How do you know it stinks? ( dont bring up the manly match he went shopping either)
Well for one thing no need to emphasise someone elses point they re or are not in your retort.
You question my mentioning the player's attitude
-five coaches in seven years -
-A different board
- A coach who stuk up for them even when they underperformed
- A great roster - Sandow, Willie Tonga, Hindmarsh, Tim Mannah a NSW forward, and do not forget the Hayne Plane! They all have their detractors but you would like any of them in your own team.
BUT - Still horrid results - so who is to blame ? I say it IS the attitude of some of the players who just think it will all go their way if they turn up. Some players i am sure are trying their heart out - their captain being one of the best week in week out -
The other guys are waiting for someone else to win it for them, not to themselves and their own responsibilities
It is the players here who are deciding the results - not the five coaches or board members
Thats it for me