News with the Couriermail and Townsville Bulletin being the main rags in both cities, both had a fair amount of their tentacles reaching inside their respective locations teams.
Ron Mclean was the the main man at the Bully in Tvl and was then the Chairman of the Cowboys bid and the club proper once admitted. Him and Doug Kingston (News Journo) and Kerry Boustead were the main reasons we have a team in NQ as they were the drivers of the whole thing.
Once SL was set up NQ was always going to jump ship due to these ties, their financial handicaps with the ARLtravel and accomodation stipulations and the fact News offered to pay for a heap of upgrades to the old stadium made it a no brainer.
Have you read Neil Cadigan's book on the Cowboys?
I provided some excerpts from it
Cowboys were only able to pay their players until June or July. Without Super League they would have folded. The one thing in their favour is their sponsorship and corporate hospitality was always amongst the best in the league, even back in the 1990s. For that reason News Ltd kept them around.
The BRL was on life support before the Broncos were admitted.
Sir Joh banning pokies meant the comp was inevitably doomed.
If pokies were allowed, I have no doubt that up to 3 or 4 existing Brisbane clubs would have entered into the NSWRL in the 80s
Sir Joh didn't ban pokies. He just didn't pass legislation to allow them into licenced venues.
NSW was the only state in Australia to allow gaming machines into licenced venues between 1956 and 1991.
Queensland and Victoria legalised gaming machines in licenced venues in 1991. South Australia and Tasmania followed suit in the late 90s. Western Australia still prohibits their use in licenced venues.
BRL clubs went bankrupt trying to hold onto their players. I'll never forgive the NSWRL clubs for taking advtange of the gaming machine revenue that was only available to them. It's stupid how NSWRL fans say it's Queensland's fault. They ignore the fact their state was the only one in all of Australia to allow this form of gambling to ruin lives. The NSWRL clubs killed a great competition and then treated the Broncos like second class citizens. It was always going to lead to a rebellion, but the sooks down south are too stupid and selfish to sit back and reflect on their role in the Super League War. The big sooks still run around pretending to be victims.
Instead of hating the Broncos you should view them as brothers fighting against the corrupt cabal of the NSWRL.
Cowboys will always be my favourite club, but I've adopted the Broncos as my second team. It's us versus the mongrels from down south.