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Now Gower's being accused of sexual harrassment

Balmain Bug

This is very upsetting.

I just hope the PEARCE family are ok. I just heard on the radio that the Roosters are going to enter the bung-fight now aswell as they are concerned for the interests of Mitchel PEARCE.

Ricky STUART is the new Aussie coach and I don't think he'd be too keen on our little Craig anymore !!


First Grade
This forum must be full of nerdy journo's who were used in sport rather than played it - pardoning their hatrid of sport.


Allow me to list the media's allegations about Gower behaviour at the Golf Tournament:

- Groped the daughter of Wayne Pearce
- Attacked the son of Wayne Pearce
- Threw knives (yes knives!) at people in the resort
- Ran around the resort naked
- Crashed a golf cart causing substantial damage
- Playing a charity golf game drunk
- Heated confrontation with Wayne Pearce
- Something else involving Dawn Fraser which has just come to light

My predictions for tomorrows allegations:

- Gower is the person who sent that text message that sparked the Cronulla riots
- Gower started a bushfire
- Gower attacks man dressed as Santa at Childrens Hospital


Post Whore
Immortal said:
Are you guys looking at the same head I am. She looks like a Greek parrot, she just has boobs.

You don't look at the mantle piece while you're stoking the fire.

Rooster Lozz

Can i just ask a question here why would Dawn make up any of these things or make them into a bigger deal then they already are?
I think she is one of the few celebs there who are willing to speak out. Unlike a few others who are trying to play it all down and tournament organisers etc. Its really sad for Jack that this has happened at a tournament organised and run by him for 25 years without incident, worrying thing is negative press like this will attract less sponsors and less big name celebs in future years and he knows that.
IF anything there really needs to be a serious look at the way our professional atheltes conduct themselves when they are drinking, I mean i cant comment on what actually took place but i do know he was intoxicated and behaved in a manner unbecoming of a professional athlete at a charity event.
All the other celebs were drinking and having a good time some drunken incidents but nothing compared to these allegations


ucantseeme said:
Allow me to list the media's allegations about Gower behaviour at the Golf Tournament:

- Groped the daughter of Wayne Pearce
- Attacked the son of Wayne Pearce
- Threw knives (yes knives!) at people in the resort
- Ran around the resort naked
- Crashed a golf cart causing substantial damage
- Playing a charity golf game drunk
- Heated confrontation with Wayne Pearce
- Something else involving Dawn Fraser which has just come to light

My predictions for tomorrows allegations:

- Gower is the person who sent that text message that sparked the Cronulla riots
- Gower started a bushfire
- Gower attacks man dressed as Santa at Childrens Hospital

- Gower has links to Al Queda
- Gower is the KKK Grand Dragon
- Gower is a recruiter for the Hitler youth
- Gower is looking to become head of the Liberal Party


Chook said:
Gower is a f**king moron, a short, ugly, halfbred moronic dinosaur with all the intelligence of rock moss!!

Regardless of where or when it happened, the mere fact that it happened at all proves Gower is a stupid, brainless grub that should have his NRL contract ripped up. "I was on my buck's night" is no excuse either.

When will these farkwits learn????


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ah my sides are aching!

Thanks for the comedy Chook!


Caged Panther said:
Innocent until proven guilty is that the way we generally conduct things in this country.

At the moment the media is lynching an innocent man.

Fine if it's found that their is truth to the allegations lynch him all you want hell I'll even join you but until that time the guy should be given the benfit of the doubt.

Bloody well said! :clap:

I'm with you on this one.


He will be hit with a large feather, with the usual token fine issued. Penrith won't simply get rid of their best player.


If these allegations (I stress that word at the moment) come to be true, I think he will be stripped of the captaincy. He will not get his contract ripped up.

Which leads to the question of who would be his replacement... probably Tony Puletua.

shadow grinder

First Grade
Caged Panther said:
Innocent until proven guilty is that the way we generally conduct things in this country.

At the moment the media is lynching an innocent man.

Fine if it's found that their is truth to the allegations lynch him all you want hell I'll even join you but until that time the guy should be given the benfit of the doubt.

the media is only reporting on what they have been told.

shadow grinder

First Grade
Fibroman said:
Everyone is entitled to make a mistake or too.

Knowing Gowie and how he usualy behaves, I would say the allegations are out of character for his behaviour and perhaps we should wait for a comprehensive investigation into the matter. The media have a history of sensationalising things.

Gowie is the heart and soul of the Panthers. They will support him to the hilt, as will Fibroman.

out of character? you know nothing about gower then. ive witnessed his BS on atleast 2 other occasions....plus in 1999 he exposed himself.

acting like a well respected man is out of character for gower.

Misty Bee

First Grade
Penrith have to investigate, because he has tarnished their image. Good on 'em I say.

BTW, Gower proved his guilt in front of many witnesses. Besides, this isn't a court case (unless there is a charge laid by the Pearces, organisers etc).

I feel for Penrith fans on this one. I doubt that Priddis or Campbell would have been anything but geniune ambassadors on the day.


parra_panther said:
If these allegations (I stress that word at the moment) come to be true, I think he will be stripped of the captaincy. He will not get his contract ripped up.

Which leads to the question of who would be his replacement... probably Tony Puletua.

Be nice to see them give Luke Priddis the nod. He is a great role model, fairly tough and been there long enough now to be considered a good clubman. IMO Tony P is unfortunately a bit injury prone and you need to have your Captain on deck as much as possible, another option might be Reece Wesser. Personally I hope this blows over as I don't think it should involve anyone other than CG and his alleged victim. He was representing no-one other than himself up there and if he's happy to let others see him in that fashion then that should be his concern. I nkow they have a code of conduct to follow but no-ones perfect. You've also got to remember an employer has a OHS responsibility to an employee who has a problem with alchohol and drugs. He has shown he seems to have a problem in this area and may require help i.e counselling? I am not a panthers supporter nor condoning his actions but if he needs help then it should be provided.


Steelers4eva said:
Be nice to see them give Luke Priddis the nod. He is a great role model, fairly tough and been there long enough now to be considered a good clubman. IMO Tony P is unfortunately a bit injury prone and you need to have your Captain on deck as much as possible, another option might be Reece Wesser.

One things for sure, it wouldn't be Wesser. He's a great player but has zero leadership skills. TP generally is the captain when Gower is out injured. I'm sure Priddo would do a great job though.

I really doubt it will go that far though. What I think will end up happening is Gower will receive some kind of fine which will go to a charity, possibly community service as well, also with a charity, and none of us will ever find out exactly what happened.


First Grade
cainen said:
One things for sure, it wouldn't be Wesser. He's a great player but has zero leadership skills. TP generally is the captain when Gower is out injured. I'm sure Priddo would do a great job though.

I really doubt it will go that far though. What I think will end up happening is Gower will receive some kind of fine which will go to a charity, possibly community service as well, also with a charity, and none of us will ever find out exactly what happened.

To be followed 3 months later by some feel good story in the Telegraph about how Gower is a reformed man, off the drink, and pictured with some kid dying of cancer..

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