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Rumoured and Confirmed Signings Part2

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You bring up Lui but I have never said I agree with him having an NRL contract either

I'd prefer a person who keeps their nose clean in the first place giving the advice, but that might just be me....

I don't either but NRL has shown they give chances after major convictions. So in that case if he's available (In the country for starters) and we need props. Ivan worked with him at NZ so would know his off field problems. I wouldn't be opposed to signing him. Though Masoe and Kasiano are my preferences

Panthers on the prowl deal with troubled kids for various reasons. So they need people that have been on the wrong side of law as well to work with the kids.


Well then you're a lot more forgiving then I'll ever be - No matter what club he goes to, if any at all, at least they'll get some media attention the next time he stomps on some blokes head when on the piss


First Grade
Robert Lui bashing his woman twice is far worse imo. Yet he's still playing

As a parent you can give your kids the advise what if none have a father and a doing the stuff he did?

We shouldn't be comparing ourselves to the worst cases. Lui shouldn't be playing either.

Big no from me for Packer. It's all well and good to talk about second chances but he's not someone I'd ever want to cheer for.


We shouldn't be comparing ourselves to the worst cases. Lui shouldn't be playing either.

Big no from me for Packer. It's all well and good to talk about second chances but he's not someone I'd ever want to cheer for.

Worst case? 1 is in Jail 1 is not.... Yet within the community the non jail is the worse crime. Yet Cowboys are fine for sponsors etc


Its not sponsorship I care about, I'm sure we could sign him and it would be accepted by the NRL world. Personally I just dont want him wearing Panthers colours, if we signed him I would accept it and move on but I dont want it to happen. Same as that VaiVai kid and cherrington and any other violent offenders who can play footy.


We even put Vaivai in a white ribbon jersey so the precence is there. As I said I think he will be deported and we should go after Kasiano...

Though it's funny the one's opposed are the one's that seem to think Ivan and Gould are on the right track.... So why not here? They did get rid of toxic players afterall


Reading the article it doesnt seem like Gus is that keen. I can understand why Ivan wants to sign him given their history but after 2 years in prison he might not be the same player he was. I think from Ivans perspective its more about helping Packer then improving the team.

Like I said earlier we got burnt with 2 players already that Gus gave chances...kinda over it.


Here are a few points to make about the Packer situation:

1. If you spend your whole life being told to show aggression, take the ball up hard, tackle hard and no doubt at times "belt them and dominate them", it is unsurprising when sometimes this gets out of control and results in violent outburst the like of which Packer has committed. I spent several years of my life in the army subject to the same type of aggressive training. Guess what? The same result happened with the occasional outburst of violent behaviour. The same outrage was vented by people. "Soldiers are thugs, they are animals, they should have the book thrown at them". I understand the outrage, but if you lie with dogs you will get fleas.

2. When a person makes a dreadful mistake, there are two schools of thought: Serve your punishment and then we will give you a chance to show you are reformed; You are a dog. You don't deserve a second chance. I don't care if you were beaten as a child and that for the last ten years you have been told to bash the hell out of people. You are scum. Go to hell. No second chance.

For those who have no forgiveness, I only hope you never make a mistake and have to count on people giving you help and a second chance. I hope that your life is not decided on whether people think you are "worthy", because they are so perfect they have the right to judge you.

For the record, I think what Packer did was shocking and he got an appropriate punishment. I know nothing of his upbringing or background. However, as a fellow human being, he is entitled to try and resume a place back in society and not be condemned to live life as a labourer (or other choice of job deemed lowly enough), as a secondary punishment because he is not worthy of doing better than that.

If the Panthers sign him, I will be nervous as hell and hope he behaves himself. If they are able to reform him and get him involved in community work to put something back into the community, then it will be a tremendous positive story for Penrith. If not then I trust the Gus will know when to cut his losses, just like he has with Taumata and Roberts.


Here are a few points to make about the Packer situation:

1. If you spend your whole life being told to show aggression, take the ball up hard, tackle hard and no doubt at times "belt them and dominate them", it is unsurprising when sometimes this gets out of control and results in violent outburst the like of which Packer has committed. I spent several years of my life in the army subject to the same type of aggressive training. Guess what? The same result happened with the occasional outburst of violent behaviour. The same outrage was vented by people. "Soldiers are thugs, they are animals, they should have the book thrown at them". I understand the outrage, but if you lie with dogs you will get fleas.

2. When a person makes a dreadful mistake, there are two schools of thought: Serve your punishment and then we will give you a chance to show you are reformed; You are a dog. You don't deserve a second chance. I don't care if you were beaten as a child and that for the last ten years you have been told to bash the hell out of people. You are scum. Go to hell. No second chance.

For those who have no forgiveness, I only hope you never make a mistake and have to count on people giving you help and a second chance. I hope that your life is not decided on whether people think you are "worthy", because they are so perfect they have the right to judge you.

For the record, I think what Packer did was shocking and he got an appropriate punishment. I know nothing of his upbringing or background. However, as a fellow human being, he is entitled to try and resume a place back in society and not be condemned to live life as a labourer (or other choice of job deemed lowly enough), as a secondary punishment because he is not worthy of doing better than that.

If the Panthers sign him, I will be nervous as hell and hope he behaves himself. If they are able to reform him and get him involved in community work to put something back into the community, then it will be a tremendous positive story for Penrith. If not then I trust the Gus will know when to cut his losses, just like he has with Taumata and Roberts.

Its not that I think he doesnt deserve a chance, I just dont want that chance to be walking into a contract with us. A bit rich to call what he did a mistake as well imo, he attacked someone and stomped on their head, he choose to do that. I've made plenty of mistakes but they never hurt anyone.

Being a soldier and especially a footy player doesnt excuse you from the laws of society, you are subject to them just as much as a painter or banker.
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Here are a few points to make about the Packer situation:

1. If you spend your whole life being told to show aggression, take the ball up hard, tackle hard and no doubt at times "belt them and dominate them", it is unsurprising when sometimes this gets out of control and results in violent outburst the like of which Packer has committed. I spent several years of my life in the army subject to the same type of aggressive training. Guess what? The same result happened with the occasional outburst of violent behaviour. The same outrage was vented by people. "Soldiers are thugs, they are animals, they should have the book thrown at them". I understand the outrage, but if you lie with dogs you will get fleas.

2. When a person makes a dreadful mistake, there are two schools of thought: Serve your punishment and then we will give you a chance to show you are reformed; You are a dog. You don't deserve a second chance. I don't care if you were beaten as a child and that for the last ten years you have been told to bash the hell out of people. You are scum. Go to hell. No second chance.

For those who have no forgiveness, I only hope you never make a mistake and have to count on people giving you help and a second chance. I hope that your life is not decided on whether people think you are "worthy", because they are so perfect they have the right to judge you.

For the record, I think what Packer did was shocking and he got an appropriate punishment. I know nothing of his upbringing or background. However, as a fellow human being, he is entitled to try and resume a place back in society and not be condemned to live life as a labourer (or other choice of job deemed lowly enough), as a secondary punishment because he is not worthy of doing better than that.

If the Panthers sign him, I will be nervous as hell and hope he behaves himself. If they are able to reform him and get him involved in community work to put something back into the community, then it will be a tremendous positive story for Penrith. If not then I trust the Gus will know when to cut his losses, just like he has with Taumata and Roberts.

That's complete and utter bull - I served in the Aus Army for 12 years and never, not once, got in shit for an "outburst of violent behavior" due to the way I was trained - It comes down to self control mate which Packer, obviously, has very little.

Why does resuming a place in society mean an NRL contract? What's wrong with laboring? Plenty of honest, non-criminals are laborers and have no problems with it.


His second chance will be his release, do with it what you will. Don't act like we are heartless judgemental pricks because we dont want him signed as soon as he gets out.

And i'll be honest I think an NRL player who is dumb enough to do what he did after signing a new contract and moving to a new country is a good chance of f**king up again.

Also looking at it from the footy side, he will be two years removed from the game with limited exercise and probably not a great diet, he might not be half the player he was. There are a lot of guys working hard to get a shot in the NRL, Russel had it and threw it away, I would hate to see him get out of prison and take the spot of a guy who worked hard for it and behaved the right way just because Packer deserves a second chance.
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Its not that I think he doesnt deserve a chance, I just dont want that chance to be walking into a contract with us. A bit rich to call what he did a mistake as well imo, he attacked someone and stomped on their head, he choose to do that. I've made plenty of mistakes but they never hurt anyone.

Being a soldier and especially a footy player doesn't excuse you from the laws of society, you are subject to them just as much as a painter or banker.
I never said it was an excuse, or that the rules don't apply. Of course they do and so they should. An individual is responsible for their own actions, no exceptions. I am merely pointing out the hypocrisy of training people to be violent in a controlled manner and then getting self righteous when it results in, you guessed it, violent behaviour.

Whatever words you use for his actions, misdemeanour, mistake, crime, error or evil act, it doesn't change anything. He has served his punishment and hopefully has learned from it. I share your misgivings about him signing for us, but some of the "no second chances and you should live life as a lowly labourer" comments on here are just so sanctimonious. In the next breath people will be saying "bring back the biff and the shoulder charge".


Yeah well im not sympathetic to him at all, if he gets another NRL contract then goo for him, I hope its not with us though.


That's complete and utter bull - I served in the Aus Army for 12 years and never, not once, got in shit for an "outburst of violent behavior" due to the way I was trained - It comes down to self control mate which Packer, obviously, has very little.

Why does resuming a place in society mean an NRL contract? What's wrong with laboring? Plenty of honest, non-criminals are laborers and have no problems with it.
The fact you and I didn't let the training make us aggressive outside of the army doesn't mean that that scenario doesn't occur. I witnessed plenty of explosions of violence from people like Packer who didn't have the self control and I'm sure you did. The fact that previously those same men were being asked to show aggression and if needed fight for their lives, means that it sometimes spills over into civilian life. Why be surprised by it? I'm sure if Packer was an accountant his aggressive tendencies would be more suppressed and he would probably wear glasses.

Since I have been a labourer for several years myself and come from a family of construction workers, I have no negative views of being a labourer apart from it's physically tough and doesn't pay that well. It was your view that it was below that of an NRL player, not mine and you want to limit his income and punish him a second time.

Who are we to decide what his job should be because he committed a crime?
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