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Raiders stand down Goodwin and Carney over club claims


Well that's a great attitude:roll:

He's an idiot if he did that,he needs to be out of NRL for a large period of time.
That behaviour is unacceptable.

It really is poor timing just as the Raiders were starting to fire,but if he's done something like that he should be reprimanded.

Goodwin is obviously not as serious,probably anger management?

Am i condoning the behaviour? No. If he did do it, then a punishment needs to be dealt out, but i honestly don't think we can afford to lose him at this moment in time.


Staff member
Of course you can't afford to lose him that's stating the obvious.
But the way you are saying it makes out like you're willing to excuse his behaviour.


First Grade
Gasnier left a sexually offensive voicemail message to a complete stranger. I think that should be considered to be a level above 'stupid'. Carney's proven offences may have been more physically dangerous but I think deliberately abusing people is no worse in intention.

your a bit of a tool


Staff member
Stupid thing to do from Carney just when you think hes turned the corner he leaves his career at the Raiders hanging by a knife edge.


He peed on someone? That's all? Aaaahahahahahaha....it's like he murdered someone to people. I mean, there's nothing I like more than a shower from the girly.

Seriously though - maybe he's looking at joining the Rabbits. Anyone remember what Jason Taylor did at the cricket? They may be able to share best practices.

This kids just a kid guys. Lighten up.

Eels Dude

you cant tell me that drunk driving is less responsible than leaving a stupid voice mail?? PLEASE. drink driving is a disgusting act that kills people and i have no sympathy for people who do it.

if carney really cleaned up his act after that i would respect him, but he obviously hasnt.

sleep - bahaha no no. i just mean i dont think its that big of a big deal. maybe im coz ive always been one of the boys im used to guys being idiots like that, it doesnt offend me.

Todd Carney committed a criminal act, he's payed the punishment, until it's said otherwise the current situation so far has just been accusations without any backup. He coud have hurt or killed someone but he didn't. It's no excuse but no one was hurt.

In regards to Gasnier, he may not have been as stupid, however in his situation there was an individual victim, who obviously took great offence to what he said to her. So what's the difference between a offence against an individual and a offence against the state?


First Grade
Canberra aren't winning anything this year, why not stand him down for the rest of the year or until the police have investigated and cleared him? He'd be lucky to keep his contract really, but Canberra are looking ok for next year and can't afford to have a loose cannon like Carney ruining their chances going into the finals.


Of course you can't afford to lose him that's stating the obvious.
But the way you are saying it makes out like you're willing to excuse his behaviour.

Oh kay. Well my posts are coming across as pretty positive as i am a huge TC fan but i don't want to excuse his behaviour, just really hoping for a lesser penalty than being sacked. Assuming all these allegations are true.

Eels Dude

your a bit of a tool

Thank you for your insightful reply. Hopefully when I get a bit older i'll be able to be considered half a tool. And a few years later i'd like to graduate into a complete tool.

If you disagree with a statement I make feel free to criticize, I'd prefer you to present your argument though instead of just resorting to random insults 'sooperdooper'.

Eels Dude

Canberra aren't winning anything this year, why not stand him down for the rest of the year or until the police have investigated and cleared him? He'd be lucky to keep his contract really, but Canberra are looking ok for next year and can't afford to have a loose cannon like Carney ruining their chances going into the finals.

Why should they stand him down before he's been cleared? That's going against the whole principle of "innocent until proven guilty".


mabye he was trying to reenact a german email i got sent this morning?

oh and in the pic of him and goodwin, he looks like he's peaking off his head.


If they didn't axe him after his drunk high speed chase, they aren't going to boot him for pissing on a dude. Last chance number 7 on its way.


First Grade
Why should they stand him down before he's been cleared? That's going against the whole principle of "innocent until proven guilty".

Because he's had some serious allegations leveled at him and has a history of doing stupid things. If he's cleared they can reinstate him, if he's found to have pissed on someone he's looking at the sack imho. It's not unusual to stand someone down when they are facing allegations like this.


Why should they stand him down before he's been cleared? That's going against the whole principle of "innocent until proven guilty".

nah I don't think so.

this is just analagous to a court remanding an alleged criminal in custody until their trial is concluded and guilt or innocence is proven.

you do it because it's safer not to have the person on the streets/on the field until you know what really happened.


*pushes up glasses*
Todd Carney committed a criminal act, he's payed the punishment, until it's said otherwise the current situation so far has just been accusations without any backup. He coud have hurt or killed someone but he didn't. It's no excuse but no one was hurt.

In regards to Gasnier, he may not have been as stupid, however in his situation there was an individual victim, who obviously took great offence to what he said to her. So what's the difference between a offence against an individual and a offence against the state?

f**k me, fire up!
Todd Carney you better hope the Raiders win a premiership before i ever catch you in the street.

With that being said...

Haters wanna hate....lovers wanna love...I dont even want none of the above, I want to piss on you..yes I do, i'll piss on you, i'll pee on you..

I said your boooody is like a port-a-potty..


Yeaaahh that's how it go down at the Todd Carney party...He sips Cris, you drink piss...


Eels Dude

Because he's had some serious allegations leveled at him and has a history of doing stupid things. If he's cleared they can reinstate him, if he's found to have pissed on someone he's looking at the sack imho. It's not unusual to stand someone down when they are facing allegations like this.

I understand that. Yet at the same time it can take the police weeks and weeks to investigate any claims. They can do that and find they've nothing against him. I don't think it's fair for Carney to sit out for a month only to be found out that he's been cleared. If the cops are so sure about his guilt then he should be charged straight away, if they're not, give him the benefit of the doubt and charge him once they've got enough evidence.
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