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premier teams merge


am i the only one who thinks it would be more beneficial for the tigers and magpies prem sides to merge .


I for one don't UNLESS....

they play all their games at Campbelltown and they're called the Wests Magpies.

The Macarthur area needs a full time PL team.


Super Moderator
Staff member
i hear this all the time and its dumb.

go back a few pages and read some old threads to see what everyone thinks.

this topic is so old and repetitive that it should be given forum death.


Assistant Moderator
When they did it at St George I wasnt happy about it. And the lllawarra side weren't over the moon about it either.

It made economic sense but created divisions elsewhere.


you can see positives and negatives for both sides of it..
everyone could argue till their blue in the face over it..

if it were to happen.. alot of people wouldn't be happy.. just like alot of people weren't happy about the merger in the first place.. but a few years down the track the team and club have a strong following as will the PL if and or when it merges..


Super Moderator
Staff member
that may be true, but at the risk of many juniors and potential success in the future.

not to mention losing even more of the heritage and memory of Balmain and Wests.

I can't see many benefits if at all there are any, from merging the PL sides.


expect a merger very soon...

I should hope not.... or seriously I won't support the tigers anymore (unless they relocate to Macarthur).

We are the Magpies get it right,
we won't run from the fight
we will hit you with all our might
'cause we are the magpies black and white!!!!


Madunit: Your right! The loss of tradition will be very hard to handle and it shouldn't happen. Loosing the jurnior base will be even worse! Personally i don't like it at all! Balmain and Wests should be represented as two different teams at these levels....maybe a merged PL, but its still to great a loss!

However, its blatently obvious what the benefits are. We are sort of stuck inbetween two things here and it aint a good position to be in! Im sure if PL and JF teams merged then the flow on effects would hit first grade within a year.

Ahhhh its a very tough decision and i'd hate to be the person who has to handle it.

I suppose the bets option would be to produce a merged team that adaquetly represented the two areas.... yet isn't that what the JV was SUPPOSED to do?

Either way, no matter what happens, both areas should recieve equal games in all levels because they are equally as populous (spelling?) and no team has the right to more games than the other, bar FG level where i believe that it should be spilt 7/5 to cambo only because of the younger population level out there.

Again, such a hard decision to make and I only hope that what ever one is chosen, it is done in the best intrests of the areas and clubs and most importantly, that it is supported by all!


Madunit: Your right! The loss of tradition will be very hard to handle and it shouldn't happen. Loosing the jurnior base will be even worse! Personally i don't like it at all! Balmain and Wests should be represented as two different teams at these levels....maybe a merged PL, but its still to great a loss!

However, its blatently obvious what the benefits are. We are sort of stuck inbetween two things here and it aint a good position to be in! Im sure if PL and JF teams merged then the flow on effects would hit first grade within a year.

Ahhhh its a very tough decision and i'd hate to be the person who has to handle it.

I suppose the bets option would be to produce a merged team that adaquetly represented the two areas.... yet isn't that what the JV was SUPPOSED to do?

Either way, no matter what happens, both areas should recieve equal games in all levels because they are equally as populous (spelling?) and no team has the right to more games than the other, bar FG level where i believe that it should be spilt 7/5 to cambo only because of the younger population level out there.

Again, such a hard decision to make and I only hope that what ever one is chosen, it is done in the best intrests of the areas and clubs and most importantly, that it is supported by all!

The problem is the flow on effect never occurs like it should! St George Illawarra share a PL team and it hasn't made them super successfull. It may have even resulted in less talent from Illawarra being discovered.

Personally both the Balmain and the Macarthur area require a PL team to help the areas develoment of future first grade players. Rugby League in NSW needs more top class teams not less to ensure a path for juniors pogression to their ultimate goal of playing 1st grade.

Make it too hard to get selected into PL by limiting places and players may just leave their dreams of making it in League and just play as a weekend hobby as they follow professional careers in the work place.


Mate i totally agree!
Having a merged PL team would limit the places available... and having seperate teams would open up spaces for players who might be pushed asside is the teams merged!

There is no doubt about it! Having a split PL/JF team has HUGE positives!


Please don't merge. The premier league has a big advantage over the NewsRL, its called traditional teams. I want my mighty jets playing "magpies" like they did in 1908. Tribal grass roots rugby league. I think it is a bit sad the Balmain PL team has "Ryde-Eastwood" in their name, please dont further destroy these identities.


greg said:
Please don't merge. The premier league has a big advantage over the NewsRL, its called traditional teams. I want my mighty jets playing "magpies" like they did in 1908. Tribal grass roots rugby league. I think it is a bit sad the Balmain PL team has "Ryde-Eastwood" in their name, please dont further destroy these identities.

Totally agree!


It makes total sense to merge.

It would improve the competition for First Grade spots.

Saves everyone money and more cohesion amonst all footballers concerned.

The identities were destroyed when first grade merged.

However we can still remember where the Wests Tigers come from, that being Wests and Balmain.

I don't think we would lose many supporters I think you would find these days that the large majority of Wests Tigers fans support a merged Premier League team.

People have moved on.


chunk said:
It makes total sense to merge.

1. It would improve the competition for First Grade spots.

2. Saves everyone money and more cohesion amonst all footballers concerned.

3. The identities were destroyed when first grade merged.

4. However we can still remember where the Wests Tigers come from, that being Wests and Balmain.

5. I don't think we would lose many supporters I think you would find these days that the large majority of Wests Tigers fans support a merged Premier League team.

People have moved on.

1. In theory your right. but if your good enough now, you should be able to make it any way.

2. Saves money yes! Good for developing football players in the areas, No! There is more to football development than creating NRL players. If it can't have a fulltime NRL side, the Macarthur area definately needs a fulltime premier league side!

3. Lets not destroy the identities anymore.

4. That will be all forgotten if we merge all the grades.

5. I think you'd be wrong. It was hard enough for me and others I know to support the Tigers. Kill of the last remnants of the clubs history and fans will move on. What makes us support a team in the first place? Pure commercial entities don't have passionate supporters.

I'll be at Origin 3 with my magpies flag!