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NFT - best and worst thing about your day so far 2

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BEST: Just printed off my major script and am about to hand in.

WORST: Nothing except for the fact that I've still got 10 days till I finish Uni for good


Staff member
BEST: Going out tonight for the first time in about two months. All geared up for a good time.

WORST: It's Glen Innes, how good can it be?

garden fairy

Jedda said:
Worst - got an early morning phone call from NZ to tell me that my friends baby died the other day and the funeral is today. She was born 3 months premature and had been in hospital from the day she was born. This is the second time it's happened to them. It's times like this that I realise how far away from home I really am.

I can't bear to hear news like that...anything to do with babies and kids dying just kills me. I actually shed a tear over a story in a magazine yesterday, whilst sitting in the medical centre waiting room. My heart goes out to them.

Best: nothing in particular...

Worst: I went to find out what was happening with my wrist, and the doctor thinks its tendonitis. The pain has spread up my arm right to my elbow, so I have to keep it completely strapped for the next 3 weeks. If it doesn't get better in the next week, I have to get a cast put on. The pain in the ass thing is, its my right wrist, I'm right handed, and I have uni assignments and exams in the next week and a half. :x

les norton

First Grade
best - it is saturday!! Had coffee with a girl i hadnt seen since i was 13 (in melbourne) It was lovely. she hasnt changed and it was completely bizarre. (go school friends.com)

worst - nuttin. Hmmm actually, I am a little peckish.


First Grade
Best: I'm moving soon, and won't need my couches anymore so a lovely friend helped me take them up to Newy today :D

Worst: No more kicking back on the couch when I am feeling lazy!!


First Grade
Best: Gorgeous day today. Going out for shanghai dumplings later for dinner.

Worst: I am exhausted after the moving trip to Newy yesterday, and going out with a couple of mates last night.


Best: Have done all my housework, ironing, washing, grocery shopping. Loving the fact that my parents are on holidays for 2 weeks. Scabbed a dinner at my sisters and said for that I'll pick her up for work in the mornings lol.

Worst: Monday's tomorrow and that sucks! My long weekend is over!


First Grade
best: ummm..... not that much... had been a boring day

worst: preparing for 4 exams in 7 days which sucks! and missed an hours sleep... damm daylight savings. and....I HATE MATHS! its so boring!!!!


BEST: This time next week... Uni goooooonnnnnneeeee!

WORST: Got into the editing suite this morning and half of our files are missing from our film. AAAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!


First Grade
BEST: had a great weekend away, except it always goes way too quickly. I looked pretty good dressed up as Princess Leia. Plus my car is going great and I start work tomorrow... and it's my fave shifts.... 3 hrs :lol:

WORST: Had to come home today from our great weekend, I lost in snooker so had hand the trohpey over, and I got sunburn, and I have a cold.


Hey guys, long time.....how are we all??? I'm still alive.

Ummm mmmm...

Best: Had a function where i got to hang out with the Kangaroos thanks to some friends from Gillette. I was calling Antonio Kaufusi Roy Asotasi all day, don't ask me wtf i was doing that when it was a function for Kangaroo players and Roy is a Kiwi.

Also been spending time with mates i haven't seen since my old high school days.

Worst: Settling in well into the new house but can't arrange a house warming because i'm currently working 6 days a week.

I met an employee of Cantor Fitzgerald, an american brokerage firm who occupied floors 101-105 of the World Trade Centre north tower, at a meeting today. They lost 658 employees in the attacks on September 11, the most of any company that day. His story about that day and his fallen colleagues was an incredibly touching one and made me relive that terrible day all over again.


Best: I'm FINALLY gettin my new Ute Thursday (oh, it's only 2 WEEKS late!!!) And when i get home from work today i can download and watch the latest episode of my new favourite TV show..Heroes from the US. "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World!!!"

Worst: Back at work after wasting 2 weeks waiting for afforementioned car, sure, I had a lazy 2 weeks off, but i was really looking forward to DOING something...oh well, ROADTRIP early next yr!!!
And on Thursday i have to say goodbye to my only faithful companion of the least 4 and a half years, Ayfex.

How sad is it that the only faithful companion I've had is my car, and even then, she tried to bump uglies with a car last January.... :crazy: :( :crazy:

les norton

First Grade
best - My dad is giving Tristan and I are trip to Hong Kong for Graduating!!!! :D :D

So excited!!!!

Worse - not alot!!!


Best : Smashed a f**king easy exam today! General maths... haha easy
Did pretty well in PDH yesterday too!

Worst : Exhausted and need to study up on modern :|


First Grade
BEST: Had my first day at work today, went pretty quickly and I picked most of it up straight away. Plus I get a 30% discount :D

WORST: I spent more money on groceries than I would have liked... nothing I can do about it. It just stormed here and there was hail, I have damage to my car, and in the backyard. Plus my cats were outside when it hit... not good, but thankfully they were under the house and I got them in.


Hi all well not much activity on the forum, however, I have not been around still in the metropolis of Sydney.

Best: Finishing training for the day and hopefully finding something yummy to eat...might head into Newtown.

Worst: Hail storm in Newcastle has apparently damaged the care.
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