Youcan add Rudd and Albo to those names, bring back John Howard ( yep, that won’t please those from the left I guess )
You can include Howard too, like all the ars*holes that keep selling the farm and pretending that they worked out a magical way of earning a surplus. Now we will all be just living on credit cards forever.
This ridiculous behaviour has now been left us with virtually nothing. Not much left to sell anymore. Add to that the self flagellating rhetoric of save the planet from that carbon nonsense crap, so lets shut down power stations and farming which of course they themselves are then creating scarcity with their insane policies and the real fun is about to begin in the next half decade.
But of course they will point the finger at all of us and blame our behaviour and population size and even more restrictions and control will be the order of the day as the solution to the mega global mess that they are solely responsible for just keeps on getting worse and bigger. But with so many gate keepers covering and shilling for them the morons that just follow will comply without to much resistance and there my friends life as we all know it will have changed forever.
Gronk do your best mate. You are the type of person that has helped hold the flame that lit the bomb that blew the world asunder. I hope you really enjoy your great new world of equality and abundance. Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick...