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Round 14 - v Tigers

Dragon David

First Grade
Thanks mate, I value your opinion.
Benji must stay firm in his process and keep finding players until they all buy in to that process. As much as I dislike the dogs (I should have went with autospell that said flogs) Ciraldo has done this. He's chopped and changed his squad and finally all the team is on the same page.
The biggest issue for Benji is to get his team disciplined and to play 80min of footy. We still have a poor roster.
You know I have a place in my heart for Saints and I'll be rooting for them come September.
Lomax is playing exceptional footy....he'll be a big loss unfortunately....sent him out with a ring ;)
Good on you Nutz. It will all be sweet for the Tigers. It is just a matter of time, like us and has been for those blasted Dogs.

Dragon David

First Grade
Unfortunately Nutz your club and ours have been and are in a position that the fans are craving success because they havent had it for such a long time. Ultimately when you won the early games it was a false dawn and now after the club cleanout you are back to nearly where you were last year, as with us and the rollercoaster ride we have had this season. I would say Benji has the rest of this year, but if you get all the players next year and nothing improves my call is Benji will get the axe. We have a common bond mate and as much as I'd like to think we are on the way back up, the last 14 years have taught me not to go all in because I'll really get disappointed. Thank god this year is a definite improvement, Flanno and the coaches do deserve credit, but it wasnt that long ago Flanno looked like a broken man in the PC and we wanted to hang Young out to dry. I suppose as fans and members we crave consistency and the pride needed to wear the Dragons jersey. I can only speak for myself, yes extremely happy over the last couple of weeks but I'm very hesitant in saying we will go to Brookvale and do a number on the Eagles, atm I'm hoping for a good game and if we lose, it wont be by a cricket score otherwise we are back to square one again.
Nicely said again justa.


That momentum killing front row play might not matter against the Tigers who were awful last night. But, against better opposition it matters. It fxcking matters heaps. Yes, I'll enjoy the win that I watched live at the ground and then again on Kayo, but it won't stop me from having an opinion on who/what needs improving or replacing. Couchman are both better for this team than Lawrie. I'm a bit annoyed that he keeps taking up a spot in the squad each week at the expense of players who will improve our performances. The fact that stupid Haran and co. signed him for 3 more seasons is immeasurably dopey.
Cool man. I was there too, having a joyful time. Some of the song choices were top notch. Anyway I'm pleased that you won't be starting yet another thread this week whinging about referee calls and instead are pulling focus to one of our players. That's progress I spose.

Dragon David

First Grade
Good morning forumites!
I’ve read most the comments and it just goes to show winning is everything haa
Zac and capt were great in the 2nd half
Zac has certainly gone to another level this year and now with a guaranteed origin slot will become an even more elite player.
Wow Parra have certainly got themselves a bargain buy. Hopefully we can unearth another talented player to replace him.
Imagine how good this rapidly improving bits and pieces squad will become when we can put 2 halves together!!
Everyone can now enjoy their weekend and finally well done to coach and staff
I'm thinking that Mitch Moses will come into the next SOO and he will certainly be looking to use Lomax a lot in the next game. Madge could still be in the running to be the Eels coach and having both these guys could be like it is with Hunt and Lomax and Madge will be loving it.

Dragon David

First Grade
It's easy to be wise after the event.
Our first half was bog average and Hunt and Lomax were not exactly setting the world on fire - as you'd expect after a game on Wednesday.
Yes, it definitely was a worry NOTB. I thought that Hunt and Lomax might not have been a good thing to be playing after their good deeds in SOO1 and they did look a bit off especially with the way Hunt was passing to the right edge trying to get the ball over to Lomax and we were down 10 nil. Thank goodness they righted the ship and things turned out fantastically for us.

Dragon David

First Grade
I’m pleased for Kyle Flanno he has improved out of sight with his old man’s coaching. He also comes across as a good team man.
Kyle being in the team is like having his Dad on the field as well. Like Father,like son. Kyle is always trying and he will take the hard knocks to make sure that the team survives. He cannot do it all of the time, but he definitely tries his guts out for his Dad and for the team.

This is why Nathan Cleary and Ivan Cleary have been successful at Penrith as they are able to inspire the other players.

We need Kyle to inspire our guys. That reach out for a try was definitely a try for my money last night. The bunker got it wrong and Shane Flanagan mentioned that in his PC talk.

Dragon David

First Grade
Had the misfortune of clicking over to 9 a few times to compare their view compared to that of Fox ..How bad have they got .. Sounded like they were calling a Funeral ..
Even Gould who in the past would wrap the famous Club with the Big Red V..
Time for a massive over haul at 9 ..
Happy with the Fox coverage...Not perfect , but better than the other Mob
Yes, a lot of my mates and brother tell me this. I only watch Ch9 for the SOO series as it is the only channel showing it live. Kayo will do me fine, thank you even though there is some outlay per month and I can watch other sports as well and look at replays of sports. It is great.

Dragon David

First Grade
I'm sitting here on Saturday morning enjoying the replay and analysing the win. Check out the 2nd half stats.
7 trys to nil. 78% possession to 28%. 17/21 completions to 4/11. 51 tackled opposition half to 9. 7 linebreaks to 0. 858 run metres to 22. That's impressive. No reason to gloat as I feel for the Tigpies. I sure as hell would rub it in if we did it against the Rorters, Dogs Sharks and one or two others!
Simply put it was our turn

how good was it to finally? Put someone to the sword?

Yes, much better rubbing it in on those other clubs Dragons4me. The Tigers have suffered too much and being a merged club like us it makes me unhappy for their fans. Unfortunately for the Tigers, we had our best day for yonks and that is that.

It shows that with all the possession we had we could be big winners. If we had the same amount of possession against the likes of the blasted Roosters, Bulldogs and Knights, we would have beaten them as well. It is a case of if it is a slog fest, better field position and more possession and less mistakes, you win. It was our turn for a change.


Drop Suli, Lawrie and Marschke and replace with Lomax, Sua' and Hunt. That would be my suggestion but won't happen. This is a game that the youngsters like Couchmans', Feagai's and Finau's can build their confidence with. Do it whilst they are on a high after a win. With Molo out put Marschke on the bench as cover for Liddle and as posted before, bring him on and move Hunt to 9 for a brief period to give Liddle a rest.
Drop Suli? Suli?

Dragon David

First Grade
Lomax not charged. Thank goodness. It was an accident. Lomax eyes were on the ball all of the time and the Tigers winger being above Lomax just copped it. It could have been Lomax leaping higher and then falling onto his head. It was just one of those things.

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Cool man. I was there too, having a joyful time. Some of the song choices were top notch. Anyway I'm pleased that you won't be starting yet another thread this week whinging about referee calls and instead are pulling focus to one of our players. That's progress I spose.
Looks like you have me pegged. How much do you charge for your counselling sessions. I'll really progress with your wisdom and advice. Spose


Yes mate Manly at Brookie ...tough one
I'm sure there will be some who shout me down and say he's an edge forward but, for mine, Luch showed last night just how devastating and skillful he can be running the ball. He reminded me of a young Josh Papalii. Forget missing out on Fonua Blake, Luch is the big body prop we need and at 27, he is showing signs of maturity and commitment I haven't seen before.

dungay dragon

Yes, a lot of my mates and brother tell me this. I only watch Ch9 for the SOO series as it is the only channel showing it live. Kayo will do me fine, thank you even though there is some outlay per month and I can watch other sports as well and look at replays of sports. It is great.
same with the grand final Dave ..
The coverage just so bland , and type set from the previous year , and the previous year mmmmmmmmmm yaaaawwwwnnnn
Lets hope that Fox get both in coming years


I'm sure there will be some who shout me down and say he's an edge forward but, for mine, Luch showed last night just how devastating and skillful he can be running the ball. He reminded me of a young Josh Papalii. Forget missing out on Fonua Blake, Luch is the big body prop we need and at 27, he is showing signs of maturity and commitment I haven't seen before.

He was unstoppable at times.

Super display and shows what he has to offer when he is "on". Suli also monstered them.

A lot to like about our second half. Liddle is a team 9, I thought Kyle was great, of course Hunt and Lomax had blinders.

Flanno starting to mould this team nicely. Long way to go, but signs are good.


First Grade
I'm sure there will be some who shout me down and say he's an edge forward but, for mine, Luch showed last night just how devastating and skillful he can be running the ball. He reminded me of a young Josh Papalii. Forget missing out on Fonua Blake, Luch is the big body prop we need and at 27, he is showing signs of maturity and commitment I haven't seen before.
I am shouting. His damage is done on the edge similar to last night. He does not have the motor for middle on both sides of the ball.