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Who knows?

Are you for real? Why would he act differently this week to any other week this year?

What was his game plan exactly? Play Austin and Moses in the starting side to run with the ball and alleviate predsure on Brooks?Yes a great plan. A shame it's now Round 19 isn't it!

Haha, just as I suspected - no credit to Potter when we win, he only cops it when we lose. Unbelievable.


Haha, just as I suspected - no credit to Potter when we win, he only cops it when we lose. Unbelievable.

I actually wouldnt have minded him staying ( particularly as he works cheap) if it wasnt for that Tim Sheens trait of picking plodders week in and week out regardless of form...

Farah wasnt exactly praising his selection policies after the game either....

Do you have any explanation why Potter has persevered with Anasta all season at 6, particularly after yesterdays game?


I find the Anasta selection as puzzling as you. Was happy for Potter to start the season with him, but he should have been culled at least a month or two before he got injured.

As for Farah - IMO his game has improved under Potter's coaching and to me that is all that matters. They don't have to be best mates, just professional.

Look, I have some reservations about Potter (particularly his attacking plans) however I just honestly believe he has had a ridiculously tough slog since day one - given the injuries, the dysfunctional board/management etc. I think it's too early to judge him. I want to see him next season - especially if we manage to improve our strength and conditioning program (tough ask, I know) and keep most players on the park.

IMO he deserves the chance to continue. With the exception of a few players, I think most of his signings and cullings have been spot on, all of the young players seem to have responded to him (despite what's been written in the press), Farah's game has improved, and we have one of the strongest benches in the comp. I want to see him given a fair go and if he is given the chop now I don't believe that is fair.


Potter has to be given some credit for developing and improving Tedesco, Brooks over the past year, and I assume Moses over the past month or so when I believe he has been training with the firsts...

It seems we agree about Anasta... I think it was pretty obvious by around Round 7 or 8 that Brooks was handling first grade Ok and that Austin could offer more than Anasta so I cant understand why Potter kept Anasta... I know that some have suggested he was under pressure to pick him as they were paying him $200K per year, however I think he has to be his own man and pick who he thinks is the best team each week, particularly as its his backside on the line.

As to whether he should be retained, if he gets them to the Top 8 then it should be a no brainer...That really would be a miracle after what I thought would happen after Round 1

I am concerned though about a lack of respect/support from Farah, and rumours of player unrest.... winning will change that though and if they can play like yesterday and avoid injury then they can finish the season on a real high...


Staff member
Definitely agree that Farah has improved a hell of a lot this year , wether its to do with Potter or its because he has Brooks sharing the play making role. But he seems to be more relaxed and has reduced a lot of those selfish options from his game.
I could see the value in using Anasta early in the piece, but Brooks has matured at an alarmingly fast rate and doesn't need that steady old head anymore, he needs a partner who is also a play maker and can also create for the team and this is where Austin excels as he provides that additional spark. Come mid-season, Brooks was targeted and nullified as teams knew that Anasta offered little as a genuine play maker.

I am a fan of Potter, we've seen virtually all players improve under him and don't like making habit of only crediting coaches with losses but I guarantee you the team selections today were nothing but forced and had have injury favoured us, we would not have seen the same result. Anasta would have been pivot and Lulia would have been in the centres if the circumstances were justifiable for Potter and we cannot ignore that.


Super Moderator
Staff member
As I said earlier, This talk of players wanting Potter gone, to me sounded like utter bullshit.

Given how they reacted, perhaps we could get the media to run this story for the rest of the year and we can win our second title :)


First Grade
I get the feeling the knives are coming from a faction in the club that dont coach or play football, and they are leaking porkies to the press to destabilize Potter.

Like others Iam not 100% convinced he is the man but I would not be replacing him now for another rookie. If Ivan Cleary or Bellyache came knocking on the door that could be another matter,but really I would give him another two years. In that time he should have matured as a coach and the team should be getting close to their potential.

On a last note I would not touch Bennett even if we had the coin,the once master coach is now on the decline


I get the feeling the knives are coming from a faction in the club that dont coach or play football, and they are leaking porkies to the press to destabilize Potter.

Whats the motive though for the "review" conducted by Smith?

What good was ever going to come from that?

And I doubt a "faction" has enough clout to get that to happen... must have been pretty unanimous decision from the management...


Super Moderator
Staff member
reviews can serve a good purpose and I have no issue with one being done, considering one had never been done before.

An Independent person not in the system will be able to see issues (especially from a coaches perspective) that people in the club had no idea about.
I'm hypothesising here, but I would guess that the review was probably done at the insistence of the NRL to see the key areas where the advanced money from the NRL should be spent to improve football operations.

They should pour the whole 8 million into the HPU. It would seem we're about 20 years behind the rest of the teams when it comes to injury management.


This is all just completely ludicrous.

I've said this before, Potter was always going to get re-signed but the terms of his contract would be determined by how we finish after RD26. Maybe if we got the spoon he would be dumped, but what if we end up finishing top 4? I'm sure he would want a larger contract than he currently has and would deserve as much.

I love these forums because we can all talk completely out of our assholes and its very entertaining, but some people really need to get the sand out of their vaginas.


Is the Kidwell rumour true ? Just heardon radio he will be in charge next year.

sorry if I have heard it it wrong but.....can anyone confirm


First Grade
Their is some talk that he could be axed.Also mullet man Parish has asked and been granted a release by the Raiders.....who kno

Eddie Lab

if the Tigers only options are Parish, Kidwell and Toddy then why on earth would they make a change? none of these guys would be a substantial upgrade to potter.


I hope the sportal rumour is true:

Potter still the man?
The push by senior Wests Tigers players to oust coach Mick Potter is on the verge of back-firing.
After all-but sending Potter to walk the plank last week, the club is now seriously considering giving the embattled coach a new deal.
The Tigers' stunning win over the Bulldogs, coupled with a resistance against the players dictating terms to the board, have resulted in the backflip.
Chief executive Grant Mayer has also been put under massive pressure to back Potter from influential sections of the media.
If Potter does stay, there will be changes to the coaching structure.
Assistant coaches Todd Payten and David Kidwell are both likely to leave and the club is likely to hire a head of coaching to oversee Potter's work.
