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Raiders stand down Goodwin and Carney over club claims

Phantom Poster

I just read it myself Biscuits. Irwin's a punk. Why snitch now? He's just trying to get his ironically famous name in the paper...because no-one gives a flying rat's ass about him. He should just fade into retirement quietly. The rat bastard.


First Grade
sweet jesus how old is he?? he looks a thouuuusand.

i understand he would be pissed off but if he objected to lying why didnt he object to it then??

carney certainly sounds like a tool though.
What a dirty bastard. While I do find some of the things he says suspicious considering how that all went down ... why say anything now, why not before? Why kick a man when he's down? Dog act imo.


Well, well, well. Seems like I am not such the d!ckhead now am I Raider_69? It appears as tho the Raiders have done something like this before. Seems a little ordinary to me.


Well, well, well. Seems like I am not such the d!ckhead now am I Raider_69? It appears as tho the Raiders have done something like this before. Seems a little ordinary to me.

Once again, a case of people who don believe anything written in the Telegraph suddenly deciding that it's in the Telegraph so it must be true because it suits their arguments.

How pathetic. Aren't you a Knights fan Steve? If not I apologise, but should we believe everything the Telegraph wrote about them at the end of last year?



There are two possible scenarios here that both beg differing questions to eventually follow.

1. There was no evidence to proceed with laying a charge against Carney/or the incident did not happen, if either of these 2 are the case,
why was he stood down for this weeks game if nothing happened, and have Canberra first made a knee jerk reaction to the public reaction ?

2. Canberra have spoken with the complainant and assisted him in deciding not to proceed with his complaint (can be done with any offence that is not a regina offence). If this is the case, how mnay chances do you afford your best player, and what does this say about Canberra's culture ?

Interesting claims also made this morning, that Canberra officials advised a former player to lie about Carney's drinking to Police re: previous driving incident.

This will develop over the next few days, hopefully for the game and canberra, allegations against the club are baseless.


Whilst I hate to give credence to a Telegraph article, Canberra's response to Irwin's claims seem pathetically weak. For instance:
"Irwin lacks credibility and discipline. That's why he has retired from footy. Wynnum (in Brisbane) didn't want him."
What exactly is McIntyre implying? That Irwin was forced into retirement because his lack of credibility made him undesirable as a player? Or is it that Irwin is a crap player, and hence must be a liar?

Am inclined to believe that there is at least a grain of truth in Irwin's claims. Lying to misdirect a police investigation is a serious issue - moreso because Irwin's testimony was taken into account in court. The benefit can hardly be worth the cost to the man.
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Irwin said last year after he was sacked,"I am filthy some people at the club lied to me."
When questioned weeks later he said"Out of respect for Todd I will not say anything,but things may change one day".
Is this the day,he says Carney has not even contacted him since the club sacked him,that alone is poor form.
Canberra are in for one hell of a ride,guys like Allan Tongue do not deserve this when a top 8 spot was there for them.
This has the potential to really blow the club apart,if officials persuaded Irwin to lie is proven,there are legal ramifications apart from NRL fines and sanctions,and possible jail for Todd.
Glad it is not the WestsTigers,good luck sorting it.


I dont see Irwin getting anything out of making these allegations, apart from 2 minutes of headlines. If anything he could be charged by police. Something smells here.
I dont see Irwin getting anything out of making these allegations, apart from 2 minutes of headlines. If anything he could be charged by police. Something smells here.

Payment from News ltd?

and if not this story could well turn into some cheque book journalism from ACA or today tonight.
It's really just stupidity from Carney, it's let down his team badly in that firstly, they don't have their no. 1 halfback on the field and secondly because it would affect the team's preparation.


I don't know about everyone else. But sometimes when you really need to go... I get it out... I aim... and due to the force it may come out at 15 degree angle. Or sometimes an upward angle. I'm not sure if this is normal or a medical condition, perhaps I should get it checked out. But it happens to me. I try and aim as good as I can.. but sometimes that first shot can be really off target. That's why I've always wonder why women make it such a big deal if you leave the toilet seat up. I always offer the same response. "Would you rather me leave the toilet seat up? Or would you me piss all over?" Works every time.

Could have happened to Todd Carney we don't know. It could have been an accident but due to words earlier on the "victim" thought it was deliberate. Or pretended it was because he was pissed off. That's why we should give the bloke the benefit of the doubt. I think any of us would feel the same under the circumstances.

"Try and aim as good as I can" ..f**k me dead it is not that difficult to piss in a bowl or cubicle..you do not need a telescopic sight taped to your pecker in order to hit the target...I think your medical condition is laziness nothing more..even a dog can piss straight..whats your excuse?


Eels Dude said:
That's why I've always wonder why women make it such a big deal if you leave the toilet seat up. I always offer the same response. "Would you rather me leave the toilet seat up? Or would you me piss all over?" Works every time.
I say "You leave the seat up for me, i'll leave it down for you".


Staff member
This is really not good for the Raiders.
The team is really starting to become a force and the media starts going into a frenzy.


Whatever. But look, I'm really tired of Todd Carney and the crap he has put this club through. He attracts nothing but bad news 95% of the time. I've just had a gutful. The Raiders have been on the up and again, carney puts himself in a position which results in bad publicity for the the team.

I just hope it doesn't affect their on field performances, because the NRL is crying out for a team to play the type of footy they have in recent times.

Pete Cash

Post Whore
Another shining light of journalistic ethics in the Telegraph I see. They really would publish the rantings of anyone if it suited their agenda.

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