Red for Go!
We only played at 70-75% last week.
I really liked the eyes up and agility in the attack and most of the defensive posture, although the score flattered us a bit.
We have a pretty mobile side and in theory, every time we play, we should get fitter.
They will test us out early, we will arrest the attack, and respond in our own time.
I think the game plan was ok last week and we can apply it again.
We showed spells of resilience, which we know has been few and far between for time immemorial.
I think it’s a good opponent to have at the moment in the building phase.
If we are not up for it mentally, then we have troubles. We will miss Bula.
But we need safety at the back, we have strike all over the park otherwise.
And doogie, I loved that inside kick at full pelt. That’s him at extreme threat level.
Great eyes up footy, well executed. Not perfect, but close enough. Not many players can do that.
Benji says he wants more creativity from the side.
If we bring the same attitude, we should manage 12+
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