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NOT AGAIN!! Tim drinking already??/ Suspended indefinitely


lewiscook said:
im guessing parra pete is over the moon bout this....

lewiscook, somehow I don't think you could be further from the truth.

I dont imagine Pete would be happy that someone has thrown their future away even if they are a bit of a dickhead (Pete, correct me if I have mis-represented u in anyway) :) :)

Stagger eel

Staff member
lewiscook said:
come on fitzy! give the kid a chance!!!!!
i think ppl are forgetting something,
which is tim smith could be [playing for more cash at a club like brisbane..but no he stayed at parra cos hes got passsion for the club...
dont you see in the games timmy is always there geeing the boys up, yelling orders, patting backs...
timmmy has alot of pride for the club..but yes he makes mistakes an is lost but surely we have to give the guy a chance...i met him last yr an id have to say he was the greates ever he signed all my gear an gave me some poinjters for playing half-back...

timmy is a true parra eel no matter what ppl say!
i say give him a chance!!

come on parra!


and when it happens next time around shall we give him a chance then also???


stuff it im just not guna post for a while im just digging myself further into a hole...
you no its hard having a person like tim smith as you idol especially when your a young half trying to mould yourself together like him....
anywayss i hope tim stay ill be shattered if he goes....an yes sorry i didnt mean it that way i ment parra pete will be happy tim wont be half for parra...


eelavation said:
and when it happens next time around shall we give him a chance then also???
sure eela, and the time after that, and the time after that and just for good measure, the time after that too :roll:

I mean he is only a kid, he is young and impressionable. He is just doing what 22 year old kids do. Nothing wrong with that.:lol: :lol:

fish eel

newmanj said:
I do not believe that the decision has already been made. I can also tell you for a fact, that Ovo does want to help the kid. He is well known for his commitement to young people, and this is a young person in need of help. Surely we dont abandon one of our own now. Did he do a dumb and irresponsible thing - absolutely yes. Is he a bad person, or breaking the law, absolutely not.

Yes, we cut him adrift.

Too much water under the bridge IMO.

Just one week after a dressing down and a fine tells me he regards the club and the people that run it with contempt. Maybe we should have done more earlier, I'm not well enough informed to make that call. But I do think we have no option other than to cut him.

On another note.....while nobody has really defended him tonight, people have stood by him and others before and he has let those people down.

The argument that is always put forward by those who see misdameanors by our players as a bit of a laugh, is that they're just footy players and not hurting anyone and it's the off season etc.

I dont and never have buy that line.

These guys are public figures, whether they like it or not and earn good money. It's their profile that lets them earn the money.

Every time they go out, like it or not, their profile means that they are a virtual ambassador for our club.

If they muck up, get hammered and swear at a few people, it reflects not just on them, but on or club. We've got a few players in our club who like a drink, and their was once a time we, as Parramatta fans, could claim the moral high ground when a player from another club mucked up. Over the last few years, the current batch of players have made sure we can't claim the high ground any longer. I for one, am sick to death of it and am happy to see this particular clown shown the door.

We've got a few players who like a drink, at the moment I'm thinking we need some sort of alcohol ban and breath testing at training. And as a sign of their committment to the club and our title chances next year, the players should welcome such a thing.

Stagger eel

Staff member
lewiscook said:
stuff it im just not guna post for a while im just digging myself further into a hole...
you no its hard having a person like tim smith as you idol especially when your a young half trying to mould yourself together like him....
anywayss i hope tim stay ill be shattered if he goes....an yes sorry i didnt mean it that way i ment parra pete will be happy tim wont be half for parra...

I've been defending him and wanting him to part of my club until lunch time today, there just comes a time when enough is enough.


true eela...im just saying that its hard when your younger,
you tend to become attached to certain players...ino im said....
eela with all respect what is your gut feeling bout what is goin to happen??
if you cant say i respect that but i would really appreciate it...
thanks mate...


lewiscook said:
stuff it im just not guna post for a while im just digging myself further into a hole...
you no its hard having a person like tim smith as you idol especially when your a young half trying to mould yourself together like him....
anywayss i hope tim stay ill be shattered if he goes....an yes sorry i didnt mean it that way i ment parra pete will be happy tim wont be half for parra...

Dont take our comments to heart mate - they arent personal.
Your support of Tim is worthy, however it does go to show that idolising a footballer can be wrought with danger as they dont always make the best role models.

I think you said u were 16 or so? You will see alot more disappointment in the future mate, just be glad you didnt idolise a recently retired Newcastle halfback ;-)


I know what I said earlier in this thread, but if the club told him he was out of chances then they have no choice but to sack him. Tim you did this to your self.

Thanks for ruining season 2008 with your stupidity and selfishness.

big boppa eel

Nikki said:
What is Benny gunna do without Timmy (btw, that is his name BBE, dunno what else you want us to call him)
How about Tim and stop making out like he is a 5 yr old though that may be a diservice to 5 year olds, Nikki this is not soley directed at you it just sh*ts me because he is a grown up but we somehow justify his actions over and over.


thanks emjay...
i dont no why im so upset bout this....
im so gay! but anyways ill always be a great fan of tim smith an wont stop...
like i said i met him last yr an really ment a heap to me! like i dont think i have been happier or anythin in my life....
but thanks for your support!

come on fitzyy!


Now you clowns know why i dont post on here very often. A blow hard like Big Boppa Eel gets on here and tells me not to call him his christian name.
Have you never had someone in your family or a friend who has a problem. Sorry, you are the sort of person who would abandon them.

big boppa eel

emjaycee said:
lewiscook, somehow I don't think you could be further from the truth.

I dont imagine Pete would be happy that someone has thrown their future away even if they are a bit of a dickhead (Pete, correct me if I have mis-represented u in anyway) :) :)
A little dramatic, if he is sacked I don't think he will end up on the scrap heap just yet he does have age on his side, though he needs to get his sh*t together and quick.

big boppa eel

emjaycee said:
sure eela, and the time after that, and the time after that and just for good measure, the time after that too :roll:

I mean he is only a kid, he is young and impressionable. He is just doing what 22 year old kids do. Nothing wrong with that.:lol: :lol:
Your sarcasim is spot on emjay, he is an adult ffs people should start treating him like one, at the end there are consequences for all of us no one should be exempt, but admit unfortunatly some are.


newmanj said:
Now you clowns know why i dont post on here very often. A blow hard like Big Boppa Eel gets on here and tells me not to call him his christian name.
Have you never had someone in your family or a friend who has a problem. Sorry, you are the sort of person who would abandon them.

I dont think it was the use of Timothy Smiths christian name that upset BBE, it was the use of the abridged version of the name, usually reserved for someone still in their pre-teen years.

I was christened Matthew, and these days are known more by Matt, but no one has called me Matty since I wore long pants for the first time.
Same goes for Peter. Pete would be okay for an adult, but surely not Petey.