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Massive News: SMH: Runaway Lyon says he's keen to rejoin Parramatta


Couldnt see this posted anywhere else.


THE chances of Jamie Lyon returning to Parramatta increased today after Nathan Hindmarsh led a chorus of senior Eels players calling for his return to the NRL club.

Lyon made contact with Parramatta football manager Tony Zappia about a possible homecoming, although Eels officials have been reticent to begin negotiations in earnest until they gauge the mood of senior players.

The former Kangaroo centre walked out on Parramatta after the opening round of 2004 citing burnout and difficulty in adjusting to the Sydney lifestyle, returning to his hometown to play for NSW country side Wee Waa before moving on to England.

But after watching him take his game to a new level as a five-eighth with St Helens, Eels officials are considering bringing him back to partner Tim Smith in the halves from next season.
While the players were upset at Lyon's decision to walk out on the club, Hindmarsh said all was forgiven and declared: "I hope he does come back."
"If he does come back there's no hard feelings or anything like that," Hindmarsh said today.
"I never had any when he left in the first place, it was his choice, I just thought he could have handled it a bit better than he did.
"It would have been tough for him.

"We've heard little rumours about the club talking to him, but we've got enough to worry about getting our season back on track." Hindmarsh, who had previously stated Lyon would struggle to get a start ahead of Eels centres Ben Smith and Timana Tahu, said the prospect of him playing at pivot was an exciting one.
"I haven't seen Killer play much at five-eighth, I'm pretty sure he'd talk himself up," he said.

"He'd probably want to take over the goalkicking duties and the kicking in general play.

"I'm sure if he does play he'd add something to the team."
Hindmarsh's thoughts were echoed by other senior teammates Nathan Cayless and Dean Widders, who said there was no "bad blood" despite his controversial departure.

"For sure, he's a world class player," Cayless said when asked if he'd welcome Lyon's return.

"Myself and Hindy have spoken about it, as have a couple of the other boys in the team.

"He'd be pretty handy."
Widders added: "He had his reasons for doing what he had to do, it really doesn't worry me."

Still contracted to the Eels until the end of this season, Lyon is not allowed to negotiate with other NRL clubs until the anti-tampering deadline expires on June 30, giving it the inside running on his signature.
Eels chief executive Denis Fitzgerald said he planned to speak to the players about the issue next week.

"I haven't spoken to Jamie, I've got to look at a number of considerations before we decide whether we will or will not make any offer to Jamie," he said.

The biggest loser should Lyon return would be incumbent No.6 John Morris, who is off contract at the end of the season.
"If they want him to come back and play five-eighth, that's their decision," Morris said.

"There's speculation they're in deep talks with him but I don't really know where it's at.

"As it gets closer I'd certainly like to communicate with them."
Morris has been linked with a possible move back to Newcastle along with coach Brian Smith at season's end, but indicated his preference was to stay at the Eels.

"I hope they keep this side together and don't change it too much," he said. "For me, staying at Parramatta is number one."

Ron Jeremy

f**k me & and this board.

Yet again i'll say this, Jamie is the best back in the world, time to forgive & forget and get on with it, or would you rather persist with Morris?

Ron Jeremy

I reckon he'll go ok anywhere outside Parramatta.

Morris was made to look better then what he was last year, his form has been horrible and imo is not a 5/8 for the future.


First Grade
strider said:
a bit hypocritical dude ... u blast someone who doesn't agree with u about jamie - tell them to piss off if they don't like something about the club

yet u spend season after season whining like hell about our current coach and some of the players :lol: :lol:

how would u feel if we all told u to piss off and not support parra for the rest of the year cos u don't like smithy? :roll:

Feel free to if it offends you that much. You can tell me to pull my head in if I rant about Smithy or whatever, or to piss off if you don't like me, that's your business.

I don't think it's hypocritical at all, I'm just a fan like all of you who is a bit more honest. I'm very different to most people here in that instead of pointing out what a nice bloke Wagon is, I'll point out that he isn't pulling his weight in the team. I never get to meet the players so I don't really know them off the field, which is why all I have to go on is what I see and when I watch the same people I pick on, I say bad things because it's the truth!

All I said to HJ was he knows where the door is if Lyon coming back sickens him that much. Lyon coming back is not selling the heart and soul of the club, it's looking out for the best interests of the club because fans don't show up unless we're winning and with Lyon in the team we'll be winning more than we are now. Fitzy wants to win games, I'm glad he's our CEO and HJ isn't, that's all I'll say.

And if my "season after season whining" annoys you them I'm sorry (for the record, I've only been posting here for just over a year and only really speaking up since the start of this one). I guess I can't get into the usual trend of hi-jacking the majority of football threads and filling it with kisses and giggles like some people can. I like to talk Footy, and there isn't much positive to talk about that is Eels related at the moment is there?

Ron Jeremy

It's obvious now why Lyon walked out.

Someone tell me if they've ever had an asshole boss who can't bare to work with them anymore.

Jamie Lyon has got to come back!!!!! we need a premiership!!


Post Whore
ParraDude_Jay said:
Feel free to if it offends you that much. You can tell me to pull my head in if I rant about Smithy or whatever, or to piss off if you don't like me, that's your business.

I don't think it's hypocritical at all, I'm just a fan like all of you who is a bit more honest. I'm very different to most people here in that instead of pointing out what a nice bloke Wagon is, I'll point out that he isn't pulling his weight in the team. I never get to meet the players so I don't really know them off the field, which is why all I have to go on is what I see and when I watch the same people I pick on, I say bad things because it's the truth!

All I said to HJ was he knows where the door is if Lyon coming back sickens him that much. Lyon coming back is not selling the heart and soul of the club, it's looking out for the best interests of the club because fans don't show up unless we're winning and with Lyon in the team we'll be winning more than we are now. Fitzy wants to win games, I'm glad he's our CEO and HJ isn't, that's all I'll say.

And if my "season after season whining" annoys you them I'm sorry (for the record, I've only been posting here for just over a year and only really speaking up since the start of this one). I guess I can't get into the usual trend of hi-jacking the majority of football threads and filling it with kisses and giggles like some people can. I like to talk Footy, and there isn't much positive to talk about that is Eels related at the moment is there?

well I don't plan to tell u to piss off - I might totally disagree with some stuff u post and think it is off the mark, but I have learnt from many on this board that u have the right to post it .... and likewise, I think you should learn that if some of us don't like what jamie did that we don't have to want him back just because he's a good player ... everyone on here would love parra to win every game - you shouldn't be questioning that as some sly way of taking a potshot at people who disagree with you.

I have never met the players off the field, I do not know them at all - but I still see them a humans with flaws and lives and if they have a crappy game I can live with it ... the people who defend players/coaches are fine with admitting they have sh*t days at the office, they just don't think a dozen threads all saying the same thing helps the cause.


Well, from the way Hindy was talking about Lyon fitting in at 5/8 it almost sounds like he either knows Morris is gone, or that he wants him gone...
ParraDude_Jay said:
I guess I can't get into the usual trend of hi-jacking the majority of football threads and filling it with kisses and giggles like some people can. I like to talk Footy, and there isn't much positive to talk about that is Eels related at the moment is there?

hehe, I'll give ya that much. 90% of what goes on in this forum is kisses and giggles :roll:

But there is positive Parra stuff to talk about. My brother is the touchie for the Flegg game tonight and we all get to go and abuse the hell out of him for the entire length of the game. Man I haven't looked forward to a Parra match this much since we played Great Britain :)

Stagger eel

Staff member
parra pete said:
Would Jack Gibson have him back???

Peter, Jack Gibson, as long as much as I love the man to death, is no longer involved at the club even though he frequents at the annual club reunions. You should pose that question to Dennis and the board, as well as Zappia, Mitchel, Hagan and the few players still here that played with him while he walked out on us.

and reports seem to be that they will be opening the door for him if he wants to come back.

and that's the bottom line.

Stagger eel

Staff member
Ron Jeremy said:
f**k me & and this board.

Yet again i'll say this, Jamie is the best back in the world, time to forgive & forget and get on with it, or would you rather persist with Morris?

it was reiterated by Colonel the people here should except everyone's opinions, people still very hurt at what went on a few years back.

Just deal with it.

Maroubra Eel

I would love to see him back next year.

He is all quality even if he did stuff us up at the time when he walked out.


First Grade
In all of this, dont underestimate that Jamie was poorly led by an ex Eels person, who was looking for payback on the club. He has since fallen out with his next club, perhaps that is telling us what goes around comes around.
Personally, I dont think our club acted as professionally as it could have in some aspects of the story, we seemed to have left Jamie pretty much to his own devices and probably open to influence from an interested party. We should forgive, forget is to each individual, but I remember what Jamies last profile read " which was that he wanted to be in the Blue and Gold until he finished playing". Lets see what the next few weeks brings, and support what decision our club makes

Ron Jeremy

eelavation said:
it was reiterated by Colonel the people here should except everyone's opinions, people still very hurt at what went on a few years back.

Just deal with it.

Opinions are fine, but when people start saying "we don't need Lyon" thats a load of crap, and nothing can justify it.