That's not research it's gossiping.
You're acting like it's a life and death situation you're dealing with. Which I'm more than familiar with (hint, hint).
I'll take my life over your norths obsessed existence. I used to have empathy for bears supporters but your blinkered dribbling has turned me right off.
No, I grew up watching Canberra constantly giving norths a pasting.
If you're sick or someone close to you is then my condolences go out to you. I apologise if my comment was in any way offensive.
Now to set a few things straight. I don't understand exactly what makes you think what I say is dribble. I also don't understand how you could not possibly see that like you, who has supported the Raiders for a considerable amount of time, wishing them the absolute best season after season and being a member and customer to their merchandise that I do the same for the Central Coast Bears. A team which represents a great rugby league heartland and growing community whom have been pushing for a team for a fair amount of time now. A purposely built stadium to host NRL games remains dormant of a local team, which should have been in the competition for atleast a decade now.
Yes, I support the Bears. I'm proud of that and I don't hesitate to show it. I haven't done or said anything which has ever concluded that the Central Coast Bears are in or will get awarded a franchise license.
Now back on topic, I do think that the WAReds and CCBears can make still make it into the 2013 season, however if expansion does indeed get pushed back which I acknowledge most likely will happen then I can most definitely see the Central Coast Bears bid getting stronger and building on what they have achieved, which you might see as not important or disagree completely.
I will keep them supporting them and pushing their bid. If you don't like that or feel the need to bait petty arguments then good luck to you. But I'm not gonna get dragged into pointless rambling. You know about the CCBears, go into their thread if you want to drop your thoughts regarding anything CCBears related or alternatively go to their website.