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Parra team for the Lee Hopkins shield.

Stagger eel

Staff member

In all serious, there would have to be a Steve Edge trophy between the two sides.

With Parra and Penrith, how about a David Woods trophy.

the Dave Woods award will go to the player with the most effective injury to come from the game.


there really is an incredible amount of straw grasping when it comes to choosing the side, why do some of us appear certain that a 19 year old who's work rate in the nYC rivals Fui's first firatgrade match, a certain solution to our problem?

the simple reason why blokes like Lowrie and Wagon continue to get picked in the side is because we simply don't have the depth to call on anyone better whilst most of the talented NYC team a simply not ready to take the step up.

There's no easy solution to this other hope that certain players don't get injured and our younger players start finding an extra leg.

That may be so stagger, my only comment is that if you are in a position of leadership in any field, if you threaten that you will do something, and you are pushed - you simply MUST do it.
If you dont you lose the respect of those you command and those who judge you.
This maxim applies to all forms of endeavour including coaching.
Its tough being a leader and to coach Parra would be one of the hardest jobs around but tough jobs call for tough men. If parra get lapped again and turn in an insipid performance, the one thing I dont want to hear Hages say is - " There needs to be changes " or worse " I dont know what to do "

Stagger eel

Staff member
That may be so stagger, my only comment is that if you are in a position of leadership in any field, if you threaten that you will do something, and you are pushed - you simply MUST do it.
If you dont you lose the respect of those you command and those who judge you.
This maxim applies to all forms of endeavour including coaching.
Its tough being a leader and to coach Parra would be one of the hardest jobs around but tough jobs call for tough men. If parra get lapped again and turn in an insipid performance, the one thing I dont want to hear Hages say is - " There needs to be changes " or worse " I dont know what to do "

this is what I've feared most about this season, not the fact that our starting 17 don't hit any sort of form but our back up players don't provide the support that we ask them when required, I seriously believe that Hages is in a position where his hands are tied with the sort of players he has at the club, we virtually lost Tim from the start, our 2 starting centres haven't seen the light of day, Chad's only turned out for a couple of games and key men are not only a year older but are visibly starting to slow down.

Our players are not being put under any preasure from anyone of the lower grade teams and we're in a position where we're fielding players that we know are not going to change a game for us.

I forsee this rut continueing for the next year or 2 until the next crop of players make their way onto the big stage and we will have to depend on that next layer because we've already appears to have made some long term investments on a few players who are taking a great deal space out of our sallary cap.

fish eel

i wouldnt be looking for change stagger if the nrl side were being beaten, but turning up, competing, and showing desire. they're not. they havent been, i dont see whats to lose by throwing a couple of kids in.

somethings gotta give or we'll be having a wooden spoon clash when we play souths

fish eel

Dude the side hasn't even played yet and people are already bagging them off.

OK, their first 5 weeks were pretty poor, but give them a fair go.


These guys are being bagged because they got lapped by the cowboys, put in an inept performance against the titans and then couldnt beat a crippled manly fight.


With this 10 interchange rule I cannot for the life of me understand why Fui keeps starting matches.....


Post Whore
Maybe the bye at this time was just what we needed to kickstart the team. They may come out totally revved up for a big match.

Just out of interest - what would people's sides be? Who would you drop Reddy, Wagon, Lowrie, Burt, Finch, etc for?

Stagger eel

Staff member
i wouldnt be looking for change stagger if the nrl side were being beaten, but turning up, competing, and showing desire. they're not. they havent been, i dont see whats to lose by throwing a couple of kids in.

somethings gotta give or we'll be having a wooden spoon clash when we play souths

you mentioned something earlier about the horse bolting, I take it you've all but conceded the season done and dusted and we should throw some kids in the deep end to see if they sink or swim??

I mean really!! we're 2 and 4 at the moment while Souths are 0 and 7 after using 7 different half/ five-eight combos...now there's a club in dire need of a bit of stability...tell me where throwing kids left, right and centre has got them??

fish eel

you mentioned something earlier about the horse bolting, I take it you've all but conceded the season done and dusted and we should throw some kids in the deep end to see if they sink or swim??

I cant see us winning the comp. A real battle to make the 8. The horse bolting comment in the other thread was about the booze

I mean really!! we're 2 and 4 at the moment while Souths are 0 and 7 after using 7 different half/ five-eight combos...now there's a club in dire need of a bit of stability...tell me where throwing kids left, right and centre has got them??

There's throwing a couple of kids in, then there is merry goround of south sydney. I'd just like to see a couple of changes, tony williams on the bench for a start, and leave him there, keating at 5/8, and leave him there, not half a dozen i one hit. but 2 or 3, yeah, give them an extended run.

Stagger eel

Staff member
There's throwing a couple of kids in, then there is merry goround of south sydney. I'd just like to see a couple of changes, tony williams on the bench for a start, and leave him there, keating at 5/8, and leave him there, not half a dozen i one hit. but 2 or 3, yeah, give them an extended run.

they're good kids but won't solve our problem...if young Tony brings his current form with him that he'll be eaten alive by men willing to really test him out, tbh Tim robinson and Tim Mannah are guys that I'll be looking at blooding if we needed to adopt a youth policy into the side, Brod Wright and Oak are another couple that may add a i bit to a tired pack.

When Tony makes his debut it'll be as an outside back not a forward or impact forward.

parra pete

The 'Lenny Stacker Medal' for best goal kicker goes to......
The 'Bob O'Reilly Cup' for fattest bloke on the paddock is won by....


Mateo is not a natural 5/8 nor is he a player who is being groomed as a long term 5/8 whereas KK is a natural 5/8 and we need to groom someone there.
The investment we make now will pay off next year. Yep he may get smashed and there may be some bad games ahead but he is used to 5/8 and sooner rather than later he will shine there. I personally cant see the sense in using Mateo there long term.
AND I cant see the sense of using KK as a hooker but thats another thread


Maybe the bye at this time was just what we needed to kickstart the team. They may come out totally revved up for a big match.

Just out of interest - what would people's sides be? Who would you drop Reddy, Wagon, Lowrie, Burt, Finch, etc for?

The easy changes would be Hayne to fullback with Burt to wing, Reddy gone with anybody - maybe even you Eelementary - replacing him and Fui to the bench. Bye Wagon.

With no injuries?

1. Hayne
2. Tautai
3. Inu
4. Smith
5. Grothe
6. Keating
7. Finch
8. Cayless
9. Riddell
10. Cordoba
11. Hindmarsh
12. Robinson
13. Mateo

14. Fuifui
15. T. Mannah
16. Hauraki
17. Paulo/Galuvao

And the fact that it was hard to name 17 players shows just how little depth we have this season.
I would have put Williams on the bench, sent wagon to wenty and given wellar a shot at starting.

Fui can Start and has before, he just isn't as Dynamic, Wellar or Oak, or Junior Need to Fill that Roll now. As for Wagon, I guess we will see, but he has not been setting the world on fire that is true, but with Chad there, and without timmy, we need someone in the back row.


Hevy: I think that's the best team - but I'd put Matt Keating on the bench instead of your number 17 (Paulo/ Gulavao)

I think the next 3 games we play are "easier" games in terms of not facing a dominant playmaker in any of them. Surely it's the right time to throw KK in the deep end and get him 3 games that we might possibly have a chance of winning so that he at least has some experience under his belt?

I'm still thinking that he'll start on Saturday.

The Engineers Room

First Grade
If I selected the team this week it would be:

1. Luke Burt
2. Etu Uaisele
3. Jarryd Hayne
4. Talima Tautai
5. Eric Grothe
6. Kris Keating
7. Brett Finch
8. Nathan Cayless
9. Matt Keating
10. Junior Paulo
11. Nathan Hindmarsh
12. Chad Robinson
13. Feleti Mateo

14. Mark Riddell
15. Wellar Hauraki
16. Fui Fui Moi Moi
17. Broderick Wright

The Colonel

MITS and Colonel, what do we have to lose by throwing Tony Williams on the bench?

I've stated my position on it. I don't see that we have anythiong to gain from putting him there when he didn't even factor in the PL win on the weekend.

He isn't even dominating consistently ahead of 20 yr olds when he is bigger than most first graders.

Freshen up the first grade pack by all means but I'd rather see the likes of Brod Wright, Joe Galuvao or James Greham used before Tony as I believe we gain more from them.


First Grade
why the hate for reddy?
he is the only one scoring tries....

MITS and Colonel and Stagger keep saying these kids are not ready...
how do we know unless we give them a shot?
as others have said they cant be doing any worse than others...

Hagan seems to be a bulldog with a bark and no bite..

I for one pin alot of this on Hagan, not the players themselves

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