tried to convince him to go back to parra early on - and his manager also couldn't get away quick enough (and managers generally turn a blind eye to their clients) ... I just think that if I was wrongfully accussed of being a spineless prick like he was, that I'd make some effort to clarify the situation.

Tyler Durden

hey bart, strider, and anyone else -
some really good discussions here.
if you're all up for it, how about we catch up next sunday at the fox and lion (around lunchish), get sloshed on beers, thrash this whole thing out,
then go and watch Parra smash Manly


Post Whore
Tyler Durden said:
hey bart, strider, and anyone else -
some really good discussions here.
if you're all up for it, how about we catch up next sunday at the fox and lion (around lunchish), get sloshed on beers, thrash this whole thing out,
then go and watch Parra smash Manly

only if u all promise to agree with everything i say :lol:


Iam not sure Lyon will even come to the NRL. His on big bucks in England. I know he wants his test jersey back but there are too many ifs and buts atm.


Tyler Durden said:
hey bart, strider, and anyone else -
some really good discussions here.
if you're all up for it, how about we catch up next sunday at the fox and lion (around lunchish), get sloshed on beers, thrash this whole thing out,
then go and watch Parra smash Manly
Done. This type of talk goes much better with some brews under the belt.:alcho:


Hollywood Jesus said:
Absolutely 100% correct.

But you know what, this thread has gone on for 19 pages now with none of us knowing whats actually going on. Everyone freely admits this is a thread based purely on speculation, yet here we all are on Page 19! Now, how many posts have I made? 15-20? That's like what, a page? Out of 19? Puh-lease, I'm no worse off just because my opinion is different to yours and I make you look like a spineless fool.

But I guess it's ok for people to welcome him back with open arms, making this decision based purely on the exact same information that I am not allowed to form an opinion with? roflmao - fool.

1) lol, he went nowhere with the Club's blessing. They let him play for teams he didn't actually wanna play for because we weren't gonna let him just have his way. Honestly, do you think his real choice of teams were Wee Waa and St. Helen's? We all know he would have run to Manly if he could have on a moments notice. Manly cap, anyone? Yep, sure sign of a guy who wasn't being a prick if I've ever seen one

2) Absolutely correct. If it takes time to get the apology/explanation/whatever then that's fine with me. But, as I just said to PDJ, please don't hack on me when I've done nothing different to everyone else that has contributed to this 19 page thread.

My points are extremely valid. And I'm better than you because of many reasons - my beard, my integrity, my high level of natural intelligence, dashing good looks, undeniable and irresistable charisma, and let's not forget my beard.

Excellent point.

My answer - not in the least. You see, that is what is wrong with society these days. We enter into things thinking we can just bail if the situations doesn't turn out like our dreams told us it would. Marriages, contracts - our society thinks first and foremost of instant gratification and we have thrown off our responsibilities because they simply don't fit us.

I have this discussion with people all the time - friends, family, students, strangers - it's about time our society stopped thinking of our priviliges before our responsibilities, because we are digging ourselves into a big ol' hole of smut because a) we don't think ahead (we don't have to we can just bail) b) we have more important things to do than be honourable, trustworthy and reliable

Once again, excellent point.

Yeah, I know. The fans are owed nothing by the players................lol

And this is based on what? If you actually know something factual about what happened, I for one would love to hear it. As I have said, this is 19 pages of pure speculation, so any real information would go a long way towards helping us get the understanding we need to make an informed opinion.


So why am I wrong? Because I expect people to honour their word? Because I don't fall down and kiss a footy player's arse and treat them as if they are a god (I doubt they would even rate in the top 20 of most important people in society)? Because I have a different opinion than you?

Or maybe because, as I have already said, me speaking up makes you all subconsciously realise you are vain and shallow and so the only way for you to continue to ignore that and live the dream that you aren't sell-outs like the majority of society is to discredit me so that you can convince yourselves that you don't have to listen to the truths that I speak of?

This isn't about Jamie, when it comes down to it. Well, for me it isn't anyways. I have a system of beliefs that I have applied to this situation - I don;t twist my beliefs to fit this situation so I get my gratification. It's about time that this society learnt to do the right thing, honour it's word and stop thinking it can turn its back on responsibility in order to indulge itself in privilege.

People like all of you, who let people like Jamie get away with sh*t like this, are the reason why society continues to fall down and implode. You should all Listen to the Pope's Easter speech - really listen - because he is talking to you, about you.

Ever wondered why the world is one big sh*thole? Look in the mirror and you will find your answer.

Have a pleasant evening :D

You self righteous, arrogant C__T!!!!

Do you really believe any of that crap??????

We're talking about a footballer and a football team. These things have little or no relevance to the problems we face as a society.

Do us all a favour and keep your amateur hour political speaches to yourself, they're misguided, misplaced, but most of all just crap!
roflmao - about time I hit a nerve with someone :D

But seriously, of course they have something to do with society. You can't simply remove one from the other.

But, nevertheless, glad someone finally bit :)


crap...wats the bet manly will come up with a massive offer for lyon

and i was so sure of lyon coming to parra....

unless we sign him in the next month or so... hes gone


Hollywood Jesus said:
roflmao - about time I hit a nerve with someone :D

But seriously, of course they have something to do with society. You can't simply remove one from the other.

But, nevertheless, glad someone finally bit :)

What a load of bollocks. You know I'm right, you've got nothing to come back with so you resort to "finally someone bit".