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Nathan Brown

Spot On


Was the Newcastle salary cap in good shape when Nathan brown took the job?


Provide a simple yes or no as your answer please.

If Gagai could avoid defenders like you avoid simple questions and answers, he'd be worth about half of his overpriced contact. ;-)
I think we all agree Gagai & Hodko aren't providing value for money.

But at the end of the day, to turf them we would have to be replacing them with better players.

We aren't getting better players.


Gags might get an offer but Hodko probably won't.

I could see Hodko coming off the bench when we get some halves back except that we need a backup for Levi and Randell has being doing ok. We also need a goal kicker.

To give Uate credit, he has put effort into working on some aspects of his game (but still lacks in some). I don't know whether Gags has but he needs to. Gags needs real effort on defence (regardless of where he plays) and positional play if he continues at fullback.

Brown mentioned Elliot was a good defender out wide - how did he go?


Levi would need to play 80 minutes because, beside Randell, we don't have anyone else capable enough to play hooker. Bhana is not the answer.

Cogger's development as a future half is sure to flourish with 10 minutes game time each week. Oh, and that game time would be spent playing out of position. Even if it were to happen that way, Levi playing 70 minutes is still a huge step up from the minutes he averages

You have NFI.
Having Bhana come off the bench for 10 mins is a lot better than playing Cogger for 80 mins getting physically destroyed out there.
Who was that Knights half that played origin before he was mentally and physically ready?
How did he career go?
My point exactly.



Gags might get an offer but Hodko probably won't.

I could see Hodko coming off the bench when we get some halves back except that we need a backup for Levi and Randell has being doing ok. We also need a goal kicker.

To give Uate credit, he has put effort into working on some aspects of his game (but still lacks in some). I don't know whether Gags has but he needs to. Gags needs real effort on defence (regardless of where he plays) and positional play if he continues at fullback.

Brown mentioned Elliot was a good defender out wide - how did he go?

He and Denniss got an absolute bath.

Spot On

You have NFI.
Having Bhana come off the bench for 10 mins is a lot better than playing Cogger for 80 mins getting physically destroyed out there.
Who was that Knights half that played origin before he was mentally and physically ready?
How did he career go?
My point exactly.

Like all NSW halves over the past decade.

Mitchell Moses was the same when he started.

You've gone a bit far with the above comparison. Again.


Like all NSW halves over the past decade.

Mitchell Moses was the same when he started.

You've gone a bit far with the above comparison. Again.

Wtf? You keep bringing up Moses like he's some of sort of star half leading the Tigers around.
He's still a turnstile.
He may have the odd flashy play but give me Brooks any day of the week.
If Moses turns out better player than Brooks I will let you blow me


Lamb has always looked twice the player Cogger has.

Don't think he is the future, but its hard to say at this age.

Definitely needs a few seasons in the gym and working with a sprint coach - absolutely not up to it at this stage, but he is our what, sixth choice?

Spot On

Wtf? You keep bringing up Moses like he's some of sort of star half leading the Tigers around.
He's still a turnstile.

No. Wrong again. You should know what I meant if you had half a brain.

Try again.

And while you are at it, answer the following question:

Was the Knights salary cap a mess when Nathan Brown took the job?

Yes or No.

You have dodged simple questions over a long time now. Others were about your claims of not watching Knights games and being related to NRL players.

Thought you knew a heap about footy boof head??? Certainly doesn't sound like it.


I think I actually agree with 1qaz that there are probably options other than playing cogger for 80 every week at the moment. You can attribute a significant number of points every week against us to running cogger in the team. It's not his fault, he's way out of his depth at the moment and as soon as teams run traffic at him, they get results.

What did you think of Siones work today, slots?


First Grade
Cogger got players player last week so must be doing something right. Or pity vote.

Didn't get to see the game yet perverse. Did he look like a 450k centre?
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You have NFI.
Having Bhana come off the bench for 10 mins is a lot better than playing Cogger for 80 mins getting physically destroyed out there.
Who was that Knights half that played origin before he was mentally and physically ready?
How did he career go?
My point exactly.

From memory the player you're referring to has gone on to play over 200 first grade games and counting. Which last time I checked is better than most players out there and to be fair that's more than most guys can hope for. Just because he hasn't turned out to be a future immortal and only played 1 origin game shouldn't really detract from what has been a pretty respectable first grade career.

Given this was brought up in reference to Jack Cogger I'd rather see him get his chances now and even though he's going to be a weak point in defence we were already losing games by just as much before he came into the team so I don't really see how it matters as far as our results are concerned. Also I believe that having this experience now will hopefully teach him a few lessons and he'll hopefully work really hard on getting himself physically ready to be a first grader down the track. If he can take it all on board as a reference of what he needs to do to play at this level then that will serve as a good experience for him in the long run.

Obviously none of us have a crystal ball so we don't know how it will play out for Cogger or a lot of our other rookies for that matter but all we can do right now is give them games and give them some time to improve before throwing them on the scrap pile.


Looking at stats seems we get a try, 130 odd metres and 3 missed tackles

Can't wait.

Typical Sione's game.
His first try was actually good play by the Knights.
Sione ran into a gap and credit to him he did well to finish off the try.
His second line break I wouldn't even really call it a line break.
He picked up a Warriors turnover and ran 40m down the field.
IMO he'll end up in the backrow. He runs the line of a backrower.
I'm still yet to see him break the line on his own.

I find it strange people call Sione a good defender.
He put in a good shot on Hoffman today by rushing him.
A few sets later, Sione rushes Hoffman again, only this time Hoffmans hit and spins and passes off to Sione's opposite number Kata who scores untouched.
Yes Sione can put on on a hit, but that doesn't make him a good defender.
He is found wanting more often than not when he's left on one one with his opposite centre.
It be interesting to see Sione's overall miss tackle stats.


First Grade
Thanks 1qaz.

Line breaks were 13 to 1, so Sione not credited with that as you say.

Completely agree re defence. Definitely a highlight reel player in D. People tend to remember the monster hits and not the times he shoots out of the line and misses. Although if someone runs directly at him I think he has good technique.

Gagai 2015: 10.2 tackles 2.6 missed per game
Gagai 2016: 8.6 tackles 2.8 missed per game
Sione 2016: 12 tackles 3.1 missed per game

One of them gets crucified as a turnstile...

Also, Barnett missed 7, Jesus.
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Whats Doing

Cogger got players player last week so must be doing something right. Or pity vote.

Didn't get to see the game yet perverse. Did he look like a 450k centre?

Certainly would have been given the pity vote as he was terrible in defence that day and he was even worse yesterday. I agree with Iqaz and Perverse that you need to put someone who has the physical strength to play NRL in place of Cogger. He is very slow which combined with his size he is getting found out big time. He needs to play a couple of more years in NYC and even then he might still struggle.

On another note Yates played yesterday and went quite well. Not sure how many games he has played this year but he has a real dig

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