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Player market news


haha its jed flanders!! :lol: :lol: haha how awesome were those days when people in here got along more.. anyways.
jed flanders totally works. although jed doesnt have a hot wife.


First Grade
From today's CT:

Ruben Wiki and Joel Monaghan have rejected a combined total of more than $1.5 million to instead go on the open market in just four days.

Don Furner vehemently denied that the club had offered Wiki just $150,000 a season. The Raiders have offered a three year package to Wiki worth more than $750,000. Monaghan has also been offered $250,000 a season.

"Both players have been offered substantial contracts. The supposed $150,000 offer is absolutely incorrect. We want the Raiders' fans to know that we are doing our very best to keep Ruben Wiki and the offer in excess of $750,000 over three years demonstrates how genuine we are..... The reality is we have to operate within a salary cap and this is the highest we can go. Our best has been rejected by their manager and we are at a stalemate." Furner said.

After rapping Wiki's contribution to the club, Furner said Monaghan is held in similarly high regard. "Joel is a Tuggeranong junior and our top tryscorer. He wanted to move from the wing to be more involved in the game. Matt has given him that opportunity in the centres and we see him as our future" Furner said.

The Raiders believe UK clubs will offer Wiki double the Raiders' offer.

The Raiders have discussed making Wiki a strength and conditioning coach after his retirement, but they cannot put this offer in writing as it would also count to the salary cap.

"It is fair to say the fact Wiki and Monaghan haven't signed hasn't given us a lot of confidence. We now have no option but to look at other alternatives" Furner said.

Monaghan has been linked with Manly, but there is strong mail that the Roosters are poised to make a lucrative offer and are fast emerging as favourites for Monaghan's signature.

Monaghan admits the pending decision has created anxiety. "It is more of a distraction now that I am injured. When I was playing it was all right because I brushed it and concentrated on playing. Now I've had time to sit down and think about it more and it is a big decision. It does get a bit nerve wracking at times. Hopefully we can still strike up something with the Raiders. We'll sit back and see what offers we have got next week and do what is best for me and what is best for my football" Monaghan said.

Wiki said he would make his decision within the next fortnight. "I will do what is best for my wife and kids. They are the number 1 priority in my life" Wiki said.


My interpretation: Wiki and Monaghan are GONE.
So much for everyone saying that management wasn't doing enough.....

If everyone believed what the read in the papers about what we had offered certain players, we'd have a cap of about $1.5 million.

$250,000 for Wiki and Monaghan is MORE than enough IMO.

They, or their manager is just being greedy.

I hate to say it, but if they're going to be like that, let them go.


First Grade
I am much relieved that the $150,000 story was inaccurate. But whatever we are doing clearly isn't enough to keep the players... If it is accurate that they offered Kite $300,000 I don't know why we aren't prepared to offer Monaghan that amount of cash either... He is young, an origin/international player of the future and a local junior....
greeneyed....... we didn't offer Kite $300,000, Raiders management refuted that vehemently. Don't believe a thing you read in Big League/Dailey Telegraph/etc.


First Grade
Regarding Wiki, if he goes to England on a contract double a NRL contract, I guess there is really nothing much we can do... and he should go with all our best wishes ... if he goes to another NRL team, though, I will be devastated.
I highly doubt he'll play for another NRL club.

If Monaghan doesn't re-sign with us, he's just being greedy. He's not a superstar yet, he's not a rep player yet, $250,000 is more than enough for a player of his stature. That's probably more than some rep players are earning at the moment!

Come on Joel, do the right thing.


First Grade
The CT article is bullsh!t !!!!

How can the Roosters afford to offer J.Monas more than we can and still remain under the cap. Wiki's situation I can believe up to a point.

As I have said before if management does not have a plan to re-sign these two players (especially Monas) they need to attend the same recruitment school that the rooters and other high spending clubs do.

We have a playing roster that has nothing of the talent that the rooters and some other clubs have .... and we dont have enough under the cap to re-sign a local junior ??? ... give me a break !!!

IBG did you know that pigs can fly ... nah, true I'm telling you, believe me, they do, I saw one just yesterday :lol: :lol: :lol:



IMO those offers to these players by our management are fair... if they won't accept it well there isn't much we can do... I don't really know what more Monaghan would want as he would be one of our highest paid players and (still overpaid IMO) if he still wants to go to another club despite that offer then that stinks.


First Grade
The Roosters have released Justin Hodges...... this is why they are entering the market for a centre. They are reportedly after Tate also.


First Grade
I note that Joel says his decision will be based on "......... what is best for my football" ... thats it guys , we've got buckleys. Now I can see why the rooters offer may be more atractive than ours.

Make the hard decision management for the good of the club.


First Grade
Bay56 said:
I note that Joel says his decision will be based on "......... what is best for my football" ... thats it guys , we've got buckleys. Now I can see why the rooters offer may be more atractive than ours.

Make the hard decision management for the good of the club.

Almost sounds like he has been talking to...... Gould.....


First Grade
I Bleed Green said:
Bay, by hard decision do you mean release him, or offer him more?
Release him, but again you have missed the point, I am not referring to Monas.
OK. But what else do you want management to do? I agree with you about management needing to take a leaf from the Roosters book to structure our cap more effectively, but honest question, do you think $250,000 is an unfair offer? Because I don't.


First Grade
The Sun Herald says the $300,000 offer for Kite is inaccurate. It appears the real offer was $225,000. The Raiders have even sent St George a copy of the contract offer and are very annoyed with the St George club for claiming this... St George apparently thought the total sum was for 3 years, not 4, which led to the inaccurate amount of $300,000 a season.


If those offers are accurate then I dont think the club can do much more unless it decides to cheat the cap. Monnas offer is about as good as you can get for a non origin player.


First Grade
greeneyed said:
Bay56 said:
I note that Joel says his decision will be based on "......... what is best for my football" ... thats it guys , we've got buckleys. Now I can see why the rooters offer may be more atractive than ours.

Make the hard decision management for the good of the club.

Almost sounds like he has been talking to...... Gould.....
Correct Greeneyed ... that aint going to change ... just like the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

Thus we have to have a similar strategy and hence my previous posts.

In 1985 the club made its biggest and most successful decision ... the advice given was get a player of note to the club and the others will follow ... Meninga was that player and Bennett followed soon other. The rest is history.

At the moment there is very little to attract a player to this club .... that has to change quickly otherwise we will experience more of the same.

Take a look at the Broncos ... who at the season was predicting a successful season for them. Most pundits had them at the lower end of the eight and some out of the eight. We were considered favourite for a top eight postiion and some had us top four. What has happened since ... an astute coach thats what !!

I'm sorry to be so negative but, for mine, all the signs are pointing in the wrong direction. IMO we are on a train that's going all stops to dumbsville.


Post Whore
Monaghan has been linked with Manly, but there is strong mail that the Roosters are poised to make a lucrative offer and are fast emerging as favourites for Monaghan's signature.

if they get anywhere f**king near monaghan it will be a f**king disgrace!
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: