I get where you are coming from. Their are two problems or obstacles for the NRL. 1. securing the 'most money' it can with the any or all partners. @. Having paid or contracted how responsive or hands on will the 'new owners' be.With newscorp out of the picture I think Nine, and even paramount, would gain a bit of confidence in potentially securing the rights away from fox. It’s very hard to see the nrl leaving fox if newscorp still own it, particularly given V’landys relationship with them. However, there will be no loyalty or relationship with DAZN.
DAZN meanwhile would be pretty desperate to retain the rights that underpin the majority of the asset they’ve just bought.
The NRL have apparently settled on splitting the rights as packages like the NFL, which again wouldn’t happen if newscorp still owned fox.
Considering all the other sports they manage. It looks like it this will DANZ first sport where in contracted with-in the country. All the sports they show are for example ( premier league) is show only outside the UK. ie Portugal ,Spain and Belgium. It's not clear but are they buying Foxtel, or Fox sports or the whole entertainment ie movies, reuns etc and sports or just sports and KAYO. Because this would be the the first time going into he show business. Not sure they will manage that very good. Billionaire Frank Lowey while being a part owner ( with Larry Silverman) of the New York World Trade Centers ( all buildings including number 7 ) and very thoughtfully with his co owner insured their builds for Terrorist insurance, SAID while being the owner of Chanel ten in the 1980's? That it was like handling a fish, and sold up a few years latter ( Ch 10) ... I can just see it, welcome to Super DANZ Saturday we have 3 great games today... Maybe a league round in Tel Aviv -they will love it.