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Now Gower's being accused of sexual harrassment

Rooster Lozz

Steelers4eva said:
Personally I hope this blows over as I don't think it should involve anyone other than CG and his alleged victim. He was representing no-one other than himself up there and if he's happy to let others see him in that fashion then that should be his concern. I nkow they have a code of conduct to follow but no-ones perfect. You've also got to remember an employer has a OHSat responsibility to an employee who has a problem with alchohol and drugs. He has shown he seems to have a problem in this area and may require help i.e counselling? I am not a panthers supporter nor condoning his actions but if he needs help then it should be provided.

You have got to be kidding me if this is your view on the way our proffesional athletes behave and represent the game we love. Every time an athlete walks into the public arena they have a responsability to the game, fans, sponsors everyone involved to behave in a manner that doesnt bring the name of the game, club etc into disrepute. There were others there who had a few drinks and got into some troubles ie Gary Sweet as reported in Tele today BUT they werent trashed for the entire event and getting into stupid situations.
I swear if this issue is swept under the carpet this game is going further and furhter down hill. I love it, i defend it all the time when i get the jibes from union lovers but the NRL, all individual fans cant tolerate this behaviour anymore. These guys have to learn that in order to live their dream career, get paid more money than any average bloke can earn there are sacrifices and if you dont like the sacrificies then get the hell out.
I dont think its a bad thing having a few drinks and bonding as a team BUT there is a limit and the behaviour that Gower displayed is so far past the limit its not even funny

Big Mick

Cockadoodledoo said:
To be followed 3 months later by some feel good story in the Telegraph about how Gower is a reformed man, off the drink, and pictured with some kid dying of cancer..

Kind of like Brad Fittler then?

Rooster Lozz

Absolutley !!! Hey, look i couldnt care less if it was the best player in the team i follow who had been busted for something along these lines. The days of sweeping this moronic drunken behaviour under the carpet have to stop!
If it was Brad in this instance and he was still playing for my beloved Roosters i would be equally disgusted and if the allegations were true the club would need to do whatever strip of captaincy etc. There is a large differnce here I doubt Freddy would be as dumb as this


If this allegation is true, the two I feel sorry for most are obviously Junior's daughter, but just as pertantly, Gower's fiancee`. Not something you want to be mulling over in a relationship, really.


First Grade
Obviously as a panthers fan its very disappointing to hear about this. Even though I don't believe it all, some of it has to be true you'd think, which is disappointing enough.

To those people saying 'rip up his contract'.

Get off your soapbox :roll: Or go apply for a job at the Telecrap. That idea is quite laughable to say the least.

What about Gasnier in origin? His behaviour was pretty shocking, no ripping up any contracts.

Gower wouldn't get kicked out of Penrith, but perhaps stripping of the captaincy is not impossible if some allegations can be proven. But who would take over. Luke Priddis would be the only real option.

Honestly the whole off season is tiresome with all these 'Men Behaving Badly' stories.

Lucky I don't waste my hard earned on the Daily Crappagraph.


What about any of the other things he's been accused of? No one disputes that he was off his face.


First Grade
I wonder if this statement will start to change some of the 2nd, 3rd and fourth hand stories being thrown around.

Besieged Gower may sue over grope claim http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=78197
Friday Dec 23 13:59 AEDT
Besieged Australian halfback Craig Gower is considering legal action over allegations that he groped rugby league legend Wayne Pearce's daughter at a Sunshine Coast charity event.
The Penrith skipper is "quite upset" about various claims that have emerged after his appearance at this week's Jack Newton Celebrity Golf Classic at Peregian Waters.

Penrith chief executive Glenn Matthews said Friday he had spoken to Gower and the "very concerned" Panthers No.7 was considering his legal options.

"I know he has appointed a solicitor. He is quite upset about some of the things being said," he said.

"I spoke to him briefly yesterday. We did not discuss any details but he believes things have been blown out of proportion.

"He's not feeling very well. He is quite concerned.

"It's probably a natural reaction when you see things said about you.

"I think some of it is certainly not true. It's not very nice what is being alleged."

Panthers football manager Mick Leary and operations chief Peter Mulholland will fly back from Maroochydore to Sydney late Friday after speaking with the holidaying Pearce family as part of an investigation that will not be completed until the New Year.

"My understanding is that Mick has (spoken to Pearce) but I'm not in a position to comment on that at the moment," Matthews said.

"We are gathering all the information and once we have done that we will sit down and talk with Craig again."

Gower is also accused of chasing Pearce's son Mitchell as well as throwing a piece of cutlery at dinner guests after the Classic and damaging a golf cart.

The Classic coincided with Gower's bucks celebrations - he is due to marry media personality Amanda Flynn in three weeks.

Matthews said Leary would seek a one-on-one talk with Dawn Fraser after the swimming legend told the Nine Network on Thursday that she consoled Pearce's daughter Tatum and saw Gower chase Mitchell around a table at the charity dinner.

"We take everything into account. Mick is endeavouring to speak to Dawn directly," he said.

But Matthews said of Fraser's claim: "It's one thing consoling somebody but did she see things first hand?"

Matthews admitted many allegations could have been blown out of proportion by "Chinese whispers".

"I heard a Sydney radio station that covered the golf event was defending Craig over the allegation that he threw knives," he said.

"The radio station announcer said he was there and that it (the claim) was absolutely ridiculous."

Charity golf tournament host Jack Newton said of the Gower allegations: "Once again we've got a witch hunt on a football player, much of which is hearsay."

Matthews said possible penalties for Gower would be suspension or fining him up to one quarter of his lucrative annual salary.

"We haven't really thought about that apart from looking at what the NRL player's contract says - we are a long way off thinking about those sorts of things," he said.

"We've got our own code of conduct in place. When people make allegations we have an investigation period.

"We've got to make sure the process is transparent and that natural justice is served."

But Matthews agreed that Gower was still representing the club at the charity event despite being on holiday following the failed Tri Nations campaign in the UK.

"I don't think in any high profile position you are ever out of the public view - you are always on show," he said.

"It's the public that really pays your wage. You are never off duty.

"You have responsibilities to yourself, your club and the code itself."


First Grade
PK said:
Someone's got to take a stand. I hope he sues them left right and centre!!! Go Gowie!!

I hope he does too. It'll be interesting to see which stories they decide to sue over, I'm sure he won't be sueing over all the allegations.

Caged Panther

First Grade
shadow grinder said:
the media is only reporting on what they have been told.

it's not what they report it how they report it that IMO is the issue. Fine he allegedly did these things report that but why carry on like we saw in the telegraph calling him league strongman.

When was the last time you heard gower characterised in that matter? Never.

Why right a small side article entitled the strife and times of Craig Gower? What one incident 5-6 years ago. His not John Hopoate with a liteney of poor behaviour.

Why drag out dawn fraser? fine she saw what happend report it to the investigation don't air it on TV.

It's all designed to paint gower in a poor light regardless of whether he did or didn't do it. One thing's sure if he is innocent it won't matter thanks to the media reporting on this he'll have a bad reputation even if it isn't deserved/


First Grade
Caged Panther said:
it's not what they report it how they report it that IMO is the issue. Fine he allegedly did these things report that but why carry on like we saw in the telegraph calling him league strongman.

When was the last time you heard gower characterised in that matter? Never.

Why right a small side article entitled the strife and times of Craig Gower? What one incident 5-6 years ago. His not John Hopoate with a liteney of poor behaviour.

Why drag out dawn fraser? fine she saw what happend report it to the investigation don't air it on TV.

It's all designed to paint gower in a poor light regardless of whether he did or didn't do it. One thing's sure if he is innocent it won't matter thanks to the media reporting on this he'll have a bad reputation even if it isn't deserved/

The reason Dawn came out is because she's friends with the Pearces. I find it a bit ironic really, didn't she steal a Japanese flag in a drunken escapade at the Tokyo Olympics?


Dawn seems to like to get involved where she's not wanted. She's annoyed me for quite a while now.


First Grade
Onan the barbarian said:
The reason Dawn came out is because she's friends with the Pearces. I find it a bit ironic really, didn't she steal a Japanese flag in a drunken escapade at the Tokyo Olympics?

LOL! She's definately no angel herself. My old swim coach who shared a room with her on many occasions when at swim meets use to tell us some stories and they were tamed ones. :lol:


Onan the barbarian said:
The reason Dawn came out is because she's friends with the Pearces. I find it a bit ironic really, didn't she steal a Japanese flag in a drunken escapade at the Tokyo Olympics?

Mmmm yeh I remember Jnr hitting someone with a high shot once too.:roll:


Congratulations Craig Gower, you have tied with George Piggins as The Rugby League Site's "Moron of the Week" or "MOWer".

Caged Panther

First Grade
Well for a guy who according to a good many people here is guilty his sure plowing some money into defending himself. Apparently his gone out and hired himself a QC with the intent to go after some media outlets for defemation.
I hope the stories about Gower linking up with the Roosters are true. I think he's a very, very good player and I'd love to see him in the red, white and blue. :)