ar·ro·gant - having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.By who?
You’ve come in arrogant. But you’re also dumb. Not a good combo.
ar·ro·gant - having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.
"Come in"oh my
feeling important are we?
My opinion is "arrogant " and " dumb ' ...................and your opinion is ?
I'll assume the ad hominem attack is due to the frustation that must be yours, having a critical thinking deficit and void of the intellect required to express an opinion - jog on buddy.
Oh look, Fred has come in for a little comment after taking his nose out of Kevin Feiges arse for a minuteGive the kid a break, Coby. He can't even remember when he was born
the definition of words is intellectualQuoting the dictionary to make your response sound intellectual…
Here’s the thing. I didn’t criticise your opinion at all, and I still haven’t. You are welcome to it.
You misinterpreted me pointing out that Frizell doesn’t make linebreaks (which was a direct response to someone saying it’s the bare minimum for a second rower) as my opinion comparing Fitz to him as a player full stop.
Once you realise the difference between the two, feel free to use some of your famed critical thinking to respond about how many linebreaks Frizell makes if you disagree.
If you’re going to go unnecessarily patronising, make sure you’re not the idiot at Comedy Central who’s missing the point first.
the definition of words is intellectualthen proceeds with a garbled, incoherent word salad of silliness. How old are you ?
recently re-signed I think, didnt like the Knights offer, went to market to test his value and there were no takers. ( no suprises ) Hope he's on a pie and a coke.Is his contract up for renewal or something? Didn't he have an ongoing injury last year? He did look more 'effective' on the weekend to be fair. He gets a 5/10 from me. He will need to get at least 7/10 on a weekly basis for me to be convinced.
He's a good squad filler, one of those players " In Emergency Break Glass " , type of guy you use if there's no one else available.I’ve seen enough of him in that match to give him until mid-season before I write him off as a lost cause. Getting a proper pre-season for the first time in 2-3 years and hopefully remaining injury free might see him get a bit of his mojo back.
Is the nsw cup game going to be on kayo?