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Robert Lui???

The Rosco

Yep macnaz. Damn near choked on my donut when I read that. :shock:

Also, can you or someone else tell me what the ruling on Utai's try at the end of the game was ?.
I was watching the game at my local club . . . you know the one . .. and they had some 2 bob one man band blasting away at " Lying eyes" or something . . ., and I couldn't hear a bloody thing on the commentary.

Anyway, it was good to get another win. And not to be mounted again by the stupid bloody roosters.


He was outside the field of play - dived onto the ball making it dead even though it was ingoal, he need to put a hand or foot ingoal first



The difference is that Farah and Marshall actually contribute to the team. They are the reason we win games, same as Lawrence and Ellis. You will never see them criticized by us. But Lui offers zero in attack and even less in defense. He deserves every spray he gets and a little bit more.

Lui was involved in two tries last night and Farah was involved in none, and also killed our attack with stupid kicks more than once.

To say Lui contributes zero in attack is just wrong, it's not true.

Lui has had a very poor season, but now it seems no matter what he does he will always get criticised. If he made 40 tackles and set up five tries, someone would still find a part of his game to criticize.

Ignoring anything in the past and solely judging on Saturday nights game, Lui played better than Farah.

Just my opinion.
Lui was involved in two tries last night and Farah was involved in none, and also killed our attack with stupid kicks more than once.

To say Lui contributes zero in attack is just wrong, it's not true.

Lui has had a very poor season, but now it seems no matter what he does he will always get criticised. If he made 40 tackles and set up five tries, someone would still find a part of his game to criticize.

Ignoring anything in the past and solely judging on Saturday nights game, Lui played better than Farah.

Just my opinion.
I and plenty of people standing near me on Saturday night on that wet and very cold hill agree with you hybrid_tiger. Plenty of loud commentary on his performance and most of it positive. I'd say because of Benji's knee, Lui has had to step up in attack and with ball in hand has done OK.

People like Holdens more than Fords, some fans like one player more than another, it happens, but when the players who are not particularly liked, turn it around, how convenient to forget that or not have the ability to see that !!!!. I have not been a fan of Galloway but can come out and say I thought he had a top game on Saturday. Not been a fan of Moltzen based on his performances this year in the centres and at fullback, but on Saturday night he did very well. Lui did very well indeed and I agree with hybrid.

Bubbles, what about the 2 tackles that Lawrence missed on Saturday? Forget that he was off for an extended period, forget that his timing may not be there yet, what about those misses, what if it was those 2 vital misses that led to the chooks winning? You and others would still come out and just say that Lui shouldn't be there ?

Mods, close this thread about Lui, it's crazy. imo there are bigger issues at Concord, like, 2 wingers on the bench, moving Ryan to lock, Brown getting how many minutes?

Surely if Fifita wasn't going to get a run, they'd be better off putting a kid on the bench even after playing in the U20's and giving him 10 minutes. The Sheens coaching manual should be the biggest issue.


Mods, close this thread about Lui, it's crazy. imo there are bigger issues at Concord, like, 2 wingers on the bench, moving Ryan to lock, Brown getting how many minutes?

Surely if Fifita wasn't going to get a run, they'd be better off putting a kid on the bench even after playing in the U20's and giving him 10 minutes. The Sheens coaching manual should be the biggest issue.

Completely agree with this, there are far bigger issues than Lui, Sheens' ridiculous bench selection being one of them. If he rolls out a bench with two wingers again vs Manly that will do me.


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Staff member
There is no need to close this thread, the forum guidelines aren't being breached in this thread.

Furthermore, Lui was not as good as a lot of you think he was.

Lui has had one good game this year, against Canberra. Everything else since then has been rubbish. He may have been involved in two tries, but he let one in (almost two) with his f**king ridiculous defence which includes standing and not even f**king trying, and his running to the line before passing to a player who has the defence on top of him, isn't exactly smart play, or play that will set anything up. He did this several times, at least once or twice slaughtering the potential to create an overlap because the roosters defence rushed up, leaving big gaps out wide.

He lacked the vision, skill and nous to exploit that.

I'll admit when he has a good game, but to be honest, aside from last years finals and the game against Canberra, they are way too few and far between and he doesn't look to have improved in any aspect at all since last year. He appears to be at his peak.

He's played 35 games over 3 years, he should be showing signs of great improvement, but I just do not see any improvement at all in his game.

If he's having a poor season, then drop him.

He has no heart. At all.


There is no need to close this thread, the forum guidelines aren't being breached in this thread.

Furthermore, Lui was not as good as a lot of you think he was.

Lui has had one good game this year, against Canberra. Everything else since then has been rubbish. He may have been involved in two tries, but he let one in (almost two) with his f**king ridiculous defence which includes standing and not even f**king trying, and his running to the line before passing to a player who has the defence on top of him, isn't exactly smart play, or play that will set anything up. He did this several times, at least once or twice slaughtering the potential to create an overlap because the roosters defence rushed up, leaving big gaps out wide.

He lacked the vision, skill and nous to exploit that.

I'll admit when he has a good game, but to be honest, aside from last years finals and the game against Canberra, they are way too few and far between and he doesn't look to have improved in any aspect at all since last year. He appears to be at his peak.

He's played 35 games over 3 years, he should be showing signs of great improvement, but I just do not see any improvement at all in his game.

If he's having a poor season, then drop him.

He has no heart. At all.

Involved in 2 tries? Do you get a try assist for being in the backline and passing the ball? He would not play 1st grade with any other club.


See what I mean: two try assists and apparently they aren't worthy try assists because its Lui.

I will agree to disagree on this one. IMO is is nowhere near as bad as some of you are making out.


Super Moderator
Staff member
No one said they aren't worthy.

He lacks commitment, passion, heart or interest and mostly, balls when it comes to running the ball and tacking the tackle, or manking tackles.

He is rarely the first man to take contact in a tackle. Teams don't isolate him, they run in his direction, he makes no attempt to get in the way.


See what I mean: two try assists and apparently they aren't worthy try assists because its Lui.

I will agree to disagree on this one. IMO is is nowhere near as bad as some of you are making out.

I am with you although he has not lived up to his potential I think the last two games have been promising and he has been far from the worst on field. with the team being more settled his game will improve and I think he will see this year through.Lets not forget Benji or Robbie have not been models of consistency this year as have the majority of the team .(Ayshford,utai,gall,heigho & ellis can excused ) ...

Bit of an hidden agenda here I think,reminds me of a couple of year's ago'....
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No one said they aren't worthy.

He lacks commitment, passion, heart or interest and mostly, balls when it comes to running the ball and tacking the tackle, or manking tackles.

He is rarely the first man to take contact in a tackle. Teams don't isolate him, they run in his direction, he makes no attempt to get in the way.

DanOz basically said he shouldn't be credited with them because he simply just passed the ball. Well, that was the last pass before a try so it counts as a try assist, simple as that.

Lui's defence for the Anasta try was poor. But so was Ellis' attempt on Guerra for the second try. But no mention of that.

Lui's effort in the disallowed Friend try was poor. But so was the lack of effort by Farah and Moltzen to get to the ball in the first place. But no mention of that.

Lui's defence is generally poor but he's not the only player that has defensive lapses that let in tries. Some of you think that he is singlehandedly responsible for every point that is scored against us. It's a team game and yes he is not very good in defence but he is not the sole cause.

And teams DO isolate him. Other teams have players who are poor defenders (like Soward) but they adequately cover for his deficiencies. We simply do not.

Last year Sheens paired Ellis with Lui and he acted as his protector in defence. The two also combined quite well in attack. I have no idea why this was changed but it should never have been altered with.


Super Moderator
Staff member
DanOz basically said he shouldn't be credited with them because he simply just passed the ball. Well, that was the last pass before a try so it counts as a try assist, simple as that.
understood. I certainly hadn't made that notion (i thought it was directed at me, apologies)

Lui's defence for the Anasta try was poor. But so was Ellis' attempt on Guerra for the second try. But no mention of that.
Because Lui does this same thing EVERY week. Ellis doesn't.

Lui's effort in the disallowed Friend try was poor. But so was the lack of effort by Farah and Moltzen to get to the ball in the first place. But no mention of that.
see above.

Lui's defence is generally poor but he's not the only player that has defensive lapses that let in tries. Some of you think that he is singlehandedly responsible for every point that is scored against us. It's a team game and yes he is not very good in defence but he is not the sole cause.
They are not lapses. he does it every week, all the time. He's not being dubbed as the sole cause of all the tries we concede, no one has even suggested anything remotely close to that, the fact you make a statement such as that is nothing more than a preconceived notion you already had on everyone's opinion, not based on what we are all actually saying.

And teams DO isolate him. Other teams have players who are poor defenders (like Soward) but they adequately cover for his deficiencies. We simply do not.
Don't give me that. Every team has poor defenders, yes, but those poor defenders at least try and defend their try line. As soon as team gets with 5-10m of our tryline, Lui shuffles towards the goalpost, creates a yawning gap and then dawdles up at the gap between two players, doesn't play at the ball and doesn't attemnpt a tackle. He does it all the f**king time. If he's a poor defender and too scared to actually tackle someone, put him under the bost behind two props so he doesn't have to do anything defensively. He's a joke in defence. The worst defender I have ever seen play the game, at all levels in my entire life, and thats based on him being scared of the physical contact.

Last year Sheens paired Ellis with Lui and he acted as his protector in defence. The two also combined quite well in attack. I have no idea why this was changed but it should never have been altered with.
He did the same type of thing years before to help Benji's defence.

Benji isn't a great defender but he's a shitload better than he was. Furthermore, he was never scared to make a tackle and still isn't.

The ploy is used to improve a players defence. Lui's defence is still non-existant, he saw it as an opportunity not to defend at all.

He's a lazy, pea-hearted, timid, scared, softcock who is starting to do silly little things with the ball in hand as well which remind of John Morris at halfback.

He should be dropped to NSW Cup for the rest of the year. If he can't find form there he never will.

The fact he was given so much more of an opportunity ahead of Blake Lazarus, Tim Moltzen and now Jacob Miller is f**king criminal.


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Staff member
And i'd just like to add, I don't expect Lui to come out and smash guys in defence. I just want him to attempt a one on one tackle when its needed most.

He'll have a dig occasionally in defence when play is in the opposition half etc, but on our own line, he literally bails and throws his entire team mates under the bus.

Thats cowardly and f**king gutless, all because he doesn't want to feel a bit of pain.

f**k off now Lui, you softcock little wimp.


The fact he was given so much more of an opportunity ahead of Blake Lazarus, Tim Moltzen and now Jacob Miller is f**king criminal.

I won't touch the rest of your post as it is obvious we disagree however I will say this:

Lazarus is so f**king good he is playing for Newtown in the NSW Cup, and no other NRL club wanted him.

Moltzen had ample time at halfback and was overrated. Does not have a kicking game for starters.

Lui has not hindered Miller at all, he will get his chance when he's ready and will be brought along slowly.


I`ll give you a tip, any halves in the game including Lockyer, Thurston, Cronk etc would struggle playing in the halves in our side as we have the least physical pack in the competition, we very rarely get a good roll on and have the opposing defence back pedalling and we don`t often have quick play the balls which give our ball players the time and space required.


I`ll give you a tip, any halves in the game including Lockyer, Thurston, Cronk etc would struggle playing in the halves in our side as we have the least physical pack in the competition, we very rarely get a good roll on and have the opposing defence back pedalling and we don`t often have quick play the balls which give our ball players the time and space required.

Spot On!
Till we get our pack sorted and start getting a roll on in sets then our halves will always struggle.
Mind you the Thurstons,Cronks and even Sandow have a go more often then Lui and try create something when the side isnt doing much- Lui bludges.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I`ll give you a tip, any halves in the game including Lockyer, Thurston, Cronk etc would struggle playing in the halves in our side as we have the least physical pack in the competition, we very rarely get a good roll on and have the opposing defence back pedalling and we don`t often have quick play the balls which give our ball players the time and space required.
Possibly so, but they would at least have a go.

Thats the big issue here
I agree that his form has been on whole quite poor this year. However, his game on the weekend was much improved.

I simply feel he is unfairly targeted by users of Tigers forums. Every club has a scapegoat who will be trashed, even if they have a good game. It is going to take a string of match defining performances for Lui to get the credit/respect he probably deserves - and for someone with his limited experience it may be a while before he puts that kind of consistency together.

Mate, I thought he turned the corner against the Raiders in Canberra.

I was at that game and I thought I was watching Cooper Cronk, but since then he has not fired a shot.

I praised the hell out of him after that game, but he has not deserved any praise since.

I can't believe we let the likes of Moltzen and Fifita go and retained Lui.


First Grade
Anyway back to Lui, the good thing is he can only get better and with the team starting to look just a little like a football team he might feed off that


Rob Lui will turn out to be a very good player. That's why clubs are chasing him. We just need to be patient.