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Massive News: SMH: Runaway Lyon says he's keen to rejoin Parramatta

fish eel

junior009 said:
You self righteous, arrogant C__T!!!!

Do you really believe any of that crap??????

We're talking about a footballer and a football team. These things have little or no relevance to the problems we face as a society.

Do us all a favour and keep your amateur hour political speaches to yourself, they're misguided, misplaced, but most of all just crap!

it aint worth the bother getting so worked up about those posts. They're just desgined to get people angsty. such things reflect poorly on the author. you'd have better luck trying to get an everton supporter to switch to your anfield boys....:lol:
junior009 said:
You self righteous, arrogant C__T!!!!

Do you really believe any of that crap??????

We're talking about a footballer and a football team. These things have little or no relevance to the problems we face as a society.

Do us all a favour and keep your amateur hour political speaches to yourself, they're misguided, misplaced, but most of all just crap!

Oh, not relevant?

So it's ok for someone to act in a morally and socially irresponsible manner simply because they are a footballer? Or because his actions take place within a football Club?

Now, aren't these the same people that our kids look up to as heroes and try to emulate?

Now, we're justifying Jamie doing this simply because he is a good footballer. So we're telling our kids that it's more important that Jamie is a good footballer than he is a man who honours his word. Cause this must be what we're telling our kids if that is what we are posting here.

Or am I the only one with the conviction to actually make posts here that accurately reflect my thoughts?

So, it's got nothing to do with society? We're saying that this guy who our kids look up to and emulate doesn't have to act in a socially and morally responsible manner simply because he is a talented footballer? That's basically what's happening here, and you're trying to tell me that it has nothing to do with society?

Jamie, just as much as you or me, has the obligation to honour his word. Failing to do so does not just impact our Club, but the attitude inpacts society in general. Is that how we want to run our society? Because apparently everyone else here is perfectly fine with this scenario.

Or it could simply be the case that people think footballers are exempt from the rules for some reason, which is just utterly ridiculous.

I know what I'm talking about junior, and I am ALWAYS right.

But, as I have already said, fish is also kind of right. I mean, I stand behind what I say here (and everywhere else) 100%, but that doesn't mean I don't have a little fun at the same time. And it does not demean me - most of the time people get the sh*ts with me because they realise I am right, and that the truth is they are shallow and meaningless human beings. People hate looking at themselves this way, so they bite at me to try to discredit me or come up with some reason so they can ignore me and not have face the damning truths that I show them.

But yeah, I'm also having a little fun :)

fish eel

Hollywood Jesus said:
Oh, not relevant?

So it's ok for someone to act in a morally and socially irresponsible manner simply because they are a footballer? Or because his actions take place within a football Club?

Now, aren't these the same people that our kids look up to as heroes and try to emulate?

Has Jamie broken any laws?
Been convicted of any crime?
Got drunk, abused people, started fights, been tossed out of licensed premises etc?
Some people would argue those things are morally and socially wrong, and all Jamie Lyon has done is have a workplace dispute.

But, as I have already said, fish is also kind of right.

I'll just refer you to my signature.
My posts come with a suity stamp of approval.:lol:


Hollywood Jesus said:
Oh, not relevant?

Or am I the only one with the conviction to actually make posts here that accurately reflect my thoughts?

I have some similar thoughts. I just gave up writing about them and caring what other people think...

fish eel said:
Has Jamie broken any laws?
Been convicted of any crime?
Got drunk, abused people, started fights, been tossed out of licensed premises etc?
Some people would argue those things are morally and socially wrong, and all Jamie Lyon has done is have a workplace dispute.

Oh, please - workplace dispute my arse.

He failed to follow up on his word. He ran away from his teammates, his workmates, his friends, his supporters - because he couldn't be bothered putting up with a situation he didn't like.

We both know that this goes way beyond a workplace dispute. This is a perfect relfection of one of society's current problems - that it's easier to ditch the problem than deal with it. It's better to turn your back on an agreement rather than have to put up with any unpleasantness.

It doesn't matter whether it's divorce, abortion or football contracts - they are all reflections of the same attitude that is digging society into one big sh*thole. Instant graitification, bugger the expense or consequences.

Funny, cause I don't think that's how our forefathers built such a great country.

fish eel

Hollywood Jesus said:
Oh, please - workplace dispute my arse.

He failed to follow up on his word. He ran away from his teammates, his workmates, his friends, his supporters - because he couldn't be bothered putting up with a situation he didn't like.

We both know that this goes way beyond a workplace dispute. This is a perfect relfection of one of society's current problems - that it's easier to ditch the problem than deal with it. It's better to turn your back on an agreement rather than have to put up with any unpleasantness.

It doesn't matter whether it's divorce, abortion or football contracts - they are all reflections of the same attitude that is digging society into one big sh*thole. Instant graitification, bugger the expense or consequences.

Funny, cause I don't think that's how our forefathers built such a great country.

Its just a matter of perspective. The workplave dispute, that may be the view some of. Its neither right nor wrong. Its could just be their view. I noticed though you just seemed to gloss over the other points I mentioned, and just dived straight into the last one.


Sorry champ, but the only truths your showing here are your own misguided feelings of superiority. I've not ever met you, but I can only assume that you don't act like this in person.

One (of what I'm sure are many, many) difference between you and me....you feel your superior to everyone else because you hold these moral beliefs. I too have my own beliefs...difference is I don't think that they make me better than anyone else, nor do I feel the need to regurgitate them at the drop of a hat. What I'm trying to say simply is those who aren't like to tell everybody that they are, those who aren't don't need to tell anyone anything.


Post Whore
actually i don't think its a workplace dispute ... a dispute would usually entail hanging around to dispute something :lol:
fish eel said:
Its just a matter of perspective. The workplave dispute, that may be the view some of. Its neither right nor wrong. Its could just be their view. I noticed though you just seemed to gloss over the other points I mentioned, and just dived straight into the last one.

I didn't need to discuss the other points. They are all good examples of a lack of morals - but they aren't a complete list.

Like I said, Jamie walked out on a helluva lot of people simply because he didn't want to put up with an unpleasant situation. Whether that was due to city life or Brian Smith is irrelevant - he didn't want to honour his contract, didn't want to honour his word, didn't want to stand by his team mates and fans. He was more concerned with himself.

It is, quite simply, a moral and social issue. To say otherwise is simply ridiculous, and most likely an attempt to gloss over the poster's own moral bankruptcy.

If we endorse Jamie acting in such a fashion then we endorse all of society doing so - Jamie is under no different set of rules than the rest of us. So, is it ok for people to just walk out on their contracts? Is it ok for people to just forget about their word? Is it ok for people to leave behind their friends, their workmates, their teammates, their support group simply because things got a little tough? And to do it with no explanation whatsoever?

These are all generally acceptable actions that it's perfectly fine for all of society to engage in? Is this what we want to teach our kids (don't forget Jamie is the type of person who our kids look up to, so it's a very important question)?

junior009 said:
Sorry champ, but the only truths your showing here are your own misguided feelings of superiority. I've not ever met you, but I can only assume that you don't act like this in person.

One (of what I'm sure are many, many) difference between you and me....you feel your superior to everyone else because you hold these moral beliefs. I too have my own beliefs...difference is I don't think that they make me better than anyone else, nor do I feel the need to regurgitate them at the drop of a hat. What I'm trying to say simply is those who aren't like to tell everybody that they are, those who aren't don't need to tell anyone anything.

I have no misguided feelings of superiority. Firstly, my feelings of superiority are well grounded :)

But seriously, a) I'm not going to hold back just because this is "only" a footy forum or whatever and b) I'm actually a really nice bloke. Probably the nicest, and most handsome, bloke anyone will ever meet. If you don't believe me just ask my friend Neil, he'll tell you.

And I don't need to tell anybody anything, it's just a lot more fun when I do :) You can disagree with me all you want, but damn this thread has got a lot more entertaining since I decided to join in :D


First Grade
fish eel said:
Has Jamie broken any laws?
Been convicted of any crime?
Got drunk, abused people, started fights, been tossed out of licensed premises etc?
Some people would argue those things are morally and socially wrong, and all Jamie Lyon has done is have a workplace dispute.


With all of HJ's ranting about how signing Lyon would be selling the club's soul I'm happy to see some of us can look at this with an unbiased opinion.

A 21 year old who was trying to start a family is struggling to deal with his boss. The "real men" HJ loves to talk about may stay there and put up with it, but they wouldn't be happy in their life. But I guess that's betraying all of the fans because he chose to put himself and his family before us. Good on him, having the guts to do that sounds like something a real man would do to me. Just like it takes guts to approach the club and ask to make up for it even when he doesn't have to.

Maroubra Eel

junior009 said:
You self righteous, arrogant C__T!!!!

Do you really believe any of that crap??????

We're talking about a footballer and a football team. These things have little or no relevance to the problems we face as a society.

Do us all a favour and keep your amateur hour political speaches to yourself, they're misguided, misplaced, but most of all just crap!

You are one rude person junior. :shock:


:LOL: :LOL: change your settings HJ and you'll only have 8 pages of crap! :LOL: :LOL:


Post Whore
they were asking on the footy show if parra should let lyon back...sterlo said an adamant no way! .... he said something along the lines of - for a guy who's supposedly homesick, he's got no worries in st helens ... ie. lyon lied his arse off


yes true.. but 3/4 four people said they should

and johns said hes seen wat he was doing in ESL..doing "freakish" things

id want that in my parra team....


Come back Jaime, all is forgiven. End all this debate, moralising and name throwing and put a smile back on the Eels supporters faces.