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With both the Knights and the Raiders gaining two points from this next weeks byes, it will be gnawing at the back of Mitchell Pearce's mind knowing that if the Roosters lose to the Sea Eagles, his team will fall to 13th place on the ladder.

Sleep well, Mitch. Try not to think about it. It will only affect your game. :lol:


For the 100th time in this thread! He's injured!!!! He spoke to Sticky and he said "I'm match fit but I can't train". Geez, He didn't leave him out because he felt like it.

How many more brainless gimps are going to think Watmough is fit?

I think Watmough was a bit hard done by.
One :lol:

and watmough in for buhrer.
Two :lol:

lol they are out of form for sure 1 got dumped to state cup and than gets picked as a starter for nsw
Just as f*cking stupid - three.
Can I remind all of you that Hayne did nothing in the City vs Country game a few weeks ago and was arugebly one of the worst players on the field.
You dont need to remind anyone that Hayne has played a number of other games this year and has been great. Nor the fact that you are a dumb f*cking genius.


First Grade
Id say Mitch has enough to worry about knowing that one wrong decision, one poor pass or one mistimed kick could see him on the NSW halfback scrap heap again.
It's a testament to the stupidity of the Blues selectors that Jennings and Hayne have been selected. Matty Johns was absolutely right about both of them. Hodges is gonna eat Jennings alive.

Do you have something wrong in your head? Matty Johns statements about Jennings possible selection were the dumbest most illogical thing he's said all year.

Jeeze you're thick
Id say Mitch has enough to worry about knowing that one wrong decision, one poor pass or one mistimed kick could see him on the NSW halfback scrap heap again.

Since he has a few mistakes in his game, expect to see him on the NSW halfback scrap heap indeed. Along with all of the others who ended up there. Tell him to say hello his buddies from last year too. Michael Ennis on the Hooker scrap heap and Jamie Soward on the 5/8 scrap heap.
What's even funnier is that there is a NSW guy on the turf locked in a struggle with the QLD player, when Hodges goes for Creagh. Most of the NSW players abandon the guy on the turf to prevent Hodges from reaching the swiftly retreating Creagh. Creagh never takes his eyes off Hodgo, nor is he confident to turn his back. He is threatened, psychologically by Hodges. The proximity of his team mates doesn't lessen that.

Contrast this with Hodgo. He is dead keen to take Creagh on, despite the proximity of a group of Creagh's team mates. Even when four of them rush toward Hodgo, he does not back a backward step. He is still keen to get to Creagh even when they are preventing him from advancing further.

And this is the guy that Stuart selects?

The f**k are you talking about body language. You've just picked Dave Taylor :lol:

You mean to tell me you've forgotten about him soiling himself when Luke O'Donnell got a hold of him?

The only difference between the 2 incidents is that Luke O'Donnell didn't give Taylor an opportunity to run away.



at QLD fans ignoring their own cowards. That seems to be the difference at the end of the day, QLD fans have no f**king self awareness about anything.

Number of NSW fans who recognise Creagh as being soft - 5442105
Number of QLD fans who recognise Taylor as being soft -0


This is the guy Mal selects? Your big fella was petrified


O'Donnell is a f**king maniac and one strong mofo. I honestly don't think any QLD'r would feel safe seeing O'Donnell looking at them with those eyes. It'd take a very brave man to try and throw hands with O'Donnell. Notice O'Donnell copped about 10 dog shot uppercuts from Inglis and Thaiday and when he broke free, still standing, they made sure they were 10 metres away. It was poor taylor who copped it.
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Big Pete

:lol: dog shots.

LOD was a bum who purposely spear tackled a back to the ground and decides to be a big man by throwing a head butt.

If he was playing, he'd knock the ball on, making bugger all metres & missing tackles and you'd be calling for his head.


So when LOD's bent over under the weight of 10 players running in over the top of him and Thaiday and Inglis run in and start throwing uppercuts at his head what do you call them Pete?

Maybe you fight with a handbag and a skirt in real life but for most people that is the definition of 'dog shots'

No one has said anything of LOD's playing ability. Only the FACT that he was a pretty scary individual that most, if not all, players probably feared if they had to stand up with him.
:lol: dog shots.

LOD was a bum who purposely spear tackled a back to the ground and decides to be a big man by throwing a head butt.

No question about that. It was a filthy tackle from a filthy player.

There's also no question that Taylor embarrassed himself with his display of extreme cowardice and fear when confronted by LOD.

It would be hypocritical of any QLDer to ignore the Taylor incident while laughing about Creaghs selection. Both are big meathead types who are softer than triple-layered toilet paper

Big Pete

So when LOD's bent over under the weight of 10 players running in over the top of him and Thaiday and Inglis run in and start throwing uppercuts at his head what do you call them Pete?

Maybe you fight with a handbag and a skirt in real life but for most people that is the definition of 'dog shots'

No one has said anything of LOD's playing ability. Only the FACT that he was a pretty scary individual that most, if not all, players probably feared if they had to stand up with him.

Under the weight of 10 players...nonsense. Thaiday & Inglis throw them when he's on his feet & everyone else is getting stuck into it.

He wasn't that scary at all. He threw a dog headbutt & that's all.

There's no comparison to Creagh's fairy act.
So when LOD's bent over under the weight of 10 players running in over the top of him and Thaiday and Inglis run in and start throwing uppercuts at his head what do you call them Pete?

Maybe you fight with a handbag and a skirt in real life but for most people that is the definition of 'dog shots'

No one has said anything of LOD's playing ability. Only the FACT that he was a pretty scary individual that most, if not all, players probably feared if they had to stand up with him.

What's also interesting about that gif I posted is that right after Thaiday throws some cheap shots at LOD.

Yet only 10 seconds before(Thaiday punches LOD) Barrett enters the initial ruckus, goes straight for Thaiday and throws a punch at him(he misses) and Thaiday doesn't respond with anything. Instead he quietly leaves the melee, works his way round and then tries attacking LOD when he's not even aware of him and already pre-occupied with Taylor :lol:

Typical Thaiday, he's only willing to have a crack at people who are scared of him or can't see him coming :lol:

If I had a penny for everytime he was confronted and did nothing I'd be f**king rich. He did the same thing in Origin last year - twice. Played the big man and then changed his mind in Scotts presence(despite Scott pleading with him to do something). Did his tough guy routine and tried to intimidate Ennis, and little Mick Ennis screamed in his face for about 10 seconds, Thaiday then changed his planned hard man act and did nothing. You can bet if Ennis backed away as Thaiday came towards him that Thaiday would of done the "let me at him" routine he likes so much

Tried the same tough guy shit with Fien the other year against NZ. Again changed his mind when Fiend stood up to him.

Played the tough guy against NZ in 2009 I think it was, Adam Blair singled him out, ran about 40 metres to tackle Thaiday, Thaiday did nothing.

Has anyone ever seen Thaiday do anything? I think his best effort would be when he tried to cheapshot JWH in this years All Stars, he was lucky his team mates saved him in that instance.

The bloke should enter into the wholesale business, selling flip-flops.
Under the weight of 10 players...nonsense. Thaiday & Inglis throw them when he's on his feet & everyone else is getting stuck into it.

He wasn't that scary at all. He threw a dog headbutt & that's all.

There's no comparison to Creagh's fairy act.

There's no comparison because LOD had hold of Taylor and thus he couldn't run.

If Hodges had hold of Creagh he wouldn't have been able to back peddle either.

Notice the first reaction Taylor has when LOD lets go (after being blind sided by Thaiday) is to get as far away from LOD as he can. He ends up about 15 metres on the other side of the brawl, trying to get to safety :lol:

Taylor was as scared as Creagh was, you can see it in his eyes! He was emasculated, just like Creagh.

QLD denial. And if you're saying he isn't scary then what the f**k sort of excuse does Taylor have for his yellow-bellied cowardice?



Scott seeing Thaiday flopping around looking around for a cheap shot to throw and then grabbing him and begging him to try something is a great picture. Thaiday had the look of this meme...


Big Pete

There's no comparison period but it won't stop you from trying to get one up on Qld, even if it takes a dog shot from your kind.

Clear as day Taylor is being dragged away by 2-3 players but that won't stop you and your crusade.
There's no comparison period but it won't stop you from trying to get one up on Qld, even if it takes a dog shot from your kind.

Clear as day Taylor is being dragged away by 2-3 players but that won't stop you and your crusade.

Dragged away? By who? Monaghan was caressing his f**king arm, at best. :lol:

f**k me. It's undeniable that Taylor was scared. Only a derpity herp could spin it otherwise. Not once does he so much as clench a fist, his only reaction is to try to hold LOD's arm. Soft.

He's even looks at the bloke who carries water (in bright green) with a sort of "please help me" look before getting the headbutt. Looking around for assistance, scared.

Dragged away lol. That's the difference isn't it. Taylor is going backwards because Taylor wants to go backwards, Monaghan isn't doing that. Notice that you don't notice that while Monaghan has hold of Taylor, Cameron Smith also has a good grip on LOD. The difference? LOD wants to fight Taylor, and moves forward with such strength that he causes his own jersey to rip.

It's insane to me that you won't concede this.

Fight or flight. Both Taylor and Creagh have the flight trait. When the going gets tough they look for the nearest escape route

Big Pete

Monaghan, Ennis & even Hannant is assisting there.

I don't have to make up stories about non-existent glances to trainers or Taylor wanting to run away the fact is he didn't hence there isn't a comparison. Which is my argument.

The only evidence here is that LOD was an average player who had to headbutt players to prove he was tough and you want to pat him on the back for it.

DT is soft but he has his whole career infront of him.

Thaiday is too busy trying to be kooky & soft spoken. He ain't a fighter but unlike Creagh and a lot of your Blues forwards knows how to play Origin football & that's all that matters to me.

I'll pay that picture though. :lol: