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Match Discussion: Round 3 vs Raiders @ GIO Stadium Canberra

Who will win? Round 3: Raiders v Knights

  • Canberra Raiders 1-12

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  • Draw after Golden Point

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  • Poll closed .

Old dog

Ok we went bad, Ponga to 1 but then who is 6, Watson or Mann, don’t like Watson but for bench. Mann has trained at 9 with intention of being the 9, really, let’s now play him at 1, see how he goes, whoops poor decision. Am a great believer in players having favoured/best position, we have Watson, no preferred specialised position, can play variety but not specialist, Mann same story can do a job but not quite the specialist.
Put Ponga at 1, Pearce at 7 and play whoever is best and fittest at 6 with Levi at 9. Strongest players in best positions, SIMPLES!
The pack could do with a little work, another story.


Watson wasn't great at 6 last year, but we were better than we currently are with him there. Lino is banged up, Mann I'd rather see in reserve grade but I guess they'll play him there. I wouldn't mind Crossland getting a go for a week tbh.

Honestly, as long as we have Ponga at 1 and Pearce at 7, we can have anyone at 6.


To be fair we haven’t given Connor a decent go in any position, and he gets bagged for being average in the three or four positions he’s played for us.

He will be a very good player - just pick a position and be consistent with him.


First Grade
I think about 3 weeks ago most said the team would take minimum 6 weeks to get their shit together so why the wrist slitting?

Brown deserves a whack maybe but give him a go at fixing things b4 heads are called for. If he persists and fails he will be punted. But he deserves all of this year to get the team to potential.

Have not had a chance to watch the game and clearly it wasnt our best. But the margin was 7 points not 30.

There are more crisis merchant in here than Buzz and his merry crew at News....


Feels terrible to lose again but ain't too depressed.

They scored two tries off a charge down on Pearce and a knock on by Ponga. Not the end of the world.

Been said before but we don't have enough in attack. We look solid but not potent. I would love to see Ponga back in the one. Need to inject himself and not be stuck on one side of the pitch.

We need to stand deeper when attacking. Why do we look so flat? The couple of times we looked deeper, we looked classy.

Ramien should get the ball early every second set.

How good is Gavet? Don't know his stats but I love what he brings to the team. Edrick Lee also very classy. Great signings.

Would love a better hooker... Not sh*tting on Levi but seems very average... Not that creative nor lethal. Just average at best...

I think we will see Pearce improve once Ponga goes back to fullback. Seems like he wants to guide Ponga and its distracting him from just playing his game.

I know we lost two weeks in a row but all three games this season we finished the stronger side. We look solid. Just solid. Once it clicks for us I think we are going to be a very potent side.

Knight Vision

First Grade
There is a lot of “shift Ponga” talk here, but no one is really talking about how much of a spud Pearce is playing like while Connor and Kalyn are working out new positions on the go.

He needs to stand up, take control and direct the team - Kalyn included. If Kalyn is getting in the road - f**king tell him and direct him where to go.

Does he need to get back on the drink?
this.....its Pearce's team and he is the on-field general. Flat footed last 2 games, no momentum 1 out stuff and no flowing footy, we dont even look like threatening the opposition. The one time we get the ball to Ramien noodle and the bloke scores a meat pie.

The positive is we have played like shit in 2 games and only just got beat both times.

Spot On

I think about 3 weeks ago most said the team would take minimum 6 weeks to get their shit together so why the wrist slitting?

Brown deserves a whack maybe but give him a go at fixing things b4 heads are called for. If he persists and fails he will be punted. But he deserves all of this year to get the team to potential.

Have not had a chance to watch the game and clearly it wasnt our best. But the margin was 7 points not 30.

There are more crisis merchant in here than Buzz and his merry crew at News....

Umm, Sam Williams and Jack Whiton were the halves - thank Christ it wasn't a decent pairing or it would have been a massacre.

Sorry but outside of their hooker they look to be a bottom eight side all-round.

Reality is quickly setting in after what I saw tonight that we possibly can't match that standard of opposition.

Teams should improve over a number of weeks, not peak first up and progessively get worse

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First Grade
Would we be better off with a more defensive 5/8? Worked with Joey and Sean Rudder :joy:
Let Pearce run the team and Ponga work his magic from the back. An extra hole runner. Strengthen the defence. Just tossing out ideas.


I feel like last season we were on the right track just didn't have the key personnel to pull it off, instead of continuing on from where we left off I feel Brown has tried to reinvent the wheel and gone away from what was working.


First Grade
Umm, Sam Williams and Jack Whiton were the halves - thank Christ it wasn't a decent pairing or it would have been a massacre.

Sorry but outside of their hooker they look to be a bottom eight side all-round.

Reality is quickly setting in after what I saw tonight that we possibly can't match that standard of opposition.

Teams should improve over a number of weeks, not peak first up and progessively get worse


With some pretty decent players around them. I dont agree Hodgson is their only good player but that does not excuse our performance.

You know this is a game that if you are 5% off you can get towelled. It was shit, agreed. But the bloke deserves a season to see what he can do.

You can blame the coach but without him we would still be stuck in salary cap mud and trying to buy our way to a top 8 spot paying overs for blokes like Whighton and Sam Williams. But I'm sure you would prefer that yeah?

Admire your passion but sacking the coach 3 weeks in is lunacy.


People need to calm down. Brown spent 3 years building this team from the ground up so he deserves at least 1 season to produce results with a good side before a decision is made, calling for his head only 3 rounds in is just way too early. I agree that we’ve been pretty shit so far but this was always going to happen considering the new combinations we have on the park. Obviously the big talking point is Ponga and where he should play. I think Brown needs to bite the bullet and put him back at FB where he belongs, Brown really does need to make that call sooner rather than later though.

Knight Vision

First Grade
Keep Ponga at 6 and let him have a decent crack at the position.

We're 3 games in and lost 2 close games. Just need to make some adjustments in our attack- stand much deeper for one ( the policing of the 10 was a joke in both loses ) and D - line speed, intent and improved kick chase ( pointless having the best boot in the game if we dont chase the f**king ball ) the boyz need a rocket fired up their ass. .

Jumping from 1 plan to the next because we dont have immediate results is not going to get us anywhere..

Calling for the coaches head 3 games in is just silly to say the least.

We got bullied these last 2 games and that pisses me off.

Knight Vision

First Grade

They killed us in the kicking game , the chase and metres, we tackled a shit load more and were never on the front foot, they were all over Pearce, where as we gave them an eternity to kick, we jogged to the kick, they sprinted to the kick.

I remember at one stage one of their players went round in a circle with the ball and still no one took him out.....WTF !!! hit the mongrel FFS

home Canberra Raiders

away Newcastle Knights

home Canberra Raiders

away Newcastle Knights


home Canberra Raiders

away Newcastle Knights
home Canberra Raiders

away Newcastle Knights

Spot On

With some pretty decent players around them. I dont agree Hodgson is their only good player but that does not excuse our performance.

You know this is a game that if you are 5% off you can get towelled. It was shit, agreed. But the bloke deserves a season to see what he can do.

You can blame the coach but without him we would still be stuck in salary cap mud and trying to buy our way to a top 8 spot paying overs for blokes like Whighton and Sam Williams. But I'm sure you would prefer that yeah?

Admire your passion but sacking the coach 3 weeks in is lunacy.

I don't think I've written anywhere to sack the coach 3 weeks in. I could be wrong, but I don't think anyone in this thread has. I've now read that line in three separate posts.

Simply questioned whether the lack of improvement is due to player quality or coaching.

Let's be clear about that.

The entire league community understands that Brown has gone a long way toward fixing the cap and roster situation. That is now old news. Time to stop beating that drum.

However, we still have glaring holes in our top squad imo.

Do you believe that Canberra squad is top 8 quality? I don't. I think they can be competitive at times, sure. The halves are deplorable. They have makeshift props not specialist players in that position.

We saw what a quality team should do to them last week.

Now, do you think Newcastle are a top 8 team? On what weve seen so far, we are not. Yes, it is early days.

However, we still have obvious problems with our defense.

Even if Ponga shifts to fullback we still have problems with the spine imo.

We have extremely limited kicking options. That is a huge problem as well.

Our 7 and 9 are far from creative, attacking players. Nearly devoid of it compared to the better sides. The top 8 sides.

Now it has been revealed Ese Ese has spat the dummy over being dropped R1 and contacted the Warriors.Possibly sounds like petulance. But were the issues identified by the coach communicated during preseason? Warnings about playing reserves for a stint to fix it communicated before the trials? If so, then Herman needs to man up.

Brown drops him for what we've been told was an opportunity to work on some defensive issues. That's fine. But will the coach do the same thing with the obvious problems we saw last night? It is obvious for everyone to see we carry a couple of blokes who are reserve grade defenders. And they are being targetted each week. Opposition coaches know it.

Big game against Saints next week - no Widdop, no Frizell, no Debelin. We play at home.

If ever we need to make sure we are not the side that is 5% off again, it is that game.

The coach is going to be under extreme pressure should we lose round 4. We then face 2 of the worst performing sides in the comp after that - with 2 of the NRL's worst rosters. A massive 3 weeks coming up to say the least.
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Spot On


They killed us in the kicking game , the chase and metres, we tackled a shit load more and were never on the front foot, they were all over Pearce, where as we gave them an eternity to kick, we jogged to the kick, they sprinted to the kick.

I remember at one stage one of their players went round in a circle with the ball and still no one took him out.....WTF !!! hit the mongrel FFS

home Canberra Raiders

away Newcastle Knights

home Canberra Raiders

away Newcastle Knights


home Canberra Raiders

away Newcastle Knights
home Canberra Raiders

away Newcastle Knights

... and of course the missed tackle stats - 51 to 23.

Fix the defensive issues and the result will be much, much different. So will all the other stats.