There's just something about this Newcastle team that I don't like- if I was a neutral I think I'd be cheering for Ipswich. You keep hearing about how good Newton has been for the team, but he looks to be a pretty poor captain. So many of these young guys seem to have a pretty bad attitude- arguing with the ref, niggling the opposition etc. Mamo is a serial offender and it's amazing he hasn't been pulled aside and told to pull his head in. Tuha hasn't been much better.
Got to say I was impressed with Sironen- could be a first grader in there somewhere, especially with an offseason under his belt. Didn't see much from anyone else though. Saifiti had a bad game, but looks to be a first grade player with a couple of seasons in NSW Cup. Holland must have been playing injured? He was a chance of missing the game with the calf injury picked up last week and was kept very quiet by Ipswich.