I have been considering why Kenny Dalglish would have screwed the Toon in the way that he did and I have some theories, the most likely one is the "fitting in theory"
A Geordie is a Scotsman with brain damage
Dalglish is already a Scotsman, therefore in order to "fit in" he only needed to act as if brain damaged
Selling good players and replacing them with middle aged hacks was the obvious way of achieving this
He could have worn a Sunderland shirt, but he wasn't that brain damaged
My second theory is that he was Scouse delusional
Everyone knows living on Merseyside leaves you in a delusional state.
Things such as Scousers are salt of the Earth types, Scousers are hard working people oppressed by Londoners, Scousers have a great wit, Liverpool are the biggest club in Europe..... that sort of thing.
Dalglish was obviously Scouse delusional. All he needed to do was white ant Newcastle and hey presto a title goes to Anfield. Unfortunately Sir Alex Ferguson got in the way.
My third theory was that the Newcastle board needed to free up some cash after Keegan sent them broke
(this last one is complete guesswork)