I thought Kids was one of our best, he was everywhere. Unfortunate errors at the end there, i think he was guilty of trying to do too much, which saw him caught out of position a few times. I think Ennis should come in for Farrah, NSW need his aggression, Mullen for Campese, McManus out Morris in. The Video Ref has to go. I'm not saying the no try decided the game (even though it was a big turn around) but it's ruining the game. I could accept the refs decission either way, but after watching dozens of replays it just sh!ts you that you know he's looking to find a reason to disallow it, and half the time they still get it wrong. What happened to benifit of doubt? Anyway I thought Gids had a good game, plenty of others in that side who should be feeling worried about thier spots, Gids isn't one of them he can hold his head high.