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NOT AGAIN!! Tim drinking already??/ Suspended indefinitely


At the risk of being accused of being as silly as Timmy, i for one would not be abandoning him in his hour of need. Obviously the kid has a problem, and whether we like it or not, the problem has become a large one of late. The kid needs professional help, and fast. He is not beyond fixing, but i say he should be suspended indefinitely, as per Chris Walker, Todd Carney. Once he has proven to be cured, he then should be considered for reinstatement to the team. It will do him no good to be cut and go to a new team where he will not be CURED. I feel we owe it to him to help him. I know i am going to be told that he is a fool, etc etc etc, but he hasnt been properly treated for a very serious problem.

I have passed this sentiment on to Ovo in the last 30 minutes, and i believe he is fronting the club in the morning with his manager.
I'm just pissed off that we are three years down the f**king track...even longer when the promise turned into reality pre 2005.

Barring injury the 7 jersey was HIS for the next decade if he wanted it...obviously not.
its a real shame, kids got talent, and someone like broncos (gee i hate them, and would be a big annoyance) will come along and pick him up and he will shine for them and win ema GF...

On the other side gives keating a shot now or will they just persist with mateo at 6 and finch at 7..


I hope the club listens to you Newmanj. I mean Chris Walker was seen as a lost cause and now appears very much to have that side of his life in order.

If he's released then so be it. But it sure does throw our plans for the coming season into a spin.


First Grade
eelavation said:
please mate...if he's offended again which i believe he has than he's got to go, X-factor or no X-factor. :roll:

emjaycee said:
If his contract states Zero tolerance then 1 sip is 1 too many and he has breached his contract. X factor or not, we dont need a dickhead.

you dont really see these guys as family do you?
newmanj said:
At the risk of being accused of being as silly as Timmy, i for one would not be abandoning him in his hour of need. Obviously the kid has a problem, and whether we like it or not, the problem has become a large one of late. The kid needs professional help, and fast. He is not beyond fixing, but i say he should be suspended indefinitely, as per Chris Walker, Todd Carney. Once he has proven to be cured, he then should be considered for reinstatement to the team. It will do him no good to be cut and go to a new team where he will not be CURED. I feel we owe it to him to help him. I know i am going to be told that he is a fool, etc etc etc, but he hasnt been properly treated for a very serious problem.

I have passed this sentiment on to Ovo in the last 30 minutes, and i believe he is fronting the club in the morning with his manager.

I can see where you are goinghere, and wouldnt be that bad...but from the sounds of it, he is gooonnneeee!!! :( :( :( :(


Post Whore
I think the most annoying thing was it was just a few days after his last incident. I think it shows he thought the punishment last time was just a joke. Well it looks like the jokes on you Tim.

Stagger eel

Staff member
newmanj said:
At the risk of being accused of being as silly as Timmy, i for one would not be abandoning him in his hour of need. Obviously the kid has a problem, and whether we like it or not, the problem has become a large one of late. The kid needs professional help, and fast. He is not beyond fixing, but i say he should be suspended indefinitely, as per Chris Walker, Todd Carney. Once he has proven to be cured, he then should be considered for reinstatement to the team. It will do him no good to be cut and go to a new team where he will not be CURED. I feel we owe it to him to help him. I know i am going to be told that he is a fool, etc etc etc, but he hasnt been properly treated for a very serious problem.

I have passed this sentiment on to Ovo in the last 30 minutes, and i believe he is fronting the club in the morning with his manager.

Jason, the club should of done that last week brother, they sort of shot themselves in the foot and given this kid to much scope.


im guessing parra pete is over the moon bout this....

oi guys what do u reckon the chances of timmy losing the job? being serious....

big boppa eel

lewiscook said:
im deadset shattered!
i so hope we dont get rid of him pleaseeeee!!!
he obviously needs help!
can anyone confirm that he wont be told to go else where :(:(:(:(:(!
Yes he needs to go to AA but let some other club pay for it, have always thought this guy had massive issues, he's a f**kwit who can play a decent game of football from time to time and yes he is that far up himself his head pokes out of his dick.


I do not believe that the decision has already been made. I can also tell you for a fact, that Ovo does want to help the kid. He is well known for his commitement to young people, and this is a young person in need of help. Surely we dont abandon one of our own now. Did he do a dumb and irresponsible thing - absolutely yes. Is he a bad person, or breaking the law, absolutely not.


Pazza said:
you dont really see these guys as family do you?

Nope I don't - because they aren't my family.

They are professional footballers paid to do a job under the conditions of their contract. And if they breach those conditions, they should suffer the consequences. I sign a contract at least once a year in order to earn a living and I abide by the conditions of that contract. I don't always like the conditions and sometimes I have to adjust my lifestyle to accomodate some of the pecularities of the place I work, but I do so knowing that I agreed to those pecularities when I signed up.

And while I don't class it as family, there is a place in my heart for the Parramatta Club. Players come and go and yet the club remains.

big boppa eel

newmanj said:
At the risk of being accused of being as silly as Timmy, i for one would not be abandoning him in his hour of need. Obviously the kid has a problem, and whether we like it or not, the problem has become a large one of late. The kid needs professional help, and fast. He is not beyond fixing, but i say he should be suspended indefinitely, as per Chris Walker, Todd Carney. Once he has proven to be cured, he then should be considered for reinstatement to the team. It will do him no good to be cut and go to a new team where he will not be CURED. I feel we owe it to him to help him. I know i am going to be told that he is a fool, etc etc etc, but he hasnt been properly treated for a very serious problem.

I have passed this sentiment on to Ovo in the last 30 minutes, and i believe he is fronting the club in the morning with his manager.
Stop calling him "Timmy" he is not a kid he is an adult ffs, let him sling sh*t all day and see what some people do for a crust, he is obviously a pratt and a law unto himself.


Staff member
newmanj said:
I do not believe that the decision has already been made. I can also tell you for a fact, that Ovo does want to help the kid. He is well known for his commitement to young people, and this is a young person in need of help. Surely we dont abandon one of our own now. Did he do a dumb and irresponsible thing - absolutely yes. Is he a bad person, or breaking the law, absolutely not.

if they were to ban him from playing and asist him with seeking help for a year or so, it would be a very generous effort, but what about all the money he is taking up out of the salary cap while he cant play ?


come on fitzy! give the kid a chance!!!!!
i think ppl are forgetting something,
which is tim smith could be [playing for more cash at a club like brisbane..but no he stayed at parra cos hes got passsion for the club...
dont you see in the games timmy is always there geeing the boys up, yelling orders, patting backs...
timmmy has alot of pride for the club..but yes he makes mistakes an is lost but surely we have to give the guy a chance...i met him last yr an id have to say he was the greates ever he signed all my gear an gave me some poinjters for playing half-back...

timmy is a true parra eel no matter what ppl say!
i say give him a chance!!

come on parra!



Do yourselves a favour and flick this fool. I hope my clubs "no dickheads policy" holds strong but you never know these days with clubs chasing instant success.

I don't think Fitzy will flick him.. he might lie about it and say Timmy was innocent, although it solves two problems you have if you do- 1) Inu can stay for sure 2) Finch will re-sign beyond '08 as well so at least you have one decent halfback left.

Maybe he likes the Rorter colours...


What is Benny gunna do without Timmy (btw, that is his name BBE, dunno what else you want us to call him)