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Matthew Johns sex scandal in 2002


I could tell you, but you wouldn't understand.

I'd like to know how 4 Corners and this story have come together seven years later. Who seeks out who in these situations? And on the Eve of the test match? Coincidence?



get writing - send them a message via their message boad above.

I have sent them the link for the "AFL: culture to despise" thread.

I suggest everyone else lets them know how disgusting their bias is. I asked them to do the same to the AFL, in the interests of balance.

oh, I know they interviewed a heap of people at the Knights for this - on the understanding it was a story on what was being done to promote a positive culture. Have a look at the picture on their front page - I have a feeling the Knights were duped.

El Diablo

Post Whore

get writing - send them a message via their message boad above.

I have sent them the link for the "AFL: culture to despise" thread.

I suggest everyone else lets them know how disgusting their bias is. I asked them to do the same to the AFL, in the interests of balance.

oh, I know they interviewed a heap of people at the Knights for this - on the understanding it was a story on what was being done to promote a positive culture. Have a look at the picture on their front page - I have a feeling the Knights were duped.

perhaps those Knights fans should contact a reputable media outlet

i don't know if there is one though

at least contact the NRL

El Diablo

Post Whore

The Code of Silence

Reporter: Sarah Ferguson

Broadcast: 11/05/2009

For much of the past decade rugby league in Australia has been dogged by a series of startling allegations relating to alcohol, women and sex. After every incident the National Rugby League has told the public it's moving to clean up the game.

Certainly there is evidence that senior officials and key clubs are working hard to change player behaviour and rehabilitate the image of rugby league. But are they moving fast enough and is this a battle that can be won?

Now for the first time women talk frankly to reporter Sarah Ferguson about footballers, sex and a football culture that turns a blind eye to anti-social behaviour that raises both moral and sometimes legal issues. The program looks at a number of incidents involving rugby league players. It reveals details that have in some cases been hushed up by league officials. It relies on firsthand accounts of women involved in these incidents. Until now, these women have not spoken out. Finally on Monday night they tell their stories.


and tax payers money pay the merkins at the ABC


First Grade


and tax payers money pay the merkins at the ABC

Why are they focussing only on Rugby League? If concern for the welfare of vulnerable women was the motivating factor behind this, then surely they're neglecting the welfare of women in the southern states by not expanding their coverage to the culture of other sports as well. It's not as if the AFL doesn't exude similarly abhorrent behaviour. I have nothing against giving the women in these situations a voice. I have an issue with them singling out one sporting body to seemingly lay the burden of guilt on for all.


Nrl needs to step in, at least two weeks. The standard has been set....

I'm sure someone has said that already, havent read the whole thread, meh.

Why single out johns? Is it because every other players involved from SEVEN YEARS AGO (ffs) is now out of the game/nrl? So she only 'remembers' one of the guys who is actually still in the game ay? Hmmm....

Also, did this woman come out with this or was she sought out? Because if she came otu with this herself :roll:, it would only be because of the current climate of nrl player+woman=media sensation.


AFL gets some bad press about their western Sydney venture and suddenly someone drags this up from seven years ago with the help of the ABC. Just a coincidence? I don't think so.


To be honest I'm not getting my knickers in a twist about this one... at least not until I've watched the show itself.

To do otherwise comes across as a bit like fundamentist religious types who protest at the openings of certain movies but haven't actually seen the movie in question...

We can stick our head in teh sand and pretend that these things don't happen, or pretend that our game has responded to incidents (reported and unreported, subject to police charge or no charges arising) and the culture as it should have in the past decade...

We can get upset at how the program doesn't (seem?) to mention other codes, or go into depth about their own incidents...

But that doesn't change the truth of the program's premise, from the link above:
After every incident the National Rugby League has told the public it's moving to clean up the game. Certainly there is evidence that senior officials and key clubs are working hard to change player behaviour and rehabilitate the image of rugby league. But are they moving fast enough and is this a battle that can be won?

This implies that the program will cover any positive efforts there are, and ask the valid question is what we are doing enough? Without seeing the program, I think the answer is no, our game isn't doing enough to stop incidents and change our players' education and culture, when you stop comparing to other codes and just look at it on its own face value.

If this program does any small thing that helps change that, then I think it is a positive thing, that we all should be happy about?

The Tank

New research says footballers are often seedier than criminals

RESEARCH shows footy stars are more likely to have alcohol problems, be more verbally aggressive and more sexually promiscuous than criminals...

...The study, published in the Australian Psychological Society's journal InPsych, subjected nearly 50 AFL footballers to personality tests and compared the results to similar tests conducted on 940 convicted criminals.

The study found footballers scored significantly higher than both the social average and the offenders in measures of alcohol problems, anxiety, verbal aggression, sexual promiscuity and anti-social behaviour.


Interesting... a study on AFL players has an image of a rugby league player and references to rugby league incidents... These merkins always implicate RL with AFL players bad behaviour...

From the Christchurch Press

The Christchurch woman at the centre of the Cronulla Sharks sex scandal identified Australian rugby league star Matthew Johns at the time. Johns went public on Australian television this week over his involvement in the 2002 incident.
The Press broke the story of alleged serious sexual misconduct by members of the Sharks team during their pre-season stay in Christchurch.
The woman, then 19 and a staff member of the Racecourse Hotel in Riccarton, claimed she had been sexually violated by a number of players on the night of Friday, February 15. The players were staying at the hotel.
After an investigation on both sides of the Tasman, Christchurch police said they would not lay charges against any Sharks player.
The Press interviewed the woman after that announcement.
Of the players with whom she had sex, the woman said: "It was with two of them. I wasn't friends with them, but I was friendly with them the night before."
Were they quite well-known? "Yup. Matthew Johns is quite well-known." Was he one of the two players? "Yes."
On legal advice, The Press did not publish any of the interview at the time. The woman attempted to get a copy of her witness statement from the police but she said she was refused when she revealed that it was to be given to The Press.
The paper understands she also talked to police about Johns' involvement.
Johns broke his silence this week after being approached by ABC television. A Four Corners programme, to be aired in Australia on Monday night, will explore the issue of footballers behaving badly after the sexual-assault charge against Manly league star Brett Stewart.
Four Corners interviewed the Christchurch woman recently, with her identity blacked out and her voice altered.
She says she has suffered psychologically as a result of the incident, which she described as degrading.
"There were lots of guys watching and two or three doing stuff to me," she says on the programme.
"I only remember one player definitely; it was Matthew Johns. He laughed and he joked and was very loud and boisterous."
The programme contacted Johns for his response on Monday morning, the night after he had been celebrating the Logie award triumph of The Footy Show.
Johns, who is employed by Channel Nine as a rugby league expert and is the frontman for the NRL's membership drive, revealed his involvement on Thursday night.
"I am very sorry for all the trauma and embarrassment this has caused for everyone, but particularly for my family," he said.
Johns said he had consensual sex with the woman and he was upset, particularly for his children, that the woman was making the claims again.
"It took us a long time to get through it and it pains me that they have to go through it again," he said.

"Police investigated the situation, the allegations, and there were no charges laid. This has been a cause of major embarrassment for a lot of people."
In her interview with The Press, the woman said she talked to some of the players when she was a waitress-kitchen hand at the Racecourse Hotel.
She bumped into the players at the Holy Grail in central Christchurch on the Thursday night (the night before the incident) and had drinks with them. They wanted her to go back to the hotel with her that night, "but I didn't because I've got a boyfriend and I'm not dirty".
On the Friday two players waited for her to finish work.
"I kind of wanted to leave, but they said come back to our room for a talk or whatever. I walked behind them because I kind of didn't want to go back. But I didn't think anything bad would happen," she said.
"They, like, left the sliding door unlocked or open, with the curtain pulled and the bathroom window open and stuff, so the whole team came back and knew about it. They knew what was happening.
"They sidled in and crawled along the floor where I couldn't see them and all came in, and climbed in through the windows and stuff, and next thing I knew everyone was in there.
"They are saying, `We didn't let it happen and it wasn't planned'. It was so planned."
The woman said the incident lasted a couple of hours and there were other girls in other rooms, but she believed them to be prostitutes.
"I'm quite young [19]. When I went in there I was wearing a blue T-shirt and black three-quarter pants. I wasn't all s**tted up in, like, tights or whatever," she said.
"Matthew's married. They were the players, they started it off and they did lots of the main stuff, but then there were four other guys, five other guys ... who did heaps of gross other stuff and they're just as bad as those two.
"Other people were just standing around with no clothes on; so many people were just standing there with their pants off, with no clothes on, just watching like it was a show. Just getting off on the other guys.
"I was just stunned and shocked. I didn't help them do anything."
The woman said she had been told by police that the Sharks players were arguing it was consensual.
"If it was consented, they did nothing wrong. It was morally wrong, but not criminally wrong if I consented.
"It's all of them saying it was consented, against me," she said.
Detective Senior Sergeant Dave Long said there was no reason to reopen the file.
"A very thorough investigation was done at the time.
"All witnesses and people involved in the matter were spoken to and there is no evidence established in relation to the complaints that would support the matter being put before the court," he said.
"For whatever reason, there is some media interest now in Australia and there was at the time but nothing has changed at all and there is no reason to reinvestigate anything because it was all dealt with in 2002."

Pass the Ball

It appears to be a doco outlining the culture of excess drinking and team gang-banging which appears to be present within many football teams..

The NRL and Matt Johns have been used as the hook because we all recognise him and the game..

For all those with the AFL paranoia.. If was about their game, no one would be interested in the story...

Four Corners can be a fascinating show and I look forward to recording it on Monday night to watch after the footy...(I don't believe many posters in this thread have ever watched 4 corners)..

Pass the Ball

Does beating off to your five-eighth going at it, really excite many of you...???

Surely this behaviour is not overly normal...Each their own, I guess..

This one has become public...Wouldn't it have been happening every weekend though...??

The Tank


if anything is bad in AFL they try and somehow link it to League

I remember when the whole Ben Cousins thing was doing the rounds, watching breakfeast TV (maybe Kerrie Ann) and they brought on some "expert" to talk about his behaviour. Somehow, the whole segment was about NRL players, and the hosts and the "expert" were bleating on about how bad "rugby" players were in comparison to fagballers. It was an utter disgrace.

El Diablo

Post Whore
i watched The Back Page after those AFL fans bashed an AFL players father and they turned that into a way of bagging Rugby League because the supporters are supposedly not as passionate

apparently the bashing was a display of passion and was seen as a good thing

no bashing in League = bad

Pass the Ball

There are upteen threads where we can all be paranoid about AFL...

This one is about the culture of football players excessively drinking and gang-banging and the use of Matt Johns to sell the story..