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NFT - best and worst thing about your day so far 2

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les norton

First Grade
best - hmmm, last assignment ever should in theory be finished soon.

worst - feeling a little seedy. had a big breakfast and I am just not coping well with it. Also some things have happened that have kinda burst my bubble. Bit of an unwelcomed blast from the past.


First Grade
WORST: I have no best, I was planning to go to Diamond Beach a day early, however noone in Newcastle has the parts needed for the breaks of a Mitsubishi Lancer GLX 88 model :fist:
I'm so not happy... I knew that car has it in for me, seriously ever since I've had it has given me nothing but trouble. I know it's nearly 20yrs old, but noneone else's car in the family has this much problems. :x
Now if it's not fixed by Friday I will have to go with my brother and he will have the sh*ts on because he will have to come home a day early and won't that be a fun trip, he already has had the sh*ts on since Monday, I have no idea why and I'm not game enough to ask because I know he will yell at me.
Now I've just found out that I still won't get it back until tomorrow, that's if the part they get fits. It's driving me insane, just when one good thing happens like getting a job, everything else falls apart, I also had a bloody in-grown toenail, my brother is acting like this is all my fault, like I'm putting him out... god forbid he would do anything for his sister.
Nothing can be simple in my life.


First Grade
best: um saw a few friends today even if it was onyl for a little bit

worst: getting a little freaked out by some person who calls our house everyday at least once and they just call then hang up when i or someone else says hello :S wierd... its been happening for a while


best: hmm getting to go home two hours earlier than usual because all the bosses weren't in today.!

worst: busted finger...very painful.!


First Grade
WORST: I still don't have my car, I was supose to leave for Diamond Beach this arvo, that's not going to happen.
If this part he was supose to get this morning isn't right then he will have to keep it for the weekend and I will go with my brother. I could be catching public transport to work... goodie.

les norton

First Grade
Dude that suks...especially since you have been soooo vocal in how excited you are about heading away.

Best - Handed last assignment in E V E R...never again will I have to do a reference list. Or search a database or pay a library fee!!!!! :D

Worst- I am scared about picking up my mums psychotic cat tonight. It is staying with me for 2 weeks. I need to get homer (our pug) Goggle glasses


First Grade
les norton said:
Dude that suks...especially since you have been soooo vocal in how excited you are about heading away.
:lol: I have been vocal, this is my fave time of the yr beside Christmas.
les norton said:
Best - Handed last assignment in E V E R...never again will I have to do a reference list. Or search a database or pay a library fee!!!!! :D

Congrats Les thats massive.

Best: Been to lunch had a few beers, 2 hours to go today, second last day of work, an hour away from more beers, + poker tonight @ the pub. I love beer ;-)

Worst: Nothing wooooo!

les norton

First Grade
Thank mate. I feel like I have been milking this for like a month :D I will shut up about it now. I think i kept getting prematurely excited. :D

Bedsy - so it is a yearly trip? well...i hope you have an absolute ball!!!

garden fairy

Best: I got two assignments back in the one class, and I got a D and a HD! It means I go into the exam with a 99.99999% of passing with no problems

Worst: my wrist is really sore, I didn't sleep well last night cause it was aching so much...I'll have to head to the doctors tomorrow...


First Grade
best: went to talk to the man that picks the people for a tafe course i applied for in case i dont get into uni cos my friend got told it was a competetive course so if we went to see him adn show more interest we would prob have an upper hand and we took our names down so thats good i guess. and also the lady who is making my formal dress is feeling heaps better (shes been really sick) and its coming along nicely yay cant wait

worst: had a headache today and tired


the_knights_rule said:
went to talk to the man that picks the people for a tafe course i applied for in case i dont get into uni cos my friend got told it was a competetive course so if we went to see him adn show more interest we would prob have an upper hand and we took our names down so thats good i guess
A course in English?


First Grade
BEST: uni spring formal tonight, so looking forward to it!! slowly getting through all my work that is due, had to get most of it done before today but still have some left. finished editing the short film yesterday!!! it looks so good, very pleased with it! a friend of mine had a concert last night in the city - it was funny cause his band was in the sunday tele under hot tickets.

WORST: nothing at all
Best last day @ work so pub lunch then drinks after work, + won poker last night and a $75 drinks voucher.

Worst when already pissed drank the entire voucher last night got home @ 3:30 and had to be up @ 5:30, I dont like DTs.

les norton

First Grade
best - I got the new robbie album last night!!!!! :D I loves it...better than the last...alot of fun!!

worst - last day of testing to day for my now defunct RA gig...yay (start new one on monday!!)


Best - finally got last months paperwork squared away and am on top of things for this month.

Am going sight-seeing round Sydney this weekend with a friend from Newcastle.

Worst - got an early morning phone call from NZ to tell me that my friends baby died the other day and the funeral is today. She was born 3 months premature and had been in hospital from the day she was born. This is the second time it's happened to them. It's times like this that I realise how far away from home I really am.
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